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FsJson.fs a fast document-oriented json parser for F#
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module FsJson | |
open System | |
open System.Text.RegularExpressions | |
open System.Text | |
open System.IO | |
open System.Globalization | |
type Json = | |
| JsonObject of Map<string,Json> | |
| JsonString of String | |
| JsonFloat of float | |
| JsonInt of int | |
| JsonInt64 of int64 | |
| JsonBool of bool | |
| JsonNull | |
| JsonArray of Json array | |
static member (?)(a, p) = | |
match a with | |
| JsonObject js -> | |
let v = js |> Map.tryFind p | |
match v with Some p -> p | None -> JsonNull | |
| _ -> JsonNull //failwith (sprintf "json value is not an object: %A" a) | |
static member (?<-)(a, k, v) = | |
match a with | |
| JsonObject m -> m |> Map.add k v |> JsonObject | |
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "Assignment error: json value is not a JsonObject: %A" a) | |
member x.Remove name = | |
match x with | |
| JsonObject m -> m |> Map.remove name |> JsonObject | |
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "Remove error: json value is not a JsonObject: %A" name) | |
member x.Val = | |
match x with | |
| JsonString s -> s | |
| JsonFloat n -> n.ToString() | |
| JsonInt n -> n.ToString() | |
| _ -> "" | |
member x.ValD = | |
match x with | |
| JsonString s -> DateTime.Parse(s) | |
| JsonFloat n -> DateTime.FromFileTime(Convert.ToInt64(n)) | |
| JsonInt n -> DateTime.FromFileTime(Convert.ToInt64(n)) | |
| x -> failwith (sprintf "cannot convert value to date: %A" x) | |
member x.ValDF format = | |
match x with | |
| JsonString s -> DateTime.ParseExact(s, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) | |
| x -> failwith (sprintf "cannot convert value to date: %A" x) | |
member x.ValF = | |
match x with | |
| JsonFloat n -> n | |
| JsonInt n -> (float)n | |
| _ -> failwith "not a numeric value" | |
member x.ValB = | |
match x with | |
| JsonBool n -> n | |
| _ -> failwith "not a boolean value" | |
member x.ValI = | |
match x with | |
| JsonInt n -> n | |
| JsonFloat n -> Convert.ToInt32(n) | |
| _ -> failwith "not a numeric value" | |
member x.ValI64 = | |
match x with | |
| JsonInt64 n -> n | |
| JsonInt n -> int64 n | |
| JsonFloat n -> Convert.ToInt64(n) | |
| _ -> failwith "not a numeric value" | |
member x.Item | |
with get(index) = | |
match x with | |
| JsonArray arr -> arr.[index] | |
| _ -> failwith "Json object is not an array" | |
member x.Named | |
with get(index) = | |
match x with | |
| JsonObject pMap -> pMap.[index] | |
| _ -> failwith "Json value is not a JsonObject" | |
member x.Count = match x with JsonArray arr -> arr.Length | _ -> 0 | |
member x.Names = | |
match x with | |
| JsonObject m -> m |> Map.toList |> (fun (k,v) -> k) | |
| x -> [] | |
member x.HasName k = | |
match x with | |
| JsonObject map -> map.ContainsKey k | |
| _ -> false | |
member x.IsNotNull = match x with JsonNull -> false | _ -> true | |
member x.Array = match x with JsonArray arr -> arr | _ -> failwith "json value is not a JsonArray" | |
member x.Map = match x with JsonObject j -> j | _ -> failwith "json value is not a JsonObject" | |
and JsonSlot = String * Json | |
type Scanner = Scn of bool*(Char->Scanner) | |
type Strn = int*string | |
let tkTrue = "true".ToCharArray() | |
let tkFalse = "false".ToCharArray() | |
let tkNull = "null".ToCharArray() | |
let errorOut msg (inp:Strn) = | |
let start,str = inp | |
let e = | |
if start >= str.Length then "[end of input]" | |
elif start + 100 < str.Length then sprintf "%s..." (str.Substring(start,100)) | |
else str.Substring(start) | |
failwith (sprintf "%s at %A" msg e) | |
let rec (|Star|_|) f acc s = | |
match f s with | |
| Some(m, rest) -> (|Star|_|) f (m::acc) rest | |
