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Last active November 12, 2024 05:19
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  • Save fzwo/01d62cebd21032683d87f51d094575d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fzwo/01d62cebd21032683d87f51d094575d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Download and view old Apple developer documentation

How to download and view legacy documentation from Apple (no need to sign in to your dev account)

  1. Download the docset index XML.
  2. Find the docset you want (there are some with URL; ignore them - you will find them again further down the file with a working URL).
  3. Download the dmg. It's probably around a gigabyte or so.
  4. "Install" the .pkg file somewhere on your disk. If you don't trust the installer, do it manually:
    1. Find the largest file, named Payload, and extract it using The Unarchiver.
    2. This creates a new, even larger file, probably named Payload-1.
    3. Extract Payload-1 using The Unarchiver.
  5. After many minutes of extracting, we have our .docset file.
  6. Use Kapeli Dash to browse and read the docset.

Why? Because Apple's old docs are often more verbose, and because they didn't mix iOS and macOS docs into one big mess. Or just because you need good information for backward compatibility, or what the official word was back in time.

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fzwo commented Jan 2, 2020

Thank you, @adurdin, for taking the time to say thanks for this little thing ☺️

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goranmoomin commented Apr 30, 2020

This is so helpful for everyone :-)

AFAIU this is the most recent link.

For people who are wondering how to extract .pkgs, using Suspicious Package and exporting the outermost folder to ~/Downloads(++E) and double clicking will work as well.


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goranmoomin commented Jun 27, 2020

@jigar007 Don’t install it, extract the .docset file in it.

Copy link

@pcr910303 Thanks, done, I miss understood that first. Do you know is there any way to easily create PDF document from developer framework documentation or archive? I tried to find a lot but haven't found any solution.

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@jigar007 You thinking something like my simple tool, apple-documentation-archive-scraper? It downloads PDFs like these:
Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 1 35 44 AM
You might want to clone & use it...

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@pcr910303 Thank you very much, I was looking for something like this only, but it downloads each page as a separate PDF.
I am finding something like this, python script to download so whole swift language guide as a single PDF.

I am thinking edit script to merge all the web pages before downloading as a single pdf, but I'm not good at Javascript, do you think is it possible to combine multiple pages before generating pdf by modifying your script?

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goranmoomin commented Jun 29, 2020

@jigar007 I think it's possible by just aggregating the HTML with Promise.all, joining them and making it a PDF would be not hard, but if you don't know JS and promises it might be non-trivial.
Unfortunately I don't have the time to modify it myself.

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@pcr910303 That's ok, Thank you very much for help. 🙂

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pteeson commented Jul 25, 2020

Thank you very very much..... brilliant. I used Pacifist to examine the .pkg. and extract the docset. Totally made my day as I am working using Core MIDI and this is going to help.

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

Direct links to Zip-files and Documentation pages from this page:

Part 1 of 14:

Click to Expand very large JSON.
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Table Search with UISearchController",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2018-06-04; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "KeychainTouchID: Using Touch ID with Keychain and LocalAuthentication",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "LocalAuthentication",
    "date": "2018-06-04; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CryptoExercise",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Security",
    "date": "2018-06-04; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CloudKit Share: Building CloudKit local cache and using CloudKit share APIs",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "CloudKit",
    "date": "2018-06-04; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Breadcrumb: Using CoreLocation to track user movement",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "CoreLocation",
    "date": "2018-05-17; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TCPTransports: Using Various Apple APIs to Run a TCP Connection",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "NetworkExtension",
    "date": "2018-05-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NEHotspotConfiguration Sample",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "NetworkExtension",
    "date": "2018-05-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ToolbarSample: Using NSToolbar to construct a window toolbar",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2018-05-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageBrowserViewAppearance: Customizing IKImageBrowserView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2018-05-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Earthquakes: Populating a Core Data Store Using a Background Queue",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2018-05-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DatePicker: Using NSDatePicker control to display date and time",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2018-05-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iChatAppleScriptSamples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "InstantMessage",
    "date": "2018-05-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageBrowser: Using IKImageBrowserView to display images",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2018-05-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StarterPlaygroundBook: A simple Swift Playground Book",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools",
    "topic": "Xcode",
    "date": "2018-04-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Unit Testing Apps and Frameworks",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Xcode; IDEs",
    "date": "2018-04-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PhotoMap: Loading and displaying geotagged photos as MapKit annotations",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "MapKit",
    "date": "2018-04-26; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Fox 2: SceneKit WWDC 2017 sample code",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "SceneKit",
    "date": "2018-04-05; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Audio in ARKit",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "ARKit",
    "date": "2018-03-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UnwindSegue",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2018-03-15; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreBluetooth: Heart Rate Monitor",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "IOBluetooth",
    "date": "2018-03-08; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreBluetooth: Health Thermometer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "IOBluetooth",
    "date": "2018-03-08; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Tabster: Various techniques in using UITabBarController",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "date": "2018-02-15; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SourceView: Using NSOutlineView with NSTreeController",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2018-02-15; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Interactive Content with ARKit",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "ARKit",
    "date": "2018-02-15; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVFoundationPiPPlayer: Picture-in-Picture Playback with AVKit",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2018-02-08; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PhotoPicker: Using UIImagePickerController to Select Pictures and Take Photos",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2018-01-11; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DateSectionTitles: Custom Table Sections with NSFetchedResultsController",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2017-12-21; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Checking and Requesting Access to Data Classes in Privacy Settings",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "date": "2017-12-21; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ButtonMadness: Creating and Customizing AppKit Controls",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-12-21; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ApplicationShortcuts: Using UIApplicationShortcutItems",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2017-12-14; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UIKit Catalog (iOS): Creating and Customizing UIKit Controls",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2017-12-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NavBar: Customizing UINavigationBar's appearance",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "date": "2017-12-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MapSearch",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "MapKit",
    "date": "2017-12-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LazyTableImages: Populating UITableView content asynchronously",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2017-11-30; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TouchCanvas: Using UITouch efficiently and effectively",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2017-11-16; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PDF Annotation Editor",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2017-10-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HLS Catalog: Using AVFoundation to play and persist HTTP Live Streams",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2017-10-30; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "Using the Watch Connectivity API",
    "platform": "watchOS; iOS",
    "technology": "WatchConnectivity",
    "date": "2017-10-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "Speakerbox: Using CallKit to create a VoIP app",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "CallKit",
    "date": "2017-10-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QuickLookDownloader",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Data Presentation",
    "technology": "QuickLook",
    "date": "2017-10-26; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PageControl: Using a Paginated UIScrollView",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2017-09-21; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NSTouchBar Catalog: Creating and Customizing NSTouchBar",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-09-21; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz2D for iOS",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "date": "2017-09-19; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVCamPhotoFilter: Using AVFoundation to Capture photos with image processing",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2017-09-19; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVCamBarcode: Using AVFoundation to Detect Barcodes and Faces",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2017-09-19; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenCL Parallel Prefix Sum (aka Scan) Example",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2017-09-19; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AlignmentGuides: AppKit Haptic Feedback Filtering using NSAlignmentFeedbackFilter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-09-19; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AccessibilityUIExamples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Accessibility",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-09-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LightTable",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-08-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DotViewUndo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-08-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DotView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-08-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CircleView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-08-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVCustomEdit",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2017-08-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ManagingContactsUI: Using ContactsUI View Controllers and Properties",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "ContactsUI",
    "date": "2017-07-20; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iPhoneCoreDataRecipes",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2017-07-20; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVCam-iOS: Using AVFoundation to Capture Images and Movies",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2017-06-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "TVML Guide: Core concepts in TVML and TVMLKit",
    "platform": "tvOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "TVMLKit",
    "date": "2017-06-06; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TVML Catalog: Using TVML Templates",
    "platform": "tvOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "TVMLKit",
    "date": "2017-06-06; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "User Interface 3D Transforms",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2017-04-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ZoomingPDFViewer",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "CoreGraphics",
    "date": "2017-04-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TableViewPlayground: Using View-Based NSTableView and NSOutlineView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-04-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Application Icons and Launch Images for iOS",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2017-03-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Ice Cream Builder: A simple Messages app extension",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "Messages",
    "date": "2017-03-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Using AVAudioEngine for Playback, Mixing and Recording (AVAEMixerSample)",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2017-03-23; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TopSongs",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2017-03-23; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "InfoBarStackView: Demonstrates how to use NSStackView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-03-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CFHostSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Sockets & TCP",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2017-03-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "State Restoration",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2017-03-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyCustomColorPicker: Writing a custom NSColorPicker",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-03-09; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MenuItemView: Embedding an NSView inside an NSMenuItem",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-03-09; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CloudPhotos : Using CloudKit with iOS and OS X",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "CloudKit",
    "date": "2017-03-09; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SceneKit State of the Union Demo",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "SceneKit",
    "date": "2017-03-09; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Packaged Document for OS X",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2017-03-09; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVMetadataRecordPlay: Timed Metadata Capture Recording and Playback",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2017-03-09; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Hello Metronome",
    "platform": "watchOS; iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2017-02-24; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Example app using Photos framework",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "Photos",
    "date": "2017-02-24; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Managing Contacts: Managing containers, groups, and contacts using the Contacts framework",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Contact Data",
    "technology": "Contacts",
    "date": "2017-02-11; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LaunchMe: Using a custom URL scheme to interact with your application",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "date": "2017-02-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MotionGraphs",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "CoreMotion",
    "date": "2017-02-02; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UIKit Catalog (tvOS): Creating and Customizing UIKit Controls",
    "platform": "tvOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2017-02-02; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LoopHealth: Using health documents and Activity rings in HealthKit and HealthKitUI",
    "platform": "watchOS; iOS",
    "date": "2016-12-02; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "echoTouch - Using the Voice Processing I/O audio unit",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2016-11-29; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CryptoCompatibility",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Security",
    "date": "2016-11-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MPSCNNHelloWorld: Simple Digit Detection Convolution Neural Networks (CNN)",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Metal Performance Shaders",
    "date": "2016-11-17; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AudioUnitV3Example: A Basic AudioUnit Extension and Host Implementation",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2016-11-14; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MetalImageRecognition: Performing Image Recognition with Inception_v3 Network using Metal Performance Shaders\n            Convolutional Neural Network routines",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Metal Performance Shaders",
    "date": "2016-11-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MediaLibraryLoader: Using MLMediaLibrary to load and display photos",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2016-11-03; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVAudioEngine 3D Audio Example",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-11-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Animalify: Using Safari App Extensions to modify pages and communicate with native code",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "SafariServices",
    "date": "2016-11-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WatchPuzzle: Using SceneKit and SpriteKit on watchOS",
    "platform": "watchOS",
    "technology": "SceneKit",
    "date": "2016-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UnicornChat: Extending Your Apps with SiriKit",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Intents",
    "date": "2016-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Scoreboard: A demonstration of RTL support on macOS using NSStackView and localizedStringWithFormat",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2016-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PhotoTransitioning: Using UIViewPropertyAnimator to create a fully interative and interruptible custom view\n            controller transition",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PhotoEditor: Crafting Modern Cocoa Apps",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2016-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MPRemoteCommandSample: Using MPRemoteCommandCenter respond to remote control events",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LucidDreams: Protocol and Value Oriented Programming Sample Code",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HelloGameKit: A skeleton app for turn based games on watchOS",
    "platform": "watchOS",
    "technology": "GameCenter",
    "date": "2016-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Flags: A demonstration of automatic RTL support in Asset Catalogs and UIStackViews",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AppChat: Using Peek and Pop APIs",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "EmporiumWeb: Request and handle Apple Pay payments on the web",
    "platform": "Safari",
    "technology": "ApplePay JS",
    "date": "2016-10-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Fit: Store and Retrieve HealthKit Data",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "HealthKit",
    "date": "2016-10-25; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "tvOSMaps: Using MapKit in a tvOS application",
    "platform": "tvOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "MapKit",
    "date": "2016-10-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SpeedySloth: Using HealthKit to build a workout app for Apple Watch",
    "platform": "watchOS",
    "technology": "HealthKit",
    "date": "2016-10-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SegueCatalog: Customizing and Unwinding with View Controller Containment",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-10-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RawExpose: Using CIRAWFilter to Decode RAW Images",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "CoreImage",
    "date": "2016-10-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quadrature: Computing the integral of functions using the Accelerate framework",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Mathematical Computation",
    "technology": "Accelerate",
    "date": "2016-10-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Proactive Toolbox: Increasing usage of your app with proactive suggestions using NSUserActivity",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2016-10-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QuickSwitch: Supporting Quick Watch Switching with WatchConnectivity",
    "platform": "watchOS; iOS",
    "technology": "WatchConnectivity",
    "date": "2016-10-04; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PotLoc: CoreLocation with iPhone and Apple Watch",
    "platform": "watchOS; iOS",
    "technology": "CoreLocation",
    "date": "2016-10-04; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleTunnel: Customized Networking Using the NetworkExtension Framework",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "NetworkExtension",
    "date": "2016-10-04; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PhotoProgress: Using NSProgress",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2016-10-04; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SpeedSketch: Leveraging touch input for a drawing application",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-09-29; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Extended Audio File Conversion Test",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2016-09-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Audio Converter File Convert Test",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2016-09-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Audio Toolbox Convert File",
    "platform": "watchOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2016-09-29; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Geometric Primitives: Exact Orientation and Incircle Predicates using simd",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "Accelerate",
    "date": "2016-09-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Color Gamut Showcase: Using wide color gamut in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch applications with SceneKit",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "SceneKit",
    "date": "2016-09-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Emporium: A Simple Shopping Experience with Apple Pay",
    "platform": "watchOS; iOS",
    "technology": "PassKit",
    "date": "2016-09-28; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VideoSnake",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-09-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Pathfinder: GameplayKit Pathfinding Basics",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "GameplayKit",
    "date": "2016-09-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MusicMotion: Adding Motion Awareness to a Music App",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "CoreMotion",
    "date": "2016-09-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ForceTouchCatalog: Using the Force Touch Trackpad API",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2016-09-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Footprint: Indoor Positioning with Core Location",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "CoreLocation",
    "date": "2016-09-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Exhibition: An Adaptive OS X App",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2016-09-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BracketStripes: Using the Bracketed Capture API",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-09-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PIVToken: Using CryptoTokenKit to add support for new types of tokens",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "CryptoTokenKit",
    "date": "2016-09-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVCamManual: Extending AVCam to Use Manual Capture API",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-09-15; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StickyCorners: Using UIFieldBehavior and other UIDynamicBehaviors",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-09-14; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "TalkingToTheLiveView: Sending messages to a Swift Playground live view and saving data to its key-value store",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Swift",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SwingWatch: Using Device Motion on the Watch",
    "platform": "watchOS",
    "technology": "CoreMotion",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SpeakToMe: Using Speech Recognition with AVAudioEngine",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyLife: A simple app for starting iOS development",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MetalGameOfLife: Data-parallel Programming with the MTLComputeCommandEncoder in Metal",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "Metal",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MetalBasicTessellation: A demonstration of the Metal tessellation pipeline",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "Metal",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Metal Image Filters: Using the image filters provided by the Metal Performance Shaders framework.",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Metal Performance Shaders",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Metal Heaps And Fences: Using Heaps and Fences in Metal",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS",
    "technology": "Metal",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MPSMatrixMultiplication: Creating and Multiplying Matrices in Metal",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Metal Performance Shaders",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Logging: Using the os_log APIs",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IntentHandling: Using the Intents framework to handle custom Siri request",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Intents",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

