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Created June 13, 2024 16:56
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Malloy for GitHub webhook data
# First we declare out source which is a single table.
# You can join other sources together and Malloy will take care of doing the
# correct join conditions.
# To see the github events you can look at:
source: github_events is duckdb.table('./github_events.parquet') extend {
is_pull_request is metadata.event = 'pull_request'
counts is count()
# Let's refine our source with some pre-canned filters and dimensions
# that make sense to the sub-payload we want to look at,
# in this case: pull_request events.
source: github_pr_events is github_events extend {
where: is_pull_request and is_person
is_merged is payload.action = 'closed' and
payload.pull_request.merged = true
is_bot is not is_person
is_person is payload.pull_request.user.login !=
'dependabot[bot]' & 'ConfluentJenkins' &
'confluent-renovate[bot]' & 'ConfluentSemaphore' &
changes is payload.pull_request.additions +
size is pick 'small' when changes < 25
pick 'medium' when changes < 100
pick 'large' when changes < 1000
else 'huge'
view: by_size is {
group_by: size
aggregate: counts
view: by_author is {
group_by: payload.pull_request.user.login
aggregate: counts
top: 10
view: by_repository is {
group_by: payload.repository.full_name
aggregate: counts
top: 10
view: by_merged_at_time is {
where: is_merged
aggregate: counts is count()
# Let's start with a simple line chart and view how many PRs we are
# merging over time. We add breakdowns for by author as well.
# dashboard
run: github_pr_events -> {
# line_chart
nest: by_merged_at_time
nest: by_author + {
top: 10
# line_chart
nest: by_merged_at_time
# Let's take a look at the merged pull requests and see
# how they are broken up by repository.
# For each repository let's see the distribution of PR sizes.
# dashboard
run: github_pr_events -> {
where: is_merged
aggregate: counts
nest: by_repository + {
# bar_chart
nest: by_size
# Let's see the reverse, now.
# I am interested in the distribution of PR sizes, and the worst
# offenders by looking at the huge/large size.
# dashboard
run: github_pr_events -> {
where: is_merged
aggregate: counts
nest: by_size + {
# bar_chart
nest: by_repository
// Explain somtehin
run: github_pr_events -> {
by_repository + {
nest: by_author
by_author + {
nest: by_repository
run: github_pr_events extend {
where: payload.action = 'closed' and
payload.pull_request.merged = true
} -> {
select: *
# dashboard
run: github_events -> {
where: metadata.event = 'pull_request' and
payload.action = 'closed' and
payload.pull_request.merged = true
group_by: payload.pull_request.merged_at.month
aggregate: counts is count()
nest: by_repository is {
group_by: payload.repository.full_name
aggregate: counts is count()
top: 10
# line_chart
nest: by_time is {
aggregate: counts is count()
# bar_chart
nest: by_user is {
group_by: payload.pull_request.user.login
aggregate: counts is count()
top: 5
run: github_events -> {
where: metadata.event = 'pull_request' and
payload.action = 'closed' and
payload.pull_request.merged = true
# group_by: Day_of_Week_Merged_At
aggregate: counts is count()
# bar_chart
nest: by_repository is {
group_by: payload.repository.full_name
aggregate: counts is count()
top: 10
run: github_events -> {
where: metadata.event = 'pull_request' and
(payload.action = 'opened' or payload.action = 'closed')
group_by: payload.repository.full_name
merged_pr_count is count() { where: payload.pull_request.merged = true },
opened_pr_count is count() { where: payload.action = 'opened' }
} -> {
# percent
merge_rate is merged_pr_count / opened_pr_count
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