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Created March 4, 2021 13:37
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Vue composition api measurements
* @file: use-state.h.ts
import {Ref} from "vue";
export type DispatchFn<T> = (nextValue: T) => void
export type ResetFn = () => void
export type State = object | number | string | boolean | null;
export type MapFn<T> = (currentValue: T, nextValue: T) => T
export type ResultCortege<T> = [Ref<T>, DispatchFn<T>, ResetFn]
* @file: use-state.ts
import {ref, Ref} from "vue";
import {DispatchFn, MapFn, ResetFn, State, ResultCortege} from "./use-state.h";
export * from './use-state.h'
export const useState = <T extends State>(initValue: T, mapFn: MapFn<T> = (_, nextValue) => {
return nextValue;
}): ResultCortege<T> => {
const obs = ref<T>(initValue) as Ref<T>;
const dispatch: DispatchFn<T> = (nextValue: T): void => {
obs.value = mapFn(obs.value, nextValue)
const reset: ResetFn = () => {
return [obs, dispatch, reset];
* @file: use-boolean.h.ts
import {DispatchFn, MapFn, ResetFn, State, ResultCortege} from "./use-state";
export type DispatchBooleanFn = DispatchFn<boolean>;
export type ResetBooleanFn = ResetFn;
export type StateBoolean = Extract<State, boolean>
export type MapBooleanFn = MapFn<boolean>;
export type ResultBooleanCortege = ResultCortege<boolean>
* @file: use-boolean.ts
* const [flag, toggle] = useBoolean(true|false)
import {useState} from "./use-state";
import {MapBooleanFn, ResultBooleanCortege} from "./use-boolean.h";
const mapFn: MapBooleanFn = (value: boolean) => !value;
export * from "./use-boolean.h";
export const useBoolean = (initValue: boolean): ResultBooleanCortege => useState<boolean>(initValue, mapFn);
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