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Last active November 21, 2020 12:50
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Example Async functionality with Promises using PHP.Gt/Async and PHP.Gt/Promise
* This example counts the number of vowels and the number of consonants
* in example.txt, showing how concurrent slow file reads can use Promises
* to defer work, with a future callback when the work is complete.
* A PeriodicLoop is used with a purposefully long period with the file
* reading code being done one byte at a time, to simulate a slow connection.
* Note: This is an example wrapped in a class, showing an example of how a
* framework could offer promise-driven filesystem functionality.
use Gt\Async\Loop;
use Gt\Async\Timer\PeriodicTimer;
use Gt\Promise\Deferred;
use Gt\Promise\PromiseInterface;
class SlowFileReader {
private SplFileObject $file;
private Loop $loop;
private Deferred $deferred;
private int $characterCount;
public function __construct(string $filename) {
$this->file = new SplFileObject($filename);
// We need to inject the background loop that will dispatch the processing calls.
public function setLoop(Loop $loop):void {
$this->loop = $loop;
// This is the public function that will be called, returning a Promise that
// represents the completed work.
public function countCharacters(string $charMap):PromiseInterface {
// A new Deferred is created to assign this class's specific process function.
$this->deferred = new Deferred();
fn() => $this->processNextCharacter($charMap)
// The Deferred is added to the Loop's default timer, which will call its
// process function each tick.
// The Deferred creates its own Promise, so it knows what to resolve when the
// work is complete.
return $this->deferred->getPromise();
// This functions is called by the Deferred, as the Deferred is invoked by the
// background Loop. It must not do much work per call, as to not block the
// execution of other deferred tasks.
private function processNextCharacter(string $charMap):void {
if(!isset($this->characterCount)) {
$this->characterCount = 0;
if($this->file->eof()) {
// When the file reaches the end, this deferred task is finished. We can now
// resolve the Deferred with the final value.
$char = $this->file->fread(1);
$char = strtolower($char);
if(strlen($char) <= 0) {
if(strstr($charMap, $char)) {
// A periodic timer will be used to call the deferred tasks ten times per
// second. This is actually quite slow, used to illustrate how concurrent tasks
// will behave.
$timer = new PeriodicTimer(0.1, true);
$timer->addCallback(function() {
echo ".";
// This loop will be called to run forever by the run() function at the bottom
// of this file, but here we are setting the loop to halt if all internal
// Deferred objects complete.
$loop = new Loop();
$loop->addHaltCallback(function() {
echo PHP_EOL,
"Loop has halted because all Deferred tasks are complete.",
// Create the example classes to slowly loop over the characters of the file.
$reader1 = new SlowFileReader("example.txt");
$reader2 = new SlowFileReader("example.txt");
// The countCharacters function returns a Promise, meaning it will not actually
// undertake any work itself, but will resolve the promise when the work
// completes. The work is undertaken by the Deferred object, which is triggered
// by the Loop's timers.
->then(function(int $numVowels):void {
echo "Example text has $numVowels vowels.", PHP_EOL;
// Another Promise can be added, so their Deferred's work is undertaken
// concurrently.
->then(function(int $numConsonants):void {
echo "Example text has $numConsonants consonants.", PHP_EOL;
// Here we execute the loop, which has been set to halt when all Deferred
// objects complete.
echo "Complete!", PHP_EOL;
Example output:
Loop has halted because all Deferred tasks are complete.
Example text has 12 vowels.
Example text has 25 consonants.
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