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Last active September 14, 2017 19:04
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Island Survival Question [c++11]
1,-1,-20, 10
0 -2 -3 1
-1 4 8 -25
1 -1 -20 10
-1 1 1 0
Number of paths: 20
Min needed resources: 2
Input data : File with the configuration of matrix of dimensions MxN with integers representing some resources.
- Starting at [0,0] and ending in [M-1 x N-1]
- Jump from one value to other only by one index in direction:
- right
- down
- At each jump add to actual value of resources value from given element in matrix
- If actual number of resources is <= 0 - task is perceived as failed
Problem : Found the minimum value of needed resources on start to acomplish task of not letting to decrease actual number of resources to 0 while jumping to end of matrix.
Program loads file at default path "island.conf" if not given in command line arguments.
File stores configuration of islands' resources.
1,-1,-20, 10,5,-1
1,-1,-20, 10,5,-1
1,-1,-20, 10,5,-1
[Example end]
Additional requirements:
- Compile with min c++11
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if __cplusplus < 201103L
#error Required min c++ 11
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string.h>
// used to print all paths during execution
// disabled by default - big input data needs a lot of memory to store descriptions of paths
// #define _PRINT_PATH_
using namespace std;
using RescourcesRow = vector<int>;
using RescourcesMap = vector<RescourcesRow>;
/// Represents the cordinates of element in matrix
struct POS
size_t x;
size_t y;
/// Collection of cordinates for one path
using Path = vector<POS>;
/// Collection of all created paths in runtime
using Paths = vector<Path>;
/// Define global object of paths
Paths paths;
/// Number of paths created
int numberOfCreatedPaths = 0;
/// Used to store the answer to the problem
int minNeededResources = 0;
/// Print readed configuration from file
void printCreatedIslands(const RescourcesMap &map)
auto it = map.begin();
auto itEnd = map.end();
for (; it != itEnd; it++)
auto it2 = it->begin();
auto it2End = it->end();
for (; it2 != it2End; it2++)
cout << setw(3) << *it2 << " ";
cout << endl;
/// Config file parser
int createResourcesMapingFromFile(RescourcesMap &output, string fileName = "island.conf")
fstream fs;, ios_base::in);
if (fs.is_open())
// read file while not end
while (fs.is_open() && !fs.eof())
char buf[100];
fs.getline(buf, 99);
if (fs.eof())
vector<int> rowResources;
istringstream iss(buf);
while (iss.getline(buf, 100 - 1, ','))
if (strlen(buf))
return 0;
/// Main action recursive function
int calculateNeededResources(const RescourcesMap &map, size_t x, size_t y, int needOnStartCost, const size_t maxY, const size_t maxX, Path &path)
#ifdef _PRINT_PATH_
path.push_back({x, y});
// if not start of execution
if (!(x == 0 && y == 0))
// if end of matrix
if (x == maxX && y == maxY)
#ifdef _PRINT_PATH_
cout << "Path: ";
for (auto it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); it++)
cout << "[" << it->y << "," << it->x << "] ";
cout << "[" << y << "," << x << "] ";
cout << " Calulated requirment: " << needOnStartCost << endl;
// set first value of the global variable
if (minNeededResources)
minNeededResources = min(minNeededResources, needOnStartCost);
minNeededResources = needOnStartCost;
//increase number of paths analyzed
return needOnStartCost;
// update answer basing on next value from matrix
if ((needOnStartCost + map[y][x]) <= 0)
needOnStartCost += -(map[y][x]);
if ((needOnStartCost + map[y][x]) == 0)
needOnStartCost += 1;
// boundaries cases
// we reached the 'right' bound of matrix - we can only go 'down'
if (x == maxX)
Path new_path = path;
int newNeedOnStart = calculateNeededResources(map, x, ++y, needOnStartCost, maxY, maxX, new_path);
if (newNeedOnStart < needOnStartCost)
path = new_path;
return newNeedOnStart;
return needOnStartCost;
// we reached the 'bottom' bound of matrix - we can only go 'right'
if (y == maxY)
Path new_path = path;
int newNeedOnStart = calculateNeededResources(map, ++x, y, needOnStartCost, maxY, maxX, new_path);
if (newNeedOnStart < needOnStartCost)
// update the new better answer
path = new_path;
return newNeedOnStart;
return needOnStartCost;
// general case
Path new_right = path;
Path new_down = path;
int newNeedOnStartRight = calculateNeededResources(map, x + 1, y, needOnStartCost, maxY, maxX, new_right);
int newNeedOnStartDown = calculateNeededResources(map, x, y + 1, needOnStartCost, maxY, maxX, new_down);
if (needOnStartCost < newNeedOnStartRight && needOnStartCost < newNeedOnStartDown)
return needOnStartCost;
// update the new better answer
if (newNeedOnStartDown < newNeedOnStartRight)
path = new_down;
return newNeedOnStartDown;
path = new_right;
return newNeedOnStartRight;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
RescourcesMap map;
// read input data
if (argc == 2)
createResourcesMapingFromFile(map, argv[1]);
size_t maxX;
size_t maxY;
//basic checks
if (map.size())
maxY = map.size() - 1;
if (map[0].size())
maxX = map[0].size() - 1;
#ifdef _PRINT_PATH_
cout << "All paths: " << endl;
Path path;
// start algorithm
calculateNeededResources(map, 0, 0, 0, maxY, maxX, path);
// some info on output
cout << "Number of paths: " << numberOfCreatedPaths << endl;
cout << "Min needed resources: " << minNeededResources << endl;
return 0;
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