| None -> (acc |> List.rev, s) |> Some | |
let rec (|Star2|_|) f acc s = | |
match f s with | |
| Some((k,v), rest) -> (|Star2|_|) f (acc |> Map.add k v) rest | |
| None -> Some (acc,s) | |
let (|Token|_|) (pattern:char array) (inp:Strn) = | |
let start,str = inp | |
let rec loop i j = | |
if j >= pattern.Length then Some(i,str) | |
elif i >= str.Length then None | |
else | |
let c = str.[i] | |
if Char.IsWhiteSpace(c) then loop (i + 1) j | |
elif c = pattern.[j] then loop (i + 1) (j + 1) | |
else None | |
loop start 0 | |
let (|CToken|_|) c (inp:Strn) = (|Token|_|) [|c|] inp | |
let inline append (sb:StringBuilder) (c:char) = sb.Append(c) |> ignore | |
let inline appendS (sb:StringBuilder) (s:string) = sb.Append(s) |> ignore | |
let inline newSb() = new StringBuilder() | |
let (|PJsonString|_|) (start:int,str:string) = | |
let rec skipWS i = | |
let nextI = i + 1 | |
let c = str.[i] | |
if Char.IsWhiteSpace c then skipWS nextI | |
elif c = '"' then scanPlain nextI nextI | |
else None | |
and scanPlain st curr = | |
let nextI = curr + 1 | |
let c = str.[curr] | |
match c with | |
| '"' -> Some(str.Substring(st,curr-st),(nextI,str)) | |
| '\\' -> let sb = newSb() in appendS sb (str.Substring(st,curr-st)); scanEsc sb nextI | |
| _ -> scanPlain st nextI | |
and scanReg sb i = | |
let nextI = i + 1 | |
let c = str.[i] | |
match c with | |
| '"' -> Some(sb.ToString(),(nextI,str)) | |
| '\\' -> scanEsc sb (i+1) | |
| c -> append sb c; scanReg sb (i+1) | |
and scanEsc sb i = | |
let nextI = i + 1 | |
let c = str.[i] | |
match c with | |
| '\\' | '/'| '"'-> append sb c; scanReg sb nextI | |
| 'b' -> scanReg sb nextI | |
| 'f' -> append sb '\f'; scanReg sb nextI | |
| 'n' -> append sb '\n'; scanReg sb nextI | |
| 'r' -> append sb '\r'; scanReg sb nextI | |
| 't' -> append sb '\t'; scanReg sb nextI | |
| 'u' -> scanUnicode sb nextI | |
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "not a valid escaped character %A" c) | |
and scanUnicode sb i = | |
let encoded = str.Substring(i,3) | |
let n = (char) (Int32.Parse(encoded, Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)) | |
append sb n | |
scanReg sb (i+1) | |
skipWS start | |
let tryFloat (numStr:string) = | |
if numStr.IndexOfAny([|'.';'e';'E'|]) > 0 then | |
let suc,num = Double.TryParse(numStr,NumberStyles.AllowExponent ||| NumberStyles.Float,Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) | |
if suc then Some(JsonFloat num) else None | |
else | |
None | |
let tryInt32 (numStr:string) = | |
let suc,num = Int32.TryParse(numStr, NumberStyles.Integer, Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) | |
if suc then Some(JsonInt num) else None | |
let tryInt64 (numStr:string) = | |
let suc,num = Int64.TryParse(numStr, NumberStyles.Integer, Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) | |
if suc then Some(JsonInt64 num) else None | |
let (|PJsonNumber|_|) (inp:Strn) = | |
let startIndex,str = inp | |
let len = str.Length | |
let check i f = if i >= len then (i-1) else f i | |
let rec ws i = if Char.IsWhiteSpace(str.[i]) then check (i+1) ws else numstart i | |
and numstart i = | |
let c = str.[i] | |
match c with | |
| '-' -> digit (i+1) | |
| x when Char.IsDigit(x) -> check (i+1) digit | |
| _ -> -1 | |
and digit i = | |
let c = str.[i] | |
match c with | |
| ',' | '}' | ']' -> (i-1) | |
| '.' -> digit (i+1) | |
| 'e' | 'E' -> check (i+1) exponentStart | |
| x when Char.IsDigit(x) -> check (i+1) digit | |
| x when Char.IsWhiteSpace(x) -> (i-1) | |
| _ -> -1 | |
and exponentStart i = | |
let c = str.[i] | |
match c with | |
| '-' | '+' -> check (i+1) exponentStart2 | |
| x when Char.IsDigit(x) -> check (i+1) exponent | |
| _ -> -1 | |
and exponentStart2 i = | |
let c = str.[i] | |
match c with | |
| x when Char.IsDigit(x) -> check (i+1) exponent | |