Direct links to Zip-files and Documentation pages from this page:

Part 2 of 14:

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    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Basic Neural Network Subroutines: Using The Accelerate Framework's Convolution Filters",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Mathematical Computation",
    "technology": "Accelerate",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Badger: Advanced Rendering in SceneKit",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "SceneKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Adopting Metal II: Designing and Implementing a Real-World Metal Renderer",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "Metal",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Adopting Metal I: A practical approach to your first Metal app",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "Metal",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AdaptiveElements: Implementing Your Own Adaptive Design with UIKit",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVFoundationQueuePlayer-iOS: Using a Mixture of Local File Based Assets and HTTP Live Streaming Assets with\n            AVFoundation",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVAutoWait: Using AVFoundation to play HTTP assets with minimal stalls",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "APFSCloning: Using clone APIs with APFS",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "date": "2016-09-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WatchKit Catalog: Using WatchKit Interface Elements",
    "platform": "watchOS; iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "WatchKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sample Photo Editing Extension",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Languages & Utilities; Graphics Tools",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GenericKeychain",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Security",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CloudKit Catalog: An Introduction to CloudKit (Cocoa and JavaScript)",
    "platform": "CloudKit JS; iOS",
    "technology": "CloudKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVFoundationSimplePlayer-iOS: Using AVFoundation to Play Media",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVFoundation Looping Player: Using AVQueuePlayer and AVPlayerLooper to demonstrate loop playback",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ViewControllerPreviews: Using the UIViewController previewing APIs",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ShapeEdit: Building a Simple iCloud Document App",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RosyWriter",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HomeKit Catalog: Creating Homes, Pairing and Controlling Accessories, and Setting Up Triggers",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "HomeKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Fox: Building a SceneKit Game with the Xcode Scene Editor",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "SceneKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Dispenser: GameplayKit State Machine Basics",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "GameplayKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DemoBots: Building a Cross Platform Game with SpriteKit and GameplayKit",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "SpriteKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Boxes: GameplayKit Entity-Component Basics",
    "platform": "tvOS; iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "GameplayKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AdaptivePhotos: Using UIKit Traits and Size Classes",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Activity Rings: Contributing to Activity Rings on Apple Watch",
    "platform": "watchOS; iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "HealthKit",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVReaderWriter: Offline Audio / Video Processing",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVFoundationExporter: Exporting and Transcoding Movies",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-09-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "aurioTouch",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2016-08-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLAirplay",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2016-08-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "EADemo",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Device Information",
    "technology": "ExternalAccessory",
    "date": "2016-08-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVLoupe",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-08-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StitchedStreamPlayer",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2016-07-14; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MetalShaderShowcase",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Metal",
    "date": "2016-06-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Using NSTokenField",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2016-06-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IconCollection",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2016-05-23; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TLSTool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2016-05-23; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimplePing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Sockets & TCP",
    "technology": "System",
    "date": "2016-05-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Reachability",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "technology": "SystemConfiguration",
    "date": "2016-05-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleCocoaBrowser: Using NSBrowser class",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Data Presentation",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2016-04-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UITableView Fundamentals for iOS",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-04-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ComplexBrowser: Using NSBrowser class",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2016-04-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CloudSearch: Query for documents in iCloud using NSMetaDataQuery",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2016-03-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MetalArrayTexture",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "date": "2016-03-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Fireworks",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2016-03-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Audio Unit Examples (AudioUnit Effect, Generator, Instrument, MIDI Processor and Offline)",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2016-02-19; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Tic Tac Toe: Creating Accessible Apps with Custom UI",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Accessibility",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2016-02-18; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MetalDeferredLighting",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "Metal",
    "date": "2016-02-18; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Regions: region monitoring, significant location changes, background location service, location service\n            authorization",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2016-02-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MatrixMixerTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2016-02-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Packaged Document for iOS",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2016-02-04; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Custom View Controller Presentations and Transitions",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2016-01-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "CurrentAddress",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "MapKit",
    "date": "2016-01-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MapCallouts: Using MapKit Annotations",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "MapKit",
    "date": "2016-01-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SeismicXML: Using NSXMLParser to parse XML documents",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "date": "2016-01-08; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Popover: Using NSPopover to display contents of a view controller",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2015-12-17; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VoxelPanda: Getting Started with Voxels Using ModelIO and SceneKit",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "ModelIO",
    "date": "2015-12-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenGL Queries",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2015-12-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenCL N-Body Simulation",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2015-12-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Metal N-Body Simulation",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "Metal",
    "date": "2015-12-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Deep Image Display with OpenGL",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2015-12-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SplitViews: Using NSSplitView in a variety of different ways",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2015-12-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PhotoSearch",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2015-12-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "EKReminderSuite",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "date": "2015-11-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GeocoderDemo: Uses CLGeocoder for forward and reverse geocoding",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreLocation",
    "date": "2015-10-30; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iAdSuite with Storyboards",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2015-10-29; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MetalVideoCapture",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Metal",
    "date": "2015-10-29; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PrintPhoto: Using the Printing API with Photos",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "date": "2015-10-22; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PrefsInCloud : Using NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore with iCloud",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "date": "2015-10-22; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CollectionView-Simple",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Data Presentation",
    "date": "2015-10-22; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TVMLAudioVideo: Audio and Video Playback on tvOS",
    "platform": "tvOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "TVMLKit",
    "date": "2015-10-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Real-time Video Processing Using AVPlayerItemVideoOutput",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2015-10-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MoveMe",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2015-09-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "KMLViewer",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "MapKit",
    "date": "2015-09-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Reflection",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "date": "2015-09-24; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WatchKitAudioRecorder: Audio Recording and Playback",
    "platform": "watchOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "WatchKit",
    "date": "2015-09-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SignalProcessing: Using Biquadratic Filter Functions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "Accelerate",
    "date": "2015-09-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FourInARow: Using the GameplayKit Minmax Strategist for Opponent AI",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "GameplayKit",
    "date": "2015-09-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CompressionSample: Compressing Blocks and Streams of Data",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2015-09-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaSlideCollection: Using NSCollectionView on OS X 10.11",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2015-09-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AstroLayout: Building Adaptive UI with Auto Layout",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2015-09-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AgentsCatalog: Using the Agents System in GameplayKit",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "GameplayKit",
    "date": "2015-09-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVMovieEditor: Editing the QuickTime File Format",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2015-09-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "XMLPerformance",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2015-09-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleEKDemo",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "EventKit",
    "date": "2015-09-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TheElements",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "date": "2015-08-25; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iAdInterstitialSuite",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "iAd",
    "date": "2015-08-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLEssentials",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2015-08-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CircleLayout",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2015-07-31; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaSpeechSynthesisExample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Speech Technologies",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2015-07-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DeferredShading",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2015-07-08; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MusicCube",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "GLKit",
    "date": "2015-06-30; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SearchField",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2015-06-25; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Using an AUGraph with the Multi-Channel Mixer and Remote I/O Audio Unit",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "CoreAudio",
    "date": "2015-06-19; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Son of Grab",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2015-05-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVLocationPlayer: Using AVFoundation Metadata Reading APIs",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2015-04-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DragNDropOutlineView: implementing drag and drop in an NSOutlineView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2015-02-09; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HID LED test tool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2015-01-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MetalInstancedHelix",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Metal",
    "date": "2015-01-24; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SceneKit slides for WWDC 2014",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2014-10-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "avmetadataeditor",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2014-10-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GL3 Text",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2014-10-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Passing IOSurfaces from one process to another via Mach RPC",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2014-10-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ListAdder",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2014-09-30; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Using AVFoundation APIs to record a movie with location metadata",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2014-09-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SceneKit Vehicle Demo",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "SceneKit",
    "date": "2014-09-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PhotoHandoff: Implementing NSUserActivity to hand off user actions",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2014-09-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LookInside: Presentation Controllers, Adaptivity, and Custom Animator Objects",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2014-09-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HelloGoodbye: Using the Accessibility API to Widen Your User Base",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2014-09-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CloudCaptions: How integrate CloudKit into your application",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "CloudKit",
    "date": "2014-09-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LocateMe",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Device Information",
    "technology": "CoreLocation",
    "date": "2014-09-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AppPrefs: Storing and Retrieving User Preferences",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Preference Settings",
    "date": "2014-09-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVTimedAnnotationWriter: Using Custom Annotation Metadata for Movie Writing and Playback",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2014-09-17; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Teslameter",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "CoreLocation",
    "date": "2014-08-25; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CustomHTTPProtocol",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2014-08-20; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVGreenScreenPlayer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2014-08-20; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WiTap",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2014-08-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Blurring and Tinting an Image",
    "platform": "watchOS; iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "date": "2014-07-31; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Internationalization and Localization for iOS",
    "platform": "watchOS; iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "date": "2014-07-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QuickContacts",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Contact Data",
    "technology": "AddressBook",
    "date": "2014-07-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVSimplePlayer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2014-07-09; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Simple Bindings Adoption",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2014-07-08; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Core Audio Utility Classes",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "CoreAudio",
    "date": "2014-07-08; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVPlayerDemo",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2014-07-08; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RawAudioFileComponent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2014-06-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Detecting OpenGL Renderer Changes",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2014-06-25; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SpriteKit Physics Collisions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "SpriteKit",
    "date": "2014-06-23; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HeightArray",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2014-06-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DocInteraction",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "date": "2014-06-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DateCell",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2014-06-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ConditionalRendering",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2014-06-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLPaint",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "date": "2014-05-19; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MotionEffects",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2014-05-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "enetlognke",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Network Kernel Extensions",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2014-05-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreDataBooks",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2014-05-08; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FunHouse",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2014-05-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AppList",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2014-05-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVScreenShack",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2014-04-29; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Using NSViewController for managing views",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2014-04-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DeviceSelectCLGL",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2014-04-18; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DeviceSelectCL",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2014-04-18; First Version"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

