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Last active May 24, 2021 15:02
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### Make some metric validation data
# Random predictions (AUC = 0.5)
awk -v n_lines=499999 'BEGIN {for (i=0; i<n_lines; i++) {print int(rand()>0.5),rand()}}' > label_pred
# Always correct predictions (AUC = 1)
awk -v n_lines=499999 'BEGIN {for (i=0; i<n_lines; i++) {label=rand(); print int(label>0.5),label}}' > label_pred
# Correct half the time, random and incorrect otherwise (AUC = 0.75)
awk -v n_lines=499999 'BEGIN {for (i=0; i<n_lines; i++) {label=rand(); r=rand(); r>0.5 ? pred=label : pred=r; print int(label>0.5),pred}}' > label_pred
# model output from file called "predictions" with labels "labels"
paste -d' ' labels predictions > label_pred
### One liners
# Accuracy
awk -v thresh=0.5 '$1 == ($2 > thresh) {t++} END {print t/NR}' label_pred
perf -ACC < label_pred
# Precision
awk -v thresh=0.5 '$2 > thresh {$1 == 1 ? tp++ : fp++} END {print tp/(tp+fp)}' label_pred
perf -PRE < label_pred
# Recall
awk -v thresh=0.5 '$1 == 1 {p++; $2 > thresh ? tp++ : 0} END {print tp/p}' label_pred
perf -REC < label_pred
# Root mean squared error
awk '{m+=($2-$1)^2} END {print sqrt(m/NR)}' label_pred
perf -RMS < label_pred
# Mean cross-entropy
awk '{$1 == 1 ? m-=log($2) : m-=log(1-$2)} END {print m/NR}' label_pred
#perf -CXE < label_pred # Doesn't give me the same answer
python -c 'import pandas as pd;from sklearn.metrics import log_loss;df=pd.read_csv("label_pred",sep=" ",header=None);print(log_loss(df[0],df[1]))'
# AUC with sort, rectangular rule
awk '{$1 > 0 ? p++ : n++; auc+=p*(n-prev_n); prev_n=n} END {print auc/p/n}' <(sort -g -k 2 -r label_pred)
perf -ROC < label_pred
# AUC with sort, trapezoidal rule. Invalid if prediction values repeat
awk '{$1 > 0 ? p++ : n++; auc+=(p+prev_p)/2*(n-prev_n); prev_p=p; prev_n=n} END {print auc/p/n}' <(sort -g -k 2 -r label_pred)
perf -ROC < label_pred
# AUC with sort, trapezoidal rule
awk '{if ($1 > 0) { p[$2]++ } else { n[$2]++ }; if (!($2 in a)) { a[$2]; b[s++]=$2 }} END {for (i = 0; i < s; i++) {cp+=p[b[i]]; cn+=n[b[i]]; auc+=(cp+cp_prev)/2*(cn-cn_prev); cp_prev=cp; cn_prev=cn}; print auc/cp/cn}' <(sort -g -k 2 -r label_pred)
perf -ROC < label_pred
# AUC without sort, trapezoidal rule, fixed decimals
awk -v decimals=6 '{if ($1 > 0) { p[int(10^decimals*$2)]++ } else { n[int(10^decimals*$2)]++ }} END {for (i = 10^decimals; i >= 0; i--) {cp+=p[i]; cn+=n[i]; auc+=(cp+cp_prev)/2*(cn-cn_prev); cp_prev=cp; cn_prev=cn}; print auc/cp/cn}' label_pred
perf -ROC < label_pred
# Train a l1 & l2 regularized linear regression model with stochastic gradient descent
awk -v n_lines="1e6" 'BEGIN {for (i=0; i<n_lines; i++) {print int(rand()>0.5),"|f","1:" rand()}}' > fake_vw
# n: eta, learning rate
# l1: LASSO strength
# l2: Ridge strength
awk -v n=0.1 -v l1="1e-1" -v l2="1e-1" '{r=w[-1]; for (i=3;i<=NF;i++) {split($i,f,":"); r+=w[f[1]]*f[2]}; r-=$1; w[-1]-=n*2*r; for (i=3;i<=NF;i++) {split($i,f,":"); w[f[1]]>=0?s=1:s=-1;w[f[1]]-=n*2*f[2]*r+n*s*l1+n*2*l2*w[f[1]]}} END {for (i in w) {print i, w[i]}}' fake_vw
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