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Last active April 22, 2023 08:59
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my wezterm config
local wezterm = require("wezterm")
local act = wezterm.action
local keys = {
{ key = "=", mods = "CTRL", action = wezterm.action.DecreaseFontSize },
{ key = "=", mods = "CTRL|SHIFT", action = wezterm.action.IncreaseFontSize },
-- pane
-- 在一个tab内切分的子pane中移动
{ key = "LeftArrow", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Left" }) },
{ key = "RightArrow", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Right" }) },
{ key = "UpArrow", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Up" }) },
{ key = "DownArrow", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Down" }) },
key = "LeftArrow",
mods = "CTRL",
action = act.AdjustPaneSize({ "Left", 5 }),
key = "DownArrow",
mods = "CTRL",
action = act.AdjustPaneSize({ "Down", 5 }),
{ key = "UpArrow", mods = "CTRL", action = act.AdjustPaneSize({ "Up", 5 }) },
key = "RightArrow",
mods = "CTRL",
action = act.AdjustPaneSize({ "Right", 5 }),
-- 向下分割 CTRL + -
{ key = "-", mods = "CTRL", action = wezterm.action({ SplitVertical = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } }) },
-- 向右分割 CTRL + \
{ key = "\\", mods = "CTRL", action = wezterm.action({ SplitHorizontal = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } }) },
-- tab
-- 新建一个会话
{ key = "C", mods = "CTRL", action = wezterm.action({ SpawnTab = "CurrentPaneDomain" }) },
-- 关闭tab
{ key = "d", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action.CloseCurrentTab({ confirm = true }) },
-- 先前向后移动大的tab
{ key = "1", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTab = 0 }) },
{ key = "2", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTab = 1 }) },
{ key = "3", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTab = 2 }) },
{ key = "4", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTab = 3 }) },
{ key = "5", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTab = 4 }) },
{ key = "6", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTab = 5 }) },
{ key = "7", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTab = 6 }) },
{ key = "8", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTab = 7 }) },
{ key = "9", mods = "ALT", action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTab = -1 }) },
local mouse_bindings = {
-- 右键粘贴
event = { Down = { streak = 1, button = "Right" } },
mods = "NONE",
action = wezterm.action({ PasteFrom = "Clipboard" }),
-- 选中复制
event = { Up = { streak = 1, button = "Left" } },
mods = "NONE",
action = wezterm.action.CompleteSelection("Clipboard"),
wezterm.on("update-right-status", function(window, pane)
local date = " " .. wezterm.strftime("%a %b %-d %H:%M ")
{ Attribute = { Underline = "Single" } },
{ Attribute = { Italic = true } },
{ Foreground = { Color = "Cyan" } },
{ Text = date },
-- A helper function for fallback fonts
wezterm.on("format-tab-title", function(tab, tabs, panes, config, hover, max_width)
if tab.is_active then
return {
{ Foreground = { Color = "Colour231" } },
{ Background = { Color = "#24283B" } },
{ Attribute = { Italic = true } },
{ Text = " ﲵ : " .. tab.active_pane.title .. " " },
return .. tab.active_pane.title
return {
-- color_scheme = "Catppuccin Frappe",
-- color_scheme = "Dracula+",
color_scheme = "Aura (Gogh)",
colors = {
selection_bg = "#7CCBFA",
--color_scheme = "tokyonight",
font_size = 12.0,
font = wezterm.font_with_fallback({ "Maple Mono" }),
window_background_opacity = 0.7,
-- Smart tab bar [distraction-free mode]
hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true,
mouse_bindings = mouse_bindings,
keys = keys,
use_ime = true,
window_padding = {
bottom = 0,
-- tab_bar_at_bottom = true,
inactive_pane_hsb = {
hue = 1.0,
saturation = 1.0,
brightness = 1.0,
Copy link

fzdwx commented Sep 10, 2022

. "$HOME/.cargo/env"
export IDEA_HOME=/opt/idea
export PATH=:$PATH:${IDEA_HOME}/bin

export GOPATH=/home/like/go
export PATH=:$PATH:${GOPATH}/bin

export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk/jdk19
export PATH=$PATH:${JAVA_HOME}/bin

export MAVEN_HOME=/opt/maven
export PATH=$PATH:${MAVEN_HOME}/bin

get name xprop WM_CLASS

alias chrome="wmctrl -x -a google-chrome || google-chrome-stable > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
alias note="wmctrl -x -a obsidian || /opt/obsidian/obsidian > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
alias music="wmctrl -x -a yesplaymusic || /opt/YesPlayMusic/yesplaymusic > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
alias idea="wmctrl -x -a jetbrains-idea || /opt/idea/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
alias autoremove="sudo pacman -Qqdt | sudo pacman -Rs -"

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