Direct links to Zip-files and Documentation pages from this page:

Part 3 of 14:

Click to Expand very large JSON.
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVARLDelegateDemo",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2014-04-18; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PreLoginAgents",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "date": "2014-04-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLTextureAtlas",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGLES",
    "date": "2014-04-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MoviePlayer",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "date": "2014-04-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "KeyboardAccessory",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2014-04-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Custom Animatable Property",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "technology": "CoreGraphics",
    "date": "2014-04-02; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Alternate Views",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "date": "2014-04-02; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Large Image Downsizing",
    "platform": "watchOS; iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "date": "2014-03-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "KauthORama",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; General Kernel Extensions",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2014-03-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PVRTextureLoader",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGLES",
    "date": "2014-03-25; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLImageProcessing",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGLES",
    "date": "2014-03-25; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Inter-App Audio Examples",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2014-03-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVBNetworkBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AudioVideoBridging",
    "date": "2014-03-20; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Customizing NSSavePanel",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2014-03-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Using AirPrint to Print a Banner",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2014-03-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Offline Compilation Using the OpenCL Compiler",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2014-03-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVCompositionDebugVieweriOS",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2014-03-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HID Config Save",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2014-02-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Using NSPageController",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2014-02-21; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TableViewCell Accessory",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2014-02-21; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HID Calibrator",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2014-02-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "avTouch",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2014-02-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Enumeration Sample",
    "platform": "iOS; macOS",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2014-02-04; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sample Print Page Renderer",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "date": "2014-02-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Mixer iPodEQ AUGraph Test",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "CoreAudio",
    "date": "2014-01-29; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreTextPageViewer",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "date": "2014-01-28; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVFoundation - Timecode Reader/Writer (avtimecodereadwrite)",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2014-01-22; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Multiple Selection with UITableView",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2014-01-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HazardMap",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "MapKit",
    "date": "2014-01-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SceneKit's presentation for WWDC2013",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "SceneKit",
    "date": "2014-01-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AirLocate: Using CoreLocation to monitor, range, and configure your device as an iBeacon",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "CoreLocation",
    "date": "2014-01-06; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Final Cut Pro X Workflows",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Apple Applications; Final Cut Pro X",
    "date": "2013-12-19; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CustomContentAccessibility",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2013-12-18; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Table View Animations and Gestures",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2013-11-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Performing Serial I/O",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2013-11-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Collection View Transition",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "date": "2013-10-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NSPathControl Basics",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-10-29; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AirDrop Examples",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "date": "2013-10-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Core Audio User-Space Driver Examples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "CoreAudio",
    "date": "2013-10-04; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Managed App Configuration",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2013-10-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Simple Background Transfer",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2013-10-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UIKit Dynamics Catalog",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "date": "2013-09-23; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyImagePicker",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2013-09-23; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CAPlayThrough",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2013-09-23; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "EvenBetterAuthorizationSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Security",
    "date": "2013-09-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SMJobBless",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "ServiceManagement",
    "date": "2013-09-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Using External Displays",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "date": "2013-09-16; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "State Restoration of Child View Controllers",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2013-09-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Drawing Along a Path Using Core Text with Cocoa",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Text Layout",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-09-05; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Using a Search Bar in a Toolbar",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "date": "2013-09-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Popover Controllers in iOS",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "date": "2013-09-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MultipeerGroupChat",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "MultipeerConnectivity",
    "date": "2013-08-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextEdit",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-08-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleUSBAudioPlugin",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2013-08-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "InstancedArrays",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2013-08-22; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVSimpleEditoriOS",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2013-08-22; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MTAudioProcessingTap Audio Processor",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2013-08-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cocoa Tips and Tricks",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-08-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PictureSharing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2013-08-15; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Get Battery Status",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Device Information",
    "date": "2013-08-15; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UIImagePicker Video Recorder",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "date": "2013-08-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IKImageViewDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2013-08-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AddressBookCocoa",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Contact Data",
    "technology": "AddressBook",
    "date": "2013-08-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MultiPhotoFrame",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-08-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ViewTransitions",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "date": "2013-07-31; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StreetScroller",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "date": "2013-07-31; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Converting an Image with Black Point Compensation",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Accelerate",
    "date": "2013-07-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PictureTaker",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2013-07-30; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaPeoplePicker",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Contact Data",
    "technology": "AddressBook",
    "date": "2013-07-30; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ABUIGroups",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Contact Data",
    "technology": "AddressBook",
    "date": "2013-07-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVCustomEditOSX",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2013-07-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Advanced UISearchBar",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2013-07-24; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTCoreVideo301",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2013-07-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MessageComposer",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2013-07-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AccelerometerGraph",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Device Information",
    "date": "2013-07-15; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AudioFileStreamExample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2013-06-29; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Core Image Filters with Photos and Video for iOS",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "date": "2013-06-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Simple Core Data Relationships",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2013-06-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Writing Subtitles to a Movie from the Command Line for OS X",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2013-06-11; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DownloadFont",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Text Layout",
    "date": "2013-06-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVMediaSelectionDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2013-06-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVLegibleMeanings for OSX",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2013-06-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVKitPlayer for OSX",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVKit",
    "date": "2013-06-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVCompositionDebugViewer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2013-06-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sample Signed PCI Driver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Kernel Device Drivers",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2013-06-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HID Dumper",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2013-06-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sprite Tour",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "SpriteKit",
    "date": "2013-06-03; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleUSBAudioOverrideDriver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2013-06-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iAdSuite",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "iAd",
    "date": "2013-05-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Simple UISearchBar with State Restoration",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2013-05-23; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Canonicalized String Searching Using a Core Data Derived Property",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2013-05-20; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleTextInput",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "date": "2013-05-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HeadsUpUI",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "date": "2013-05-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Handling Touches Using Responder Methods and Gesture Recognizers",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "date": "2013-05-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RoundTransparentWindow",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-05-08; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Core Data Transformable Attributes",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2013-05-08; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleUndo",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2013-05-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Target-Action using Cocoa Bindings",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-04-18; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleFTPSample",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Protocol Streams",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2013-04-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LayerBackedOpenGLView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-04-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Internationalization and Localization for OS X",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-04-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Crossing To-Many Relationships with Cocoa Bindings",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Data Types & Collections",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-04-04; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SquareCam",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2013-04-04; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleStocks",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "date": "2013-04-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SharingServices",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-04-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaSlides",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-03-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LinkedImageFetcher",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2013-03-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OverlayView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2013-02-28; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLCameraRipple",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2013-02-21; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Simple Gesture Recognizers",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "date": "2013-01-24; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Audio Codec Examples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2013-01-02; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "From A View to A Picture",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2013-01-02; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "From A View to A Movie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "date": "2013-01-02; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UIKit Printing with UIPrintInteractionController and UIViewPrintFormatter",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "date": "2012-12-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVRecorder",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2012-11-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AudioDeviceNotify",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "CoreAudio",
    "date": "2012-11-29; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BTLE Central Peripheral Transfer",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "CoreBluetooth",
    "date": "2012-11-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PhotoScroller",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2012-11-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CIFilterGeneratorTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2012-11-06; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CIMicroPaint",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2012-11-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CITransitionSelectorSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2012-10-31; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CIHazeFilterSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2012-10-31; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CIExposureSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2012-10-30; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CIBevelSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2012-10-30; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CIAnnotation",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2012-10-30; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StarterAUEffectWithCocoaUI",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2012-10-23; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PhotosByLocation",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2012-10-23; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreMediaIO",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "date": "2012-10-23; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BundleLoader",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-10-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StarterAudioUnitExample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2012-10-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleAudioUnits",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2012-10-10; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AudioUnitInstrumentExample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2012-10-10; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVCaptureAudioDataOutput To AudioUnit iOS",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2012-10-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AudioUnitGeneratorExample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2012-10-08; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVCaptureAudioDataOutput To AudioUnit OS X",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2012-10-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HoverTableDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-10-04; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CustomMenus",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Menus",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-10-04; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MultipleDetailViews",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "date": "2012-09-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ScannerBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2012-08-31; Content Update"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