| _ -> -1 | |
and exponent i = | |
let c = str.[i] | |
match c with | |
| ',' | '}' | ']' -> (i-1) | |
| x when Char.IsDigit(x) -> check (i + 1) exponent | |
| x when Char.IsWhiteSpace(x) -> (i - 1) | |
| _ -> -1 | |
let endIndex = check startIndex ws | |
if endIndex >= startIndex then | |
let numStr = str.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1) | |
let jNum = | |
tryFloat numStr | |
|> Option.orElse (tryInt32 numStr) | |
|> Option.orElse (tryInt64 numStr) | |
match jNum with Some n -> Some(n,(endIndex+1,str)) | _ -> None | |
else None | |
//regex: @"-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?\b" | |
let (|TkTrue|_|) inp = match inp with Token tkTrue (rest) -> Some(true,rest) | _ -> None | |
let (|TkFalse|_|) inp = match inp with Token tkFalse (rest) -> Some(false,rest) | _ -> None | |
let rec (|PJsonValue|_|) (inp:Strn) = | |
match inp with | |
| PJsonString (v, rest) -> Some (v |> JsonString, rest) | |
| PJsonNumber (n, rest) -> Some (n, rest) | |
| TkTrue (b, rest) -> Some (JsonBool(b), rest) | |
| TkFalse (b, rest) -> Some (JsonBool(b), rest) | |
| Token tkNull (rest) -> Some (JsonNull,rest) | |
| CToken '{' (PJsonObject(slots, CToken '}' (rest))) -> Some (JsonObject(slots), rest) | |
| CToken '[' (PJsonArray(values, CToken ']' (rest))) -> Some (JsonArray(values), rest) | |
//we could have returned None for the default case here | |
//but the following help us to locate errors better with incorrectly formatted json | |
| CToken ',' (_,_) -> None | |
| CToken ']' (_,_) -> None | |
| CToken '}' (_,_) -> None | |
| _ -> errorOut "unable to parse json value" inp | |
and (|PJsonArray|) inp = | |
match inp with | |
| Star (|PPArrayValue|_|) [] (values, rest) -> (List.toArray values, rest) | |
| _ -> errorOut "unable to parse array" inp | |
and (|PJsonObject|) inp = | |
match inp with | |
| Star2 (|PJsonSlot|_|) Map.empty (slots, rest) -> (slots, rest) | |
| _ -> errorOut "unable to parse object" inp | |
and (|PJsonSlot|_|) inp = | |
match inp with | |
| PJsonString(n, CToken ':' (PPSlotValue(v,rest))) -> Some ((n,v),rest) | |
|_ -> None | |
and (|PPArrayValue|_|) inp = | |
match inp with | |
| PJsonValue (v, rest) -> | |
match rest with | |
| CToken ',' (rest2) -> Some (v,rest2) | |
| CToken ']' (_) -> Some (v,rest) | |
| _ -> errorOut "Expecting a ',' or ']'" rest | |
| _ -> None | |
and (|PPSlotValue|_|) inp = | |
match inp with | |
| PJsonValue (v, rest) -> | |
match rest with | |
| CToken ',' (rest2) -> Some (v,rest2) | |
| CToken '}' (_) -> Some (v,rest) | |
| _ -> errorOut "Expecting a ',' or '}'" rest | |
| _ -> None | |
let parse (s:String) = | |
match (0,s) with | |
| PJsonValue (json,_) -> json | |
| _ -> failwith "unable to parse" | |
///performs a pre-order traversal and evaulates the given function for each Json node | |
///collects the results in a sequence if 'Some' value is returned by the function | |
///the given function accepts a string (name) and json (value); name is empty for the root object | |
let choose (f:String*Json->'a option) (j:Json) = | |
let rec preorder (n,j) = | |
seq{ | |
yield f (n,j) | |
match j with | |
| JsonObject pMap -> for kv in pMap do yield! preorder (kv.Key,kv.Value) | |
| JsonArray arr -> for i in 0..arr.Length-1 do yield! preorder (n,arr.[i]) | |
| _ -> ()} | |
preorder ("",j) |> Seq.choose(fun x -> x) | |
let serialize (json:Json) = | |
let sb = StringBuilder() | |
let (!>) (s:string) = sb.Append(s) |> ignore | |
let appS (s:string) = | |
!>"\"" | |
for i in 0..s.Length-1 do | |
let c = s.[i] | |
match c with | |
| '"' -> !> "\\\"" | |
| '\\' -> !> "\\\\" | |
| '\b' -> !>"\\b" | |
// | '/' -> !>"\\/" | |
| '\f' -> !>"\\f" | |
| '\n' -> !>"\\n" | |
| '\r' -> !>"\\r" | |
| '\t' -> !>"\\t" | |
| x -> sb.Append(x) |> ignore | |
