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Created January 27, 2014 17:59
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Query Twine
An example daemon to query twine and log results.
Gabe Gaster, Datascope Analytics, 2014
[email protected]
import requests, json, time
twine_id = "00000----------" # twine id
URL = "" % twine_id
# see:
# cookie copied from result of :
# wget -o log.txt --quiet -O temp.txt --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies cookies.txt --no-check-certificate --post-data="email=REPLACEWITHYOUREMAIL&password=REPLACEWITHYOURPASS"
# make your user_id a cookie
COOKIE = {'user_id':"NTAxMQ==|1390456333|8d6021e75575f15d8021363c5d850801435e95aa"}
def log(temp):
line = (map(str,(time.time(),temp)))
line = ",".join(line) + "\n"
with open("temp.log",'a') as f:
print line[:-1]
def request():
r = requests.get(URL,cookies=COOKIE)
data = json.loads(r.content)
age = data['age']
temp= data['values'][1][1]/100
return age, temp
def main():
age = 10**10
while 1:
new_age, temp = request()
if new_age < age:
age = new_age
if __name__=="__main__":
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