Direct links to Zip-files and Documentation pages from this page:

Part 4 of 14:

Click to Expand very large JSON.
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IKSlideshowDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2012-08-31; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CameraBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2012-08-31; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SceneKit Animations",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "SceneKit",
    "date": "2012-08-31; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleCameraBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2012-08-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SRVResolver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "technology": "System",
    "date": "2012-08-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FullScreenWindow",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-08-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DesktopImage",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-08-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FilterDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2012-08-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iChatTheater",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "InstantMessage",
    "date": "2012-08-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sandboxing with NSXPCConnection",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-08-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AUTimePitchTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2012-08-21; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NotifyTool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "System",
    "date": "2012-08-19; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenALExample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "OpenAL",
    "date": "2012-08-19; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UDPEcho",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Sockets & TCP",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2012-08-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaEcho",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-08-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaDVDPlayer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "DVDPlayback",
    "date": "2012-08-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cocoa Printing using Core Printing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Printing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2012-08-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sketch",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-08-14; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "vDSP Examples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Mathematical Computation",
    "technology": "Accelerate",
    "date": "2012-08-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Scene Kit Document Viewer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "SceneKit",
    "date": "2012-08-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SceneKit Material Editor",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "SceneKit",
    "date": "2012-07-31; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TestCarbonAppTiger",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2012-07-24"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PlayFile",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2012-07-17; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AudioQueueTools",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2012-07-17; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Basic Drawing and Event Handling",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-07-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PlaySequence",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2012-07-05; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ROT13AuthPlugin",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Security",
    "date": "2012-06-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenCL_FFT",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Mathematical Computation",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2012-06-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "pARk",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "date": "2012-06-26; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageApp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2012-06-20; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VirtualScanner",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2012-06-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Customize Reader Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2012-06-11; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Keyword Search Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2012-06-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextLayoutDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-09; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AppSandboxLoginItemXPCDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "date": "2012-06-09; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BlastApp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LayoutManagerDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FancyAbout",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DateDiff",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Dates, Times, & Numbers",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-06-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ClipboardViewer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "date": "2012-06-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Authenticator",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-06-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iSpendPlugin",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2012-06-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iSpend",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Rulers",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UserDefaults",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Preference Settings",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextSizingExample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Text Layout",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextInputView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TemperatureConverter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Spotlighter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleToolbar",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleTemperatureConverter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleComboBox",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OutlineView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NotificationPoster",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NotificationObserver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MenuMadness",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Menus",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DrawerMadness",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Data Presentation",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BezierPathLab",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AnimatingViews",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AudioBurn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2012-06-05; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Worm",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-04; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PictureSwiper",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-04; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NSFontAttributeExplorer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-04; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NSAlertTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-06-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SpeedometerView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-05-31; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AnimatedTableView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Data Presentation",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-05-31; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleService",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-05-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cache",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-05-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "XMLBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "WebKit",
    "date": "2012-05-30; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DemoAssistant",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-05-30; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVSimpleEditorOSX",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2012-05-18; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GridMenu",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Menus",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-05-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleNetworkStreams",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Sockets & TCP",
    "date": "2012-05-09; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DataBurn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2012-05-09; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PopupBindings",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Menus",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-04-23; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NSTableViewBinding",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-04-23; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleURLConnections",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Protocol Streams",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-04-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ContentBurn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2012-04-11; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BindingsJoystick",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-04-09; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Deep Image Display with Quartz",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2012-04-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Core Data Utility",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2012-04-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NSOperationSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-03-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Grady",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-03-21; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleCocoaApp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2012-03-20; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleDrillDown",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2012-02-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SonogramViewDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2012-01-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DNSSDObjects",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2012-01-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "aurioTouch2",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "CoreAudio",
    "date": "2011-12-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GKLeaderboards",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2011-12-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GKAchievements",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2011-12-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CALayerEssentials",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2011-12-06; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AVMovieExporter",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2011-11-29; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AppleJavaExtensions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2011-11-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Morse Speech Synthesizer (MorseSynthesizer)",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Speech Technologies",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2011-10-19; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Tweeting",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "Twitter",
    "date": "2011-10-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PocketCoreImage",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "date": "2011-10-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StopNGo for iOS",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2011-10-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sampler Unit Presets (LoadPresetDemo)",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2011-10-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenCL RayTraced Quaternion Julia-Set Example",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2011-10-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyMediaPlayer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2011-09-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyMediaPlayList",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2011-09-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RemoteCurrency",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Sockets & TCP",
    "date": "2011-09-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PrefsPane",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Preference Settings",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-09-09; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageMapExample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Accessibility",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-09-09; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AutoSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2011-09-09; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleScriptingVerbs",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2011-09-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleScriptingProperties",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2011-09-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleScriptingObjects",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2011-09-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleScripting",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2011-09-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NPAPI Core Animation Movie Plugin",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2011-09-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WhackedTV",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2011-09-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleRaster",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Printing",
    "date": "2011-09-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "avvideowall",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2011-08-25; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iChatStatusFromApplication",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "InstantMessage",
    "date": "2011-08-25; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTRecorder",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2011-08-25; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyRecorder",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2011-08-25; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sproing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-08-24; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextViewDelegate",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-08-23; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CITransitionSelectorSample2",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-08-23; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreTextRTF",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "date": "2011-08-22; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DockBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2011-08-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ScriptingBridgeiCal",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "ScriptingBridge",
    "date": "2011-08-17; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ScriptingBridgeFinder",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "ScriptingBridge",
    "date": "2011-08-05; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SBSendEmail",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "ScriptingBridge",
    "date": "2011-08-05; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cocoa_With_Carbon_or_CPP",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2011-08-05; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JavaScriptCoreHeadstart",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "JavaScriptCore",
    "date": "2011-08-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FunkyOverlayWindow",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-07-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaDragAndDrop",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2011-07-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AudioCDSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "date": "2011-07-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StopNGo for Mac",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "AVFoundation",
    "date": "2011-07-26; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Reviews",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Accessibility",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-07-21; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ScreenSnapshot",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2011-07-19; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SBSystemPrefs",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "ScriptingBridge",
    "date": "2011-07-19; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TargetGallery",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-07-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AnimatedSlider",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-07-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SBSetFinderComment",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "ScriptingBridge",
    "date": "2011-07-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AttachAScript",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2011-07-14; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SandboxedFetch",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "date": "2011-07-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SpecialPictureProtocol",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Web Client",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2011-07-11; Minor Change"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

Direct links to Zip-files and Documentation pages from this page:

Part 5 of 14:

Click to Expand very large JSON.
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PushyMac",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-07-08; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CallJS",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Safari Reference Library",
    "date": "2011-07-05; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TrackBall",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-07-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageTransition",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2011-07-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BasicCocoaAnimations",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-06-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTCoreVideo202",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "date": "2011-06-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTCoreVideo201",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "date": "2011-06-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTCoreVideo103",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "date": "2011-06-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTCoreVideo102",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "date": "2011-06-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Denoise",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "date": "2011-06-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IRCServicePlugIn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "IMServicePlugIn",
    "date": "2011-06-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Unread Tabs Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2011-06-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Configure Preferences Reminder Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2011-06-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Color Finder Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2011-06-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Auto-Reader Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2011-06-05; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DragItemAround",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-06-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreAnimationKioskStyleMenu",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2011-06-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IdentitySample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "technology": "Collaboration",
    "date": "2011-05-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SonOfSillyBalls",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-05-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CxxNewDelete",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Xcode; Compiler Tools",
    "date": "2011-05-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GetPrimaryMACAddress",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2011-05-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CDROMSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2011-05-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SidebarDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-05-02; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Preferences",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Preference Settings",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2011-05-02; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GKAuthentication",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2011-04-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Dictionary",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Data Types & Collections",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2011-04-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CompositeLab",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-04-25; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DisplayURL",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2011-04-18; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NineSlice",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2011-04-15; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Gradients",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2011-04-15; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Fire",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2011-04-15; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenCL_OceanWave",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2011-04-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TrackIt",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-03-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GKRocket",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "GameCenter",
    "date": "2011-03-15; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JAWTExample",
    "platform": "Java; macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2011-03-09; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Space Tours iAd",
    "platform": "iAd Producer; iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2011-03-08; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenCL Hello World Example",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2011-03-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyFirstJNIProject",
    "platform": "Java; macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2011-03-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OutputBinsPDE",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Printing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2011-02-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AdvancedURLConnections",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Protocol Streams",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2011-01-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTCoreVideo101",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2011-01-22; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NullAuthPlugin",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Security",
    "date": "2011-01-22; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TopPaid",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2011-01-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DictionaryController",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Data Types & Collections",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2011-01-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenCL Procedural Grass and Terrain Example",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2011-01-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AdvancedTableViewCells",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2011-01-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GKTapper",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "GameCenter",
    "date": "2010-12-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLFullScreen",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2010-12-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TicTacToe with HTML5 Offline Storage",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "date": "2010-11-29; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HTML5VideoEventFlow",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS; macOS",
    "date": "2010-11-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleVideoOut",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2010-11-08; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CSS Effects: Lightbox",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS; macOS",
    "date": "2010-11-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AudioDataOutputToAudioUnit",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2010-10-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MVCNetworking",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "date": "2010-10-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ScrollViewSuite",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "date": "2010-10-20; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Geolocation",
    "platform": "Safari",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "date": "2010-10-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DemoMonkey",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2010-08-31; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cocoa CG arc demo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2010-08-31; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CSS Effects: Photo Gallery",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS; macOS",
    "date": "2010-08-19; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLSprite",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "date": "2010-08-18; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Birthdays",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "date": "2010-07-20; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TemperatureTester",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools",
    "topic": "Xcode; IDEs",
    "date": "2010-07-09; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLES2Sample",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGLES",
    "date": "2010-07-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLGravity",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGLES",
    "date": "2010-07-06; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Formulaic",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2010-07-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "TouchCells",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2010-06-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Locations",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2010-06-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HeaderFooter",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2010-06-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CopyPasteTile",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "date": "2010-06-28; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AQOfflineRenderTest",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2010-06-28; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "URLCache",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "date": "2010-06-25; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TransWeb",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2010-06-25; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Hide Images Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2010-06-24; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WhichWayIsUp",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Device Information",
    "date": "2010-06-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DrillDownSave",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "UIKit",
    "date": "2010-06-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Scrolling",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "date": "2010-06-23; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HTML5VideoOverlays",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS; macOS",
    "date": "2010-06-23; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MailComposer",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "MessageUI",
    "date": "2010-06-22; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CSS Showcase: UI Elements and Navigation",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "date": "2010-06-22; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BonjourWeb",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2010-06-16; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Reload Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2010-06-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Messages Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2010-06-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Favorites Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2010-06-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Contacts Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2010-06-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Close Tab Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2010-06-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Blocker Safari Extension",
    "platform": "Safari",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2010-06-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Droste image processing effect",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2010-06-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UIElementInspector",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Accessibility",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2010-06-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTMetadataEditor",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2010-05-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextureUpload",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2010-05-19; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ElectricImageComponent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2010-05-17; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CFPreferences",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2010-05-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Trailers",
    "platform": "Safari (Mobile); Safari; Xcode Developer Tools",
    "topic": "Xcode; IDEs",
    "date": "2010-04-20; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz 2D Transformer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2010-04-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreAnimationText",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2010-04-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PredicateEditorSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2010-03-15; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ConcertDemo",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "date": "2010-02-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MassiveImage",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2010-01-25; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CIDemoImageUnit",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2010-01-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GPU Histogram",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2010-01-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer ImageExporter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-29; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer iPatch",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer SpotlightSearch",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer SpeechSynthesis",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer SimpleText",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer SQLiteQuery",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer MiniSOAP",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer ImageInfo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer IMStatus",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer HistogramOperation",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer GLSquare",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer GLImage",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer GLHeightField",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer FastImage",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer Core Image",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer CommandLineTool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer BatteryInfo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer Texture",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer SlideShow",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer RepositoryBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer Poster",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer Player",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer ParameterView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer OverlayComposition",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer OpenCL",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer Offline",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer MiniBooth",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer LiveEdit",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer ImageResizer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer ImageFX",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer DesktopRenderer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer Conceptual Compositions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer Chart",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer AnimatedCompostionLayer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTCoreImage101",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2009-10-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ASOCTaskList",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "date": "2009-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StickiesWithCoreData",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Syncing",
    "technology": "SyncServices",
    "date": "2009-10-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleStickies",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Syncing",
    "technology": "SyncServices",
    "date": "2009-10-14; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenCL Procedural Noise Example",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2009-10-09; Minor Change"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

