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Created March 7, 2017 09:33
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Regions for aws
* eu-west-2
* ap-south-1
* us-east-2
* ap-northeast-2
* us-west-2
* ap-southeast-2
* eu-central-1
* eu-west-1
* ca-central-1
* ap-northeast-1
* us-east-1
* us-west-1
* ap-southeast-1
* sa-east-1
Services for aws
* sdb
* elasticloadbalancing
* ssm
* ds
* logs
* elasticmapreduce
* budgets
* codedeploy
* route53domains
* dms
* cur
* config
* opsworks
* waf
* storagegateway
* ec2
* es
* waf-regional
* route53
* swf
* streams.dynamodb
* iot
* cognito-idp
* firehose
* cloudsearch
* support
* application-autoscaling
* events
* metering.marketplace
* ecs
* batch
* polly
* importexport
* glacier
* cognito-sync
* marketplacecommerceanalytics
* mobileanalytics
* snowball
* sms
* sts
* workspaces
* kinesisanalytics
* monitoring
* redshift
* states
* inspector
* lambda
* clouddirectory
* autoscaling
* ec2metadata
* discovery
* codepipeline
* elasticbeanstalk
* codebuild
* cloudfront
* ecr
* email
* servicecatalog
* xray
* devicefarm
* machinelearning
* sqs
* rds
* apigateway
* s3
* rekognition
* dynamodb
* gamelift
* opsworks-cm
* kinesis
* shield
* cloudhsm
* sns
* lightsail
* health
* cognito-identity
* cloudformation
* cloudtrail
* datapipeline
* elasticfilesystem
* appstream2
* directconnect
* runtime.lex
* iam
* codecommit
* pinpoint
* elastictranscoder
* acm
* elasticache
* kms
Regions for aws-cn
* cn-north-1
Services for aws-cn
* elasticmapreduce
* dynamodb
* elasticbeanstalk
* streams.dynamodb
* ec2
* sns
* config
* ec2metadata
* directconnect
* rds
* storagegateway
* glacier
* iam
* monitoring
* elasticloadbalancing
* swf
* s3
* redshift
* autoscaling
* elasticache
* kinesis
* cloudtrail
* cloudformation
* sqs
* logs
* sts
* events
Regions for aws-us-gov
* us-gov-west-1
Services for aws-us-gov
* ec2
* config
* sqs
* cloudformation
* glacier
* rds
* monitoring
* autoscaling
* logs
* cloudtrail
* elasticloadbalancing
* ec2metadata
* swf
* sts
* streams.dynamodb
* directconnect
* dynamodb
* iam
* sns
* kms
* s3
* elasticache
* redshift
* cloudhsm
* elasticmapreduce
* snowball
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