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Created December 10, 2010 15:32
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module ComMonad
//type ComOp<'T> = (unit -> 'T)
let private runCom t = t()
type Com =
static member Run t = runCom t
let private result t = (fun () -> t)
let private delay (f:unit->unit->'a) = (fun() -> f()())
let private letBind f v :unit->'a=
let c = box v
if c=null |> not && System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.IsComObject(c) then
f v
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject c |> ignore
f v
let private bind f v = try letBind f (v()) with | e -> raise e
type OkOrException<'T> =
| Ok of 'T
| Exception of System.Exception
let catch work = result (try Ok(work()) with | e -> Exception e)
let tryFinally e compensation =
catch (e)
|> bind (fun res -> compensation();
match res with
| Ok v -> result v
| Exception e -> raise e)
let tryWith e handler =
catch e
|> bind (function Ok v -> result v | Exception e -> handler e)
let rec whileLoop gd body =
if gd() then body |> bind (fun v -> whileLoop gd body)
else result ()
let combine e1 e2 =
e1 |> bind (fun () -> e2)
let using (resource: #System.IDisposable) f =
tryFinally (f resource) (fun () -> resource.Dispose())
let forLoop (e:seq<_>) f =
let ie = e.GetEnumerator()
tryFinally (whileLoop (fun () -> ie.MoveNext())
(delay (fun () -> let v = ie.Current in f v)))
(fun () -> ie.Dispose())
type ComBuilder() =
member x.Bind(e,k) = bind k e
member x.Return(v) = result v
member x.ReturnFrom(v) = v
member x.Combine(e1,e2) = combine e1 e2
member x.Delay(f) = delay f
member x.Zero() = result ()
member x.TryWith(e,handler) = tryWith e handler
member x.TryFinally(e,compensation) = tryFinally e compensation
member x.For(e:seq<_>,f) = forLoop e f
member x.Using(resource,e) = using resource e
member x.Yield(a) = a
member x.YieldFrom(b) = b
let com = ComBuilder()
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