Direct links to Zip-files and Documentation pages from this page:

Part 6 of 14:

Click to Expand very large JSON.
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HID Utilities",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2009-10-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AddMusic",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "date": "2009-10-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenCL Parallel Reduction Example",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2009-09-30; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Trajectories",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2009-09-24; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenCL Procedural Geometric Displacement Example",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2009-09-24; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "STUCOtherDeviceTool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2009-09-11; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Dispatch_Compared",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "System",
    "date": "2009-09-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CIRAWFilterSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2009-09-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CIChromaKeyFilter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2009-08-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Deva_Example",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Hardware",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2009-08-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "STUCAuthoringDeviceTool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2009-07-24; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "STUCAuthoringDeviceCocoaSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2009-07-24; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FinalCutPro_AppleEvents",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Apple Applications; Final Cut Pro X",
    "date": "2009-07-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AbstractTree",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2009-07-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ReplicatorDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2009-07-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "People",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Syncing",
    "technology": "SyncServices",
    "date": "2009-07-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sketch+Accessibility",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Accessibility",
    "date": "2009-07-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLUTStereo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2009-07-02; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageMap",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2009-06-29; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Dicey",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2009-06-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GKTank",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "technology": "GameCenter",
    "date": "2009-06-08; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DispatchFractal",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "date": "2009-06-05; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageKitDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2009-06-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PTPPassThrough",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2009-06-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "PictureSharingBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2009-06-04; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ZipBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2009-06-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RadiantColorPicker",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2009-05-29; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Dispatch_Samples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "date": "2009-05-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DispatchWebServer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "date": "2009-05-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DispatchLife",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "date": "2009-05-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ClockControlPalette",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools; macOS",
    "topic": "Xcode; IDEs",
    "date": "2009-05-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleImageFilter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2009-05-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ForwardInvocation",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2009-05-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ClockControl",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2009-05-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "String",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2009-05-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenCL Matrix Transpose Example",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "OpenCL",
    "date": "2009-05-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleScriptingPlugin",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2009-05-11; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QuickLookSketch",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "QuickLook",
    "date": "2009-05-11; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "File Wrappers with Core Data Documents",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2009-04-29; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AudioReflectorDriver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2009-04-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ASCIIMoviePlayerSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2009-04-21; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WaveformViewDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "date": "2009-04-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleHardwarePlugIn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "CoreAudio",
    "date": "2009-04-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleDriverPlugIn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "CoreAudio",
    "date": "2009-04-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PlaySoftMIDI",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2009-04-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MixMash",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2009-04-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HALExamples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "CoreAudio",
    "date": "2009-04-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DiagnosticAUs",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2009-04-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DefaultOutputUnit",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2009-04-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaAUHost",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioUnit",
    "date": "2009-04-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTCarbonShell",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2009-03-19; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleUSBMIDIDriver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "CoreMIDI",
    "date": "2009-03-18; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTMetaData",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2009-03-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PMPrinterTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Printing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2009-02-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FingerTips",
    "platform": "Safari",
    "date": "2008-12-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "SlideMe",
    "platform": "Safari",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2008-09-24; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleUserClient",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Kernel Device Drivers",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2008-08-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PhotoToss: CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Web Fonts",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Safari Reference Library",
    "date": "2008-08-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenGLScreenSnapshot",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2008-08-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iPodNanos",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS; macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Safari Reference Library",
    "date": "2008-08-06; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreImageGLTextureFBO",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2008-07-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLSL Basics Cocoa",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2008-07-30; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Reminders",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "System",
    "date": "2008-07-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PortMapper",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "date": "2008-07-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageKit with Core Data",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2008-07-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Movie Overlay",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2008-07-25; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iPhoneIntegration",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2008-06-25; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "DrillDown",
    "platform": "Safari",
    "date": "2008-06-19; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PosterCircle",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS",
    "date": "2008-06-19; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CardFlip",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS",
    "date": "2008-06-19; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BootstrapDump",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "date": "2008-06-18; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FinalCutServerIntegrationSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Apple Applications; Final Cut Server",
    "date": "2008-06-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SpotlightFortunes",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2008-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SIMD Primer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "Accelerate",
    "date": "2008-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "URL CacheInfo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Protocol Streams",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2008-06-05; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer WWDC 2008 Interaction",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2008-06-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Kerberos GSS",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "date": "2008-06-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WikiSampleThemeWithJavaScript",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "System Administration; Mac OS X Server Administration",
    "date": "2008-06-02; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WikiSampleThemeWithCSS",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "System Administration; Mac OS X Server Administration",
    "date": "2008-06-02; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HTML Video Example",
    "platform": "Safari",
    "date": "2008-06-02; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Aperture Edit Plugin - Borders & Titles",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Apple Applications; Aperture",
    "date": "2008-06-02; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyMovieFilter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2008-06-02; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Gamma Filter for FxPlug and AE",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Apple Applications; Final Cut Pro X",
    "date": "2008-06-02; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ScriptingDefinitions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "date": "2008-05-30; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AlbumToSlideshow",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Apple Applications; Final Cut Pro X",
    "date": "2008-05-15; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Leaves",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "date": "2008-05-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleScannerApp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2008-05-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HID Explorer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2008-05-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LiveVideoMixer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2008-04-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CIColorTracking",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2008-04-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UTXplorer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "date": "2008-03-19; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NumberInput_IMKit_Sample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "InputMethodKit",
    "date": "2008-03-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CryptNoMore",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "DirectoryService",
    "date": "2008-03-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CarbonCocoaTempConverter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2008-03-10; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FSMegaInfo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "date": "2008-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTCompressionOptionsWindow",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2008-02-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OutputBins2PDE",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Printing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2008-02-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLUT",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2008-02-08; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ProgressBar",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2008-02-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenGL Filter Basics Cocoa",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2008-02-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTControlCommandLine",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2008-01-29; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTAudioContextInsert",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2008-01-21; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GeekGameBoard",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2007-12-19; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iPhoneOrientation",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2007-12-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iPhoneButtons",
    "platform": "Safari",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2007-12-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BetterAuthorizationSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Security",
    "date": "2007-11-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HackTV Carbon",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2007-11-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ClosedCaptionImporter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2007-11-15; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StillMotion",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2007-11-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JavaEOGenerator",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2007-11-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MovieAssembler",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Apple Applications; Final Cut Pro X",
    "date": "2007-11-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BoingX",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2007-11-06; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLSL Showpiece Lite",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2007-11-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CFProxySupportTool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Sockets & TCP",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2007-10-29; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "Puzzler",
    "platform": "Safari",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2007-10-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iSudoku",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "date": "2007-10-29; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cocoa OpenGL",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2007-10-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitThreadsExporter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2007-10-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iPhoneListPatterns",
    "platform": "Safari; iOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "date": "2007-10-08; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CIVideoDemoGL",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2007-10-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Core Animation QuickTime Layer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Animation",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2007-09-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DTSCarbonShell",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2007-09-20; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitTimeCode",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2007-09-19; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Fiendishthngs",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2007-09-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Fader",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Safari Reference Library",
    "date": "2007-09-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz 2D Shadings",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2007-08-31; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitMovieFrameImage",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2007-08-31; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CreateMovieFromReferences",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2007-08-31; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitPlayer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2007-08-31; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitCreateMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2007-08-31; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenGLCaptureToMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2007-08-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QT Capture Widget",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Safari Reference Library",
    "date": "2007-08-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CaptureAndCompressIPBMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2007-08-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MakeiPhoneRefMovie",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2007-08-03; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cocoa PDE with Carbon Printing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Printing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2007-07-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CustomMediaIcons",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Kernel Device Drivers",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2007-07-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Goodbye World",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Web Client",
    "date": "2007-06-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Voices",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Web Client",
    "date": "2007-06-25; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Hello Welt",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Web Client",
    "date": "2007-06-25; Content Update"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

