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"title": "Annual Monitoring Form",
"name": "annualMonitoringForm",
"type": "form",
"components": [
"tableView": true,
"input": true,
"collapsible": false,
"type": "panel",
fwextensions /
Last active October 13, 2024 04:29
Why the QuicKey icon inverts when switching between tabs

Thanks for the feedback! Let me explain why the icon changes and then see if you'd still want to disable it.

When the icon is in its normal state, pressing the "previous tab" shortcut (altA, by default) switches to the most recently used tab. As soon as it does so, the icon gets inverted. Pressing altA when the icon is inverted will actually switch to the tab used before the one you just switched to. If you keep pressing it while the icon is inverted, you'll go further back into the stack of tabs. After 750ms, the icon switches back to normal, and pressing altA will again switch to the most recently used tab.

As an example, let's say you open 5 tabs in order, so that tab E is the current one:

A B C D >E<

Pressing altA once will switch back to tab D:

fwextensions / gist:9e36b1b33445514507e5e582c94d5625
Created December 14, 2018 08:00
TGS v110 auto-restart console log
gsStorage 22:12:42 syncedSettings on init: Object
22:12:43.350 gsUtils.js:35 gsSession 22:12:43
CRASH RECOVERY CHECKS!!!!! 1544767963351
22:12:43.351 gsUtils.js:35 gsSession 22:12:43 Checking for crash recovery
22:12:43.351 gsUtils.js:35 gsSession 22:12:43 Aborting tab recovery. Browser is probably starting (as there are still suspended tabs open..)


  • foo
    • bar
Definition list
Is something people use sometimes.
Markdown in HTML
Does *not* work **very** well. Use HTML tags.
fwextensions / gist:cf35acf781058a3fe24e52b3a20af2b9
Created August 27, 2018 23:19
TGS v109 log of blockhead icons
1063 "15:05:22" "response from tab" Object
15:05:22.441 gsUtils.js:35 1063 "15:05:22" "tab updated. " Object
15:05:22.441 gsUtils.js:35 1063 "15:05:22" "Setting tabFlag: unsuspendOnReloadUrl=null"
15:05:22.445 gsUtils.js:35 1063 "15:05:22" "tab updated. " Object
15:05:22.445 gsUtils.js:35 1063 "15:05:22" "Setting tabFlag: unsuspendOnReloadUrl=null"
15:05:22.446 gsUtils.js:35 1063 "15:05:22" "send message to tab" Object
15:05:22.498 gsUtils.js:35 1063 "15:05:22" "tab updated. " Object
15:05:22.498 gsUtils.js:35 1063 "15:05:22" "Setting tabFlag: unsuspendOnReloadUrl=null"
15:05:22.501 gsUtils.js:35 1063 "15:05:22" "tab updated. " Object
15:05:22.501 gsUtils.js:35 1063 "15:05:22" "Setting tabFlag: unsuspendOnReloadUrl=null"
13:30:03.402 gsUtils.js:35 gsStorage 13:30:03 syncedSettings on init: {batteryCheck: false, discardAfterSuspend: false, discardInPlaceOfSuspend: false, gsAddContextMenu: true, gsDontSuspendActiveTabs: true, …}batteryCheck: falsediscardAfterSuspend: falsediscardInPlaceOfSuspend: falsegsAddContextMenu: truegsDontSuspendActiveTabs: truegsDontSuspendAudio: truegsDontSuspendForms: truegsDontSuspendPinned: truegsIgnoreCache: falsegsNoNag: falsegsTheme: "light"gsTimeToSuspend: "60"gsUnsuspendOnFocus: falsegsWhitelist: ""onlineCheck: falsescreenCapture: "0"screenCaptureForce: falsesuspendInPlaceOfDiscard: true__proto__: Object
13:30:03.605 gsUtils.js:35 gsSession 13:30:03
Extension initialization started. isProbablyProfileRestart: false
13:30:03.606 gsUtils.js:35 gsSession 13:30:03 Increasing init timeout to 11mins
13:30:03.799 gsUtils.js:35 gsSession 13:30:03 sessionId: 146083
fwextensions / test-qssense.m
Created July 24, 2018 06:30
Bodged together test of QSSense.m
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
// QSense.m
// QSqSense
// Created by Alcor on 11/22/04.
// Copyright 2004 Blacktree. All rights reserved.
fwextensions / ctrl-tab.ahk
Last active June 10, 2018 00:45
AutoHotkey script to use ctrl-tab shortcut to control tabs in Chrome with QuicKey:
#NoEnv ;
SetBatchLines, -1 ; Script will never sleep
ListLines Off ; Omits subsequently-executed lines from the history
#KeyHistory 0 ; Disable key history
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability
SetTitleMatchMode 2 ;
SetTitleMatchMode Fast ;
SetKeyDelay, -1, -1 ;
#SingleInstance force ; Skips the dialog box and replaces the old instance automatically
fwextensions / background.js
Created November 29, 2017 20:05
Chrome event page
chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(() => {
var timer = null;
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(() => {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 50);
fwextensions / gist:5385276
Created April 15, 2013 02:28
PEG.js grammar for the data in SVG paths
= wsp* data:moveTo_drawTo_commandGroups? wsp*
var result = [];
function flatten(a){
for (var i=0,l=a.length;i<l;++i){
var o=a[i];
if (o.constructor==Array) flatten(o);
else if (o && o!=" ") result.push(o);