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Last active December 12, 2024 10:30
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Extension for a Combine-Publisher that returns the current and previous value.
// Combine+Pairwise.swift
// Created by Felix Mau on 17.05.21.
// Copyright © 2021 Felix Mau. All rights reserved.
import Combine
extension Publisher {
typealias Pairwise<T> = (previous: T?, current: T)
/// Includes the current element as well as the previous element from the upstream publisher in a tuple where the previous element is optional.
/// The first time the upstream publisher emits an element, the previous element will be `nil`.
/// ```
/// let range = (1...5)
/// let subscription = range.publisher
/// .pairwise()
/// .sink { print("(\($0.previous), \($0.current))", terminator: " ") }
/// ```
/// Prints: "(nil, 1) (Optional(1), 2) (Optional(2), 3) (Optional(3), 4) (Optional(4), 5)".
/// - Returns: A publisher of a tuple of the previous and current elements from the upstream publisher.
/// - Note: Based on <>.
func pairwise() -> AnyPublisher<Pairwise<Output>, Failure> {
// `scan()` needs an initial value, which is `nil` in our case.
// Therefore we have to return an optional here and use `compactMap()` below the remove the optional type.
scan(nil) { previousPair, currentElement -> Pairwise<Output>? in
Pairwise(previous: previousPair?.current, current: currentElement)
.compactMap { $0 }
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Amazing!! Thank you so much for this 🙌

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