Direct links to Zip-files and Documentation pages from this page:

Part 7 of 14:

Click to Expand very large JSON.
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JavaFrameEmbedding example",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2007-06-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AutomatorHandsOn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Automator",
    "date": "2007-06-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Apply Firmware Password",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "System Administration; Mac OS X Server Administration",
    "date": "2007-06-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QuartzComposerSamplePatches",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2007-06-11; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer WWDC 2007 High Scores",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2007-06-11; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HTML Editing Toolbar",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Safari Reference Library",
    "date": "2007-06-11; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CustomAtomicStoreSubclass",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2007-06-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Aperture Image Resizer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Apple Applications; Aperture",
    "date": "2007-06-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MoreSCF",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "SystemConfiguration",
    "date": "2007-06-07; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JSPong",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Languages & Utilities; Other Languages",
    "technology": "JavaScriptCore",
    "date": "2007-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JSInterpreter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Languages & Utilities; Other Languages",
    "technology": "JavaScriptCore",
    "date": "2007-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WebKitPluginWithJavaScript",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Safari Reference Library",
    "date": "2007-06-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WebKitPluginStarter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Safari Reference Library",
    "date": "2007-06-06; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WebKitPluginWithSimpleGUI",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Safari Reference Library",
    "date": "2007-06-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreTextArc",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Text Layout",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2007-06-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TimelineToTC",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Apple Applications; Final Cut Pro X",
    "date": "2007-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AppleFWAudio Vendor Specific Override Driver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Kernel Device Drivers",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2007-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OSXAdapter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2007-06-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NewsReader",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "PublicationSubscription",
    "date": "2007-06-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Core Data HTML Store",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2007-06-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Departments and Employees",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreData",
    "date": "2007-05-31; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CrossEvents",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2007-05-31; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SMARTQuery",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2007-05-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HIView-NSView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2007-05-29; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StarMenu",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2007-05-24; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VideoHardwareInfo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2007-05-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LSMSmartCategorizer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "LatentSemanticMapping",
    "date": "2007-05-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HIFleetingControls",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2007-05-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MultiprecisionFP",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "date": "2007-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AESendThreadSafe",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2007-03-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleCarbonAppleScript",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2007-03-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RecordAudioToFile",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2007-02-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SCSIHBAEmulator",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Kernel Device Drivers",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2007-02-20; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FSReplaceObject",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2007-02-14; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CarbonCocoa_PictureCursor",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2007-01-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreTextTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Text Layout",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2006-12-19; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SCSIOldAndNew",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2006-12-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SetMouseAcclSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2006-11-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "tcplognke",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Network Kernel Extensions",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2006-11-27; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MFSLives",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "date": "2006-11-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LittleArrowsShowcase",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-11-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "EmptyFS",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "date": "2006-11-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTExtractAndConvertToMovieFile",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "AudioToolbox",
    "date": "2006-11-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SeeMyFriends",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Syncing",
    "technology": "SyncServices",
    "date": "2006-10-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VolumeToBSDNode",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2006-10-16; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "USBPrivateDataSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2006-10-16; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CFFTPSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Protocol Streams",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2006-10-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CFPrefTopScores",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Preference Settings",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2006-10-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleCMPlugIn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-10-09; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RecentItems",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Menus",
    "technology": "Carbon",
    "date": "2006-10-09; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageBackground",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Windows & Views",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2006-10-02; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VendorSpecificType00",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Kernel Device Drivers",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2006-10-02; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PBORenderToVertexArray",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2006-10-02; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CarbonQuartzComposer_TV",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-10-02; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FBOBunnies",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2006-09-18; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz2DBasics",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2006-09-11; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "InstallerPluginSample",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools; macOS",
    "topic": "Languages & Utilities; Distribution Tools",
    "date": "2006-08-30; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SCAudioCompress",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-08-22; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer WWDC 2006 Galaxy",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2006-08-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "WebKitDOMElementPlugIn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Safari Reference Library",
    "technology": "Security",
    "date": "2006-08-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Watcher",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2006-08-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SayIt",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Web Client",
    "technology": "WebKit",
    "date": "2006-08-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HIToolboxSOU-MenuItemViews",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-08-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HIToolboxSOU-Delegates",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-08-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ABPresence",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "InstantMessage",
    "date": "2006-08-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iSync Sample Document",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Syncing",
    "technology": "SyncServices",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WritableFileDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TrackFormatDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Syncer",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Web Client",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "Resizer",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Web Client",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTNoStepsDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitThreadedExport",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitButtonTester",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MethodReplacement",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Languages & Utilities; Objective-C",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LiveVideoMixer3",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IBFragmentView",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools; macOS",
    "topic": "Xcode; IDEs",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BlockAnimation",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-08-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SetCustomIcon",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-08-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PDF Calendar",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2006-07-31; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AppleScriptRunner",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-07-31; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextEditPlus",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-07-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Processes",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-07-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NameAndPassword",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "SecurityInterface",
    "date": "2006-07-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HelloStudio",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-07-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleCalendar",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Calendar Data",
    "technology": "CalendarStore",
    "date": "2006-07-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImagePicker",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2006-07-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CarbonCocoaCoreImageTab",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-07-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Carbon Porting Tutorial",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-07-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2006-07-20; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLSLShowpiece",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2006-07-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MovieVideoChart",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2006-07-11; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JSheets",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-07-11; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTPixelBufferVCToCGImage",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2006-07-07; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TimeCode",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-06-28; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTStreamingApplet",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-06-28; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTSimpleApplet",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-06-28; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageFile",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-06-28; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AddTextMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-06-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Test64BitMultiprec",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-06-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TimeCallbackDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PlayTune",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PlaySound",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PlayMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Music",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MovieTextFinder",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MovieCallbacks",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "KeyboardController",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImportExport",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DukeMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CustomMedia",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CreatePictFile",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-11; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LiveVideoMixer2",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2006-05-05; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SoundRecord",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SoundMemRecord",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageProducing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-05-05; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "Fractal Performance",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "date": "2006-04-17; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BlockedEventQueue",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-04-13; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "simpleJavaLauncher",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-04-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SkyCreator",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-04-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QCCocoaComponent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-04-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JavaSplashScreen",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-04-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "HelpHook",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-04-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CWCocoaComponent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2006-04-12; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WcharDataFormatter",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools; macOS",
    "topic": "Xcode; IDEs",
    "date": "2006-03-31; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ExtractMovieAudioToAIFF",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2006-03-31; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTSetMovieAudioDevice",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2006-03-03; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HISimpleList",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-03-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iTunesController",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-02-23; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTCarbonCoreImage101",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2006-02-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CheckExecutableArchitecture",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2006-02-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SillyFrequencyLevels",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2006-01-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CFNetworkHTTPDownload",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Protocol Streams",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2006-01-18; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "filesystem_examples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2006-01-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleFilterScheme",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; KEXT Management & Debugging",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2006-01-03; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ThreadsExportMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2006-01-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleAudioExtraction",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2006-01-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitMovieShuffler",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2006-01-03; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WebKitCIPlugIn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Safari Reference Library",
    "date": "2005-11-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MoviePlayer - C#",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-11-09; First Version"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

Direct links to Zip-files and Documentation pages from this page:

Part 8 of 14:

Click to Expand very large JSON.
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "EventMonitorTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "Carbon",
    "date": "2005-11-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CreateMovie - VB6",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-11-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CreateMovie - C#",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2005-11-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TabsShowcase",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-10-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleD",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "date": "2005-10-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FileNotification",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2005-10-27; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AuthForAll",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Security",
    "date": "2005-10-26; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DelegateOnlyComponent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-10-18; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LoginItemsAE",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2005-10-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageMapView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-10-17; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HICustomPushButton",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-10-17; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MoviePlayer - Visual Basic",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2005-10-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTQuartzPlayer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2005-10-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ComboBoxPrefs",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-10-04; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaInCarbon",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-10-04; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "KillEveryOneButMe",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "date": "2005-08-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImproveYourImage",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-08-24; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WindowFun",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-08-24; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DialogsToHIViews",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-08-24; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IOPrintSuperClasses",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2005-08-17; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ExampleIPBCodec",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-08-16; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BrideOfMungGrab",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-08-12; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SoftVideoOutputComponent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TypeServicesForUnicode",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SpellingChecker-CocoaCarbon",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SocketCancel",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Sockets & TCP",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ScrollAndZoom",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QuickTimeMovieControl",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PasteboardPeeker",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PDFKitLinker2",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MemoryBasedBundle",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MachPortDump",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HIObjectThreadController",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CarbonTransparentWindow",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-08-10; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VideoViewer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Video",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2005-08-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitSimpleDocument",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2005-08-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitProgressTester",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2005-08-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitFrameStepper",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2005-08-01; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitAdvancedDocument",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2005-08-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DropDraw",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-08-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ThreadsImportMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-07-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ThreadsExporter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-07-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleReach",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "SystemConfiguration",
    "date": "2005-07-26; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleDial",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "SystemConfiguration",
    "date": "2005-07-26; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CFLocalServer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Sockets & TCP",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2005-07-26; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ThreadsImporter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-07-22; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BackgroundExporter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-07-22; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleHIMovieViewPlayer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-07-15; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer QCTV",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2005-07-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "EnhancedAudioBurn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2005-07-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextTrack",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Apple Applications; Final Cut Pro X",
    "date": "2005-06-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTAudioExtractionPanel",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2005-06-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AppearanceSampleUpdated",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools; macOS",
    "topic": "Xcode; IDEs",
    "date": "2005-06-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "XcodeClientServer",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools; macOS",
    "topic": "Xcode; IDEs",
    "date": "2005-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UpdateXcodeSubprojects",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools; macOS",
    "topic": "Xcode; IDEs",
    "date": "2005-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UnsharpMask",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Automator",
    "date": "2005-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SDKExample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Reducer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "QuartzCore",
    "date": "2005-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FSFileOperation",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2005-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Duplicate Finder Items",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "date": "2005-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaSOAP",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2005-06-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Audio Unit Effect Templates",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-06-06; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VertexPerformanceDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TexturePerformanceDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SpotlightAPI",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Spotlight",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ScriptView",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QuartzLines",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QuartzCache",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer WWDC 2005 TextEdit",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer WWDC 2005 Composition",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer Offline Rendering",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer Matrix",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz Composer Live DV",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitImport",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTKitCommandLine",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NetworkAuthentication",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "DirectoryService",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyPhoto",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Moving To GCC 4.0",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools; macOS",
    "topic": "Xcode; Compiler Tools",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MouseTracking",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ManagedObjectDataFormatter",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools; macOS",
    "topic": "Xcode; IDEs",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Link Snoop",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "Quartz",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JustDraw",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Installer Tiger Examples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Languages & Utilities; Distribution Tools",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageClient",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageBrowserView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Hello World",
    "platform": "Safari; macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Web Client",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HITextViewDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GridCalendar",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web",
    "technology": "XgridFoundation",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Fortune",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FSRemoveInheritedACEs",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FSCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicode",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Custom_HIView_Tutorial",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreRecipes",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "General",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaHTTPServer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Protocol Streams",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AutoUpdater",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Protocol Streams",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2005-06-01; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DNSServiceMetaQuery",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2005-06-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MoreFilesX",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-05-13; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ProfileSystem",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2005-05-05; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ASCIIMoviePlayerSample for Windows",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-05-05; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CarbonSketch",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-03-23; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QDCocoaComponent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-03-15; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QuartzShapes",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2005-03-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SwapLAF",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2005-02-28; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NSGLImage",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2004-12-01; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PlayAudioFileLite",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2004-11-24; Minor Change"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MLTE_CustomScrolling",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2004-10-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "dist_fft",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Mathematical Computation",
    "technology": "Accelerate",
    "date": "2004-08-23; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SpellingChecker CarbonCocoa Bundled",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2004-08-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DREraseCarbonUI",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2004-04-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DRDataBurnCarbonUI",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2004-04-09; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLUTBasics",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2004-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLCarbonSharedPbuffer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2004-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLCarbon1ContextPbuffer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2004-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLUTSurfaceTexture",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2004-03-26; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FSCopyObject",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2004-03-19; Content Update"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Video Hardware Info",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2004-02-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NSOpenGL Fullscreen",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2004-02-11; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Verification",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2004-01-23; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2004-01-23; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AddNibToNav",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2004-01-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TipWrapper",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-12-18; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MovieGWorlds",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-12-18; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ColorMatching",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2003-12-18; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MapLargeFile",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "date": "2003-11-19; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RGB ValueTransformers",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2003-11-18; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MungSaver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-11-18; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HIEmbedder",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-11-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HIScrollingTextBox",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-11-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VBLSnippet",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ProcDoggie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Just Finder",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HITextViewShowcase",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "soundsnippets",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtshell",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "YASTControl",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextNameTool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