!>"\"" | |
let rec loop j = | |
match j with | |
| JsonObject pMap -> | |
!>"{ " | |
if not(Map.isEmpty pMap) then | |
pMap |> Map.iter (fun k v -> appS k; !>" : "; loop v; !>", " ) | |
sb.Length <- sb.Length - 2 | |
!>" }" | |
| JsonString str -> appS str | |
| JsonFloat n -> !> n.ToString() | |
| JsonInt n -> !> n.ToString() | |
| JsonInt64 n -> !> n.ToString() | |
| JsonBool b -> if b then !>"true" else !>"false" | |
| JsonNull -> !>"null" | |
| JsonArray arr -> | |
!>"[ " | |
if not(Array.isEmpty arr) then | |
arr |> Array.iter (fun j -> loop j; !>", ") | |
sb.Length <- sb.Length - 2 //remove the last comma | |
!>" ]" | |
loop json | |
sb.ToString() | |
let rec jval (o:obj) = | |
match o with | |
| :? string as s -> JsonString s | |
| :? int as i -> JsonInt i | |
| :? int64 as i -> JsonInt64 i | |
| :? float as f -> JsonFloat f | |
| :? DateTime as d -> JsonString (d.ToString("s")) | |
| :? DateTimeOffset as d-> JsonString (d.ToString("s")) | |
| :? bool as b -> JsonBool b | |
| :? Json as j -> j | |
| :? unit -> JsonNull | |
| :? (int seq) as os -> JsonArray [| for j in os -> JsonInt j|] | |
| :? (string seq) as os -> JsonArray [| for j in os -> JsonString j|] | |
| :? (Json seq) as os -> JsonArray [| for j in os -> j|] | |
| :? (float seq) as os -> JsonArray [| for j in os -> JsonFloat j|] | |
| :? (string*obj) as d -> jval [d] | |
//convert 2-tuple with the value a seq, list, etc. to JsonObject | |
| :? (string*string list) as d -> jval [d] | |
| :? (string*string array) as d -> jval [d] | |
| :? (string*string seq) as d -> jval [d] | |
| :? (string*int list) as d -> jval [d] | |
| :? (string*int array) as d -> jval [d] | |
| :? (string*int seq) as d -> jval [d] | |
| :? (string*float list) as d -> jval [d] | |
| :? (string*float array) as d -> jval [d] | |
| :? (string*float seq) as d -> jval [d] | |
| :? (string*Json list) as d -> jval [d] | |
| :? (string*Json array) as d -> jval [d] | |
| :? (string*Json seq) as d -> jval [d] | |
//convert sequence of 2-tuples to JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*int) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k, JsonInt v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*float) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,JsonFloat v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*string) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,JsonString v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*Json) seq) as d -> d |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*obj) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
//object with seq value | |
| :? ((string*int seq) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*string seq) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*float seq) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*Json seq) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
//object with list value | |
| :? ((string*int list) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*string list) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*float list) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*Json list) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
//object with array value | |
| :? ((string*int array) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*string array) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*float array) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? ((string*Json array) seq) as d -> d |> (fun (k,v) -> k,jval v) |> Map.ofSeq |> JsonObject | |
| :? (obj seq) as os -> JsonArray [| for j in os -> jval j|] | |
| o -> failwithf "Cannot convert value %A to JSON - consider using an explict constructor such as JsonString, etc." o |
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int64 handling added