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Part 9 of 14:

Click to Expand very large JSON.
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SeedCFill",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Rubber Bandit",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Rotate Bitmap 90",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QuickDraw FX",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTMLPrintingSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PixMap2PixPat2ppat",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OldDelegateOnlyComponent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MoreIsBetter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MPPeriodicalTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MPDelayUntilTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "InkSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "Carbon",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HITextShowcase",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HIDoubleSlider",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DelegateOnlyComponentOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CPUGestalt",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AsyncPB",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Tiler",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-24; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sheets",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-24; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MenuViews",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-24; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FloatingWindow",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-24; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SuspendAppleEvent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SprocketInvadersOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SoundSprocketTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NetSprocketTestOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MoofWarsOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "InputSprocketTestOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "ISp SampleOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GlyphaIVOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FinderLaunch",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DroneZoneOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DrawSprocketTestOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DSp Context SwitchOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ZoomRecter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SuperSnapshot",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Snapshot",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Save PICT file",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RotateString",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Record RetrievePictInfo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Palette and GWorld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "New NewGWorld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyDeviceLoop",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Magnify",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Direct Pixel Access",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CustomPicComments",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CopyDeepMask",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CopyBitsSpeedPalette",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ColorizePict",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Color Marquee",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CollectPictColors",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CalcCMaskCalcMask",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BrightContrastEngine",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Bitblitz",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Anima",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-10; First Version"
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    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VideoProcessing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-10-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HID Utilities Source",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2003-10-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Simple AppKit",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-09-30; First Version"
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    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CGText",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-09-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTEffectsDialog - Cocoa",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-09-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "EmbededAppleScripts",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Languages & Utilities; Other Languages",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2003-09-04; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-08-29; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "softvdig",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-08-29; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ControlStripSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-08-28; First Version"
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    "title": "Concordia",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-08-28; First Version"
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    "title": "ColorCDEF",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-08-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IOKitWithLibrary",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2003-08-27; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTEndpointInfo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-08-20; First Version"
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    "title": "CopyMask",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-08-20; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "TextLinks",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-07-29; First Version"
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    "title": "GrabBag",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-29; First Version"
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    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "X11CallCarbonAndCocoa",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Open Source",
    "date": "2003-07-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BasicPlugIn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Preference Settings",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2003-07-28; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "txRatio PICT",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "quitapps",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VMSify",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UserFunction Gestalt",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TranslateRotate",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TransferProvider",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TickAnimate",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TestVM",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TestQD",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TPIFile",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TE Over Background",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StreamNOP",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Simple DrawSprocket",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SetDeskCPatDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PGPuam",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PCCardNetworkSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OffScreenControlUpdate",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTTraceRouteSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTStreamLogViewer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTStreamDumper",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTPingSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTPAPSampleServer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTMP",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTLLCTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTFindSerialPorts",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTDumpPortRegistry",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTDumpInternetStatus",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTCodeResource",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTClassicContext",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OT PAPServerSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MoreNetworkSetup",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MoreAutoPush",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MakeITable",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Magic Oracle",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MacGamma",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LockFile",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LaunchWithDoc2",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
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    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "LaunchWithDoc",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JDirectTalker Example",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JDirect Mouse",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IconDimming",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Icon Display",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GrayishOutline",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GetEnetAddrDirect.ppc",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GDevVideo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FileSharingOn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DumpNetworkSetup",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DumpARPCache",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DeepScreen Picker",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DebuggerPresence",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Creator Changer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CreateDirWCustIcon",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CopyBits vs. CopyMask",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Compressed PICT Info",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AppleEvent Send and Receive",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ARPSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AECoercion",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "7Edit",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-22; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DeviceListener",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2003-07-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cocoa CG aliasing demo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2003-07-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CallMachOFramework",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CFM_MachO_CFM",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextureRange",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2003-07-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Monochrome Image",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-07-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Draw Pixels",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2003-07-16; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iGetKeys",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleDS",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2003-07-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleButtonPlugin",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2003-07-10; First Version"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

Direct links to Zip-files and Documentation pages from this page:

Part 10 of 14:

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    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HID Manager Basics",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; User-Space Device Access",
    "technology": "IOKit",
    "date": "2003-07-10; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Vertex Optimization",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2003-07-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VBL",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2003-07-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SurfaceVertexProgram",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2003-07-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NURBSSurfaceVertexProg",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2003-07-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Carbon GLSnapshot",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-07-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AGLSurfaceTexture",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2003-07-07; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BSDLLCTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Network Kernel Extensions",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2003-06-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QISA",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-05-15; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BasicDataBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-05-08; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FunWithFileDialogs",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2003-04-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OpenGLCompositorLab",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2003-04-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLChildWindowDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2003-04-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CubePuzzle",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2003-04-21; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleSpeechRecExample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Speech Technologies",
    "technology": "Carbon",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Scriptable Print SimpleText",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "STD File Saver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PrintDialogMagic",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Print Clipped Offscreen",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PostScriptHandleDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PostScript Output Filters",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "LW8_Hosesample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DropPrint USB",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Dashed-capped Lines",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Dashed Lines",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CarbonInCocoa",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-26; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTMusicToo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-19; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SnapshotSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DTS.Utilities",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-17; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "vox recording",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SquareWave",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Speech Recognition Sample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SoundLevel",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SoundApp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sound PreMixer effect",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SndPlayDoubleBuffer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SndForEver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Server Remote Control",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleRateAvail",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Record sound to disk",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Record sound specific rate",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PPCToolboxKeychain",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PCI Sound Input driver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MeterTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IPCLister",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cheap Studio",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CarbonSndPlayDB",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BufCallback",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ALaw sdec scom",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StandardGetFolder",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SettingUpStdFile",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CustomPutSuffix",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CustomPutAppend",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CustomGet unresolved alias",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TubeTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Thumbnail Test",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ScreenDump",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Restore Screen Cluts",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PaletteAnimation gray",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PaletteAnimation",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Out of This GWorld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "GiMeDaPalette with Sound",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-12; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtbroadcast",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PictureShow",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-03-05; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
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    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "samplemakeeffectmovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
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    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
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    "title": "qtwiredspritesjr",
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    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtwiredsprites",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtwiredactions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtspritesplus",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtsprites",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtshoweffect",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtaddeffectseg",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "qtactiontargets",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "makeeffectslideshow",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "addhtactions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "addflashactions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WiredSpritesJava",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WiredSprites",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTEffects",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTEffects Explode",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GreyscaleEffectSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FastDitherUsingQT",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Dimmer2Effect",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DesktopSprites",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Clock Control",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Controls",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-02-25; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleTabControl",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-20; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PIDFromBSDProcessName",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "date": "2003-02-13; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HIFramework",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HICustomLeftRightSwitch",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-02-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CryptoSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Security",
    "date": "2003-02-06; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "stdFilterHacking",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "kcapApp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ictbSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "icon cache demo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ZoomWindow",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WindowColors",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WDEFColorSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Vertest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "URLTextView",
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "TwoColumn LDEF",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "TickerView",
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "Tabs LDEF",
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "Sys7 popUpCDEF",
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "SplitView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "Splasher",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "SimpleList",
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "ShowInitIcon",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "ShadingWinds",
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "SetWindBackColor",
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "SetIndString",
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    "title": "SegmentView",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "Scrap Parsing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "SICN LDEF",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "RequiredFinderColors",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "ReadLocation",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "ReKeyTrans",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "ROMResourceDump",
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "ProgressBars",
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "PopUpMenuWithCurFont",
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "Password",
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    "title": "PackageTool",
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "title": "NoSound",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "date": "2003-01-30; First Version"
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    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtcontroller",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtcompress",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtchannels",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtcapture",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qtbigscreen",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qt3dtween",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qdmediamaker",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "qdmediahandler",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ledApp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

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Part 12 of 14:

Click to Expand very large JSON.
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "jGNEFilter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "jGNE Helper",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "iso9660",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "hacktv",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "ficycle",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "deleteEmptyDir",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "databurntest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "DiscRecording",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "bulkerase",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "DiscRecording",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "bMoviePaletteCocoa",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "bMoviePalette",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "audioconverter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "audiocodec",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "audioburntest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "DiscRecording",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "addvractions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Zoo Tutorial",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ZapTCP Application",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ZAM",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "XML_Transport",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WorldRayPickSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Win2MacCounterSamples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WaveTable Sounds",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Wake100",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "WDEFPatch",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VwrFrameWork",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ViewerOptBtnSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ViewerGWorldTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ViewerFrameWorkSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ViewerCallbackSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VideoFrameToGWorld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VertexPerformanceTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 3D Drawing",
    "technology": "OpenGL",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Versions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VelEng Wavelet",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Mathematical Computation",
    "technology": "Accelerate",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VelEng Multiprecision",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Mathematical Computation",
    "technology": "Accelerate",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VelEng FFT",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Mathematical Computation",
    "technology": "Accelerate",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VRMakePano Library",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VRInteraction",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VDTextSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "VCDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Utility Library",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UniversalHIDModuleTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "UDPSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TweenCamera",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Tumbler and Podium",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "TriGrids",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Transitions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Transition Queue Watcher",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Transformed Image",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TradDriverLoaderLib",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Tinted Image",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TimerTst",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TimerEventSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Kernel Device Drivers",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TimeZone.Daylight",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "TimeSlaving",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TimeCode Media Handlers",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextViewConfig",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TextDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Test Code",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TbltDrvr",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "Talking Heads",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TalkTool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TEXTtotypeIntlCoercion",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TESample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TCPClose",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TCP Server",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "TCP",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "System 7.0 WDEF",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "System 7.0 Menu Def Info",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Switch Stack",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StyleMap",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "StyleFlatteningSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Std Compression Examples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SpellingChecker-CarbonCocoa",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Strings, Text, & Fonts",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Soundboard",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SoundPlayer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SoundMeter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sound Input",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SmallDaemon",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SlotVInstall",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SlideShowJava",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "SlideShowImporter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Sleep Queue Entry",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Skinny3DSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Simplest Viewer App",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleViewer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleThreads",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleText Sample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleHelp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleDownload",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleDataQueue",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Drivers, Kernel, & Hardware; Kernel Device Drivers",
    "technology": "Kernel",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleCocoaMovieQT",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleCocoaMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleCocoaJavaMovieCocoa",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SimpleCocoaJavaMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Simple HLE",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Simon Tool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Simon",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SillyBalls",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SignatureToApp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Show Movie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SharedMemory",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SetSoundInput",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SetPDiMC",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Set Folder Windows",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SerialDriverArbitration",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Serial Demo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "SearchProcs & Color Sep",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ScreenFKey",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Scalable PostScript PICT",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Save Print Record",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SampleSndPlay",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "Sample (Traffic Light)",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SSLSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Security",
    "technology": "Security",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SOAPServer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SOAPClient",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SGDevices",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SGDataProcSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SGDataProcDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SGCapture2Disk",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SGCapture",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SCSI Simple Sample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "SCSI Inquiry (More)",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SCSI Inquiry",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SCSI Find Devices",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SCSI DriveID Sample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "SCSI Async Sample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "S3V",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Rotated Thingies",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Windows",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RollerCoaster",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Reinstallable",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Red Rocket",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"

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vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

Direct links to Zip-files and Documentation pages from this page:

Part 13 of 14:

Click to Expand very large JSON.
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RecordToFile",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ReadSector MSDOS",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RaveEngineInfoSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RaveContextSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RGB Image",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RAVE Starter Samples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "RAMDisk",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Quartz EB",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTtoJavaImage",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTtoCG",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTimadecompression",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTVector",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTTestApplet",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTSSInspector",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTSSConnectionMonitor",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTSPketizerReassem",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTMP3Player",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTJava media samples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTGraphicsImport",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTEffectsJava",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTButtonDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QTBRemoteAdmin",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "QT QDesign decomp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "QT Internals",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PutAwayVolumes",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Print multipage PICT",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PopMenus",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Polygons",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Plug-in -Postscript Renderer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Plug-in -QuickDraw Renderer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "Plug-in -DistanceProxyGroup",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Plug-in - Sample Renderer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Plug-in - Attr",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PlayMovieOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PlayMovieJava",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Cross Platform; Java",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Play Video Sample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Play Movie with Controller",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Play",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PictMovier",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "PictInfoTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Picking Mesh ShapeParts",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PickOne",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PicCommentsTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Pallete DA",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "PThreadSorts",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "PDlog Expand",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "PDEProject",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "PBDTGetAppl",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "PBAllocate",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "PACKman",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "Optimization TN Demos",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "OpenGLMovieQT",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "OpenGL Stereo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "OpenGL Movie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "OpenGL Image",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OffSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Obj Hierarchy",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "OTTCPWillDial",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "OTSimpleServerHTTP",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "OTSimpleDownloadHTTP",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "OTLookupNameTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OTCheckNetForNBPName",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OT Virtual Server",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "OSA Preserve 68K Registers",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "OOPTESample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "ODOC",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "Notification Hacks",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "NoPowerOffKey",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "NoCopyReceives",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NewCCursor",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience",
    "technology": "Carbon",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Network Stream",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Neighborhood Watch",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NamingTableAccess",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "User Experience; Text Layout",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NameAndAddress",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Services & Discovery",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "NSLMiniBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Networking, Internet, & Web; Web Client",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyRegisterComponentOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyRegisterComponent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyQuickTimeApp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyMultipleMoviesApp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "MyGrabOneFrame",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyComponentOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MyComponent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "MyCaptureApp",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "MovieToAIFF",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "MovieSprites",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "MovieShell",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "MovieBrowser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "Movie From DataRef",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "Moriarity",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "MoreOSL",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "MoreFinderEvents",
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    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "MoreFiles",
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    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
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    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "MoreAppleEvents",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "ModifyMouseAccl",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "ModeWhacker",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Mode",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MetafileRead",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MenuScripter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MediaPresenter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MarkerPick",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MakeIcon",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MakeEffectMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Make QTVR Panorama",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Make QTVR Object",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "MacCalendar",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "MRJToolkitStubsOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "MRJToolkitStubs",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "MPFileCopy",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MP3Player",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MP3 Player",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Interapplication Communication",
    "technology": "Foundation",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "MDEF.Sample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MCPlayMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "MCComponent",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Load PCI Driver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ListMania",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JavaSprites",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Java Drawing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "JScriptApplet",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "JSaver",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JPEG Sample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JPEG File Interchange Format",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JNISample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JISApplet",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "JDragNDrop",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "InvertedText",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Inside Mac Movie TB Code",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Inside Mac ICM Code",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "InputSprocketPPTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Inline Input for TextEdit",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImportExportMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImagesToQTMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Imageer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageWriter bug",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ImageCompositing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "IW-Half-Dither",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "INIT - CDEV",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ICAObjectDumper",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ICADownloadFirst",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"

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Part 14 of 14:

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    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Http Server",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "How to Detect a CD",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "HairLines",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Hack TV",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GroupDrawing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Group Dumper",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GrayText",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Graphic Import-Export",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GetZoneList",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GetVInfo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GetSetOptions",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GetPPPStatus",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GetHWEthernetAddr",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GetADevType",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Get Tool Config",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Get LAP Connection",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Get Ethernet Address",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GeometryTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Geometry Samples",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GXSetDefaultDTP",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "GLUT_for_OS_X",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FullScreen",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FreqForEverChange",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FrameStepper",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FormatAsDOS",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FogStyleSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Floppy II",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FinderDragPro",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "FindPrinter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ExampleVideoPanel",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ExampleCodec",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Example Video Panel",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Eraser",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "EnhancedDataBurn",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; File Management",
    "technology": "CoreServices",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "EnableSoundThrough",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Empty Engine",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Embedding Instruments",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "EgretWakeup",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "EasyPlayRecord",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Easy Video Grabber",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ENET sample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DriverGestaltExplorer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DriverGestalt Demo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DrawableBroadcaster",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DrawTextCodec",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DraggingSprites",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DragWindow INIT",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DragAndDrop Shell",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Double Buffer",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DisplayVideo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Disk Icons",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DisableEject",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DirectSetEntries",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DigitizerShell",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DetachedController",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Desktop Sprites",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DefProcs",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DecompressionAndScaling",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DTSCPlusLibrary",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "DMFkey Source",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "CustomIcon",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CurvesDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CullGroupSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cropped Image",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CreateMovieJava",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CreateMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CoreSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ConvertToMovieJr",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ConvertMovieSndTrack",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects; Audio",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CompressedPixmapSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CompressMovies",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Compress Picture FKEY",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CompositedEffects",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CommonSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ColorTextureSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ColorSyncDevices-Cocoa",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ColorSyncDevices",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ColorBars",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Color Sampler",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "AppKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Color Picker",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaVideoFrameToNSImage",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaVideoFrameToGWorld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CocoaCreateMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Audio, Video, & Visual Effects",
    "technology": "QTKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cocoa - SGDataProc",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ClutWind",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ClickSound",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ChromaKeyMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ChangeTextStyleRec",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
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    "title": "CarbonQuartzDrawingWPrinting",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; Printing",
    "technology": "Carbon",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CarbonQTGraphicImport",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CapabilitiesSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation",
    "technology": "ImageCaptureCore",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Cache Flushing",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CTMDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CTMClip",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CPlusTESample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CGGamma",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Graphics & Animation; 2D Drawing",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CGDrawPicture",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CFPrefsDumper",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Preference Settings",
    "technology": "CoreFoundation",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CDTool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CDROMDriveCheck",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CD-ROM Detection",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CD Tracker",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "CASoundLab2",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BusErrorTest",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BurntTextSampleCode",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BufferedWindows",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "BoxTex",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "BoxMooV",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Box",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BouncingSprites",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BlitVBL",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BlitNoVBL",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Performance",
    "technology": "ApplicationServices",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BasicInputMethod",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "topic": "Data Management; Event Handling",
    "technology": "InputMethodKit",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BasicDiskImage",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "BackGround",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
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    "title": "AudioCodecOld",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AudioBroadcaster",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "Audio CD Tool",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AsyncDriverSample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AppleTalk Libraries",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AlwaysPreview",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AddressBookCarbon",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AddFrameToMovie",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "technology": "QuickTime",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ATSUIDirectAccessDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ATSUICurveAccessDemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ATP Demo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ATAErrorDetector",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ATADemo",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ASLM C++",
    "platform": "Xcode Developer Tools",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AIFFWriter",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AESendandReceive",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AEObject-Edition Sample",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "AEGestalt",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ADSP Chat",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"

Copy link

vgorloff commented Aug 17, 2022

Direct links to Zip-files and Documentation pages from this page:

Plus, missed part "15" from 14 ;)

Click to Expand very large JSON.
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "ADB Key Spy",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "3DMF2PICT",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "3D Rotation Controller",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "2BufRecordSndPlay",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "dlUrl": "",
    "title": "2BufRecordBufferCmd",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"
    "docUrl": "",
    "title": "2BufRecord&Play",
    "platform": "macOS",
    "date": "2003-01-14; First Version"

Copy link

This is so helpful for everyone :-)

AFAIU this is the most recent link.

For people who are wondering how to extract .pkgs, using Suspicious Package and exporting the outermost folder to ~/Downloads(⌥+⌘+E) and double clicking will work as well.


This is the missing gem! Thanks so much for documenting this.

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