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Created April 23, 2010 00:17
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The routing algorithm from Scenic Route (
import math
import random
import operator
from django.contrib.gis.geos import LineString, Point
from scenicroute.apps.hunts.routing.triangulation import (
build_triangulation, START_INDEX, END_INDEX)
from scenicroute.apps.hunts.routing.culling import no_dupes
from scenicroute.apps.hunts.routing.estimation import (duration_for_distance,
from scenicroute.utils.geography.voronoi import computeDelaunayTriangulation
from scenicroute.utils.geography.distance import great_circle_distance as gcd
from scenicroute.utils.geography.coordinates import to_tuple
# This is a partial sample for explanatory purposes.
# For the full code, shoot me an email at [email protected].
class EvolutionSettings:
num_generations = 10 # number of generations to run for
spawn = 100 # number of new children to make each generation
preserve = 5 # preserve the top N children each generation unchanged
cull = 20 # number of top children to keep each generation
choose_from_top = 10 # and choose randomly from the top N final results
def build_route(hunt, messages, desired_duration):
Build a candidate route, return a list of messages
if len(messages) == 0:
# Return an empty list
return []
# triangulate the route
points, messages_lists, edges = build_triangulation(hunt, messages)
# points is a list of Point objects [START, END, P0, P1...]
# messages is a list of lists of messages ['start', 'end', [], [], ...]
# edges is a dict is list indexes, { i0: set(i1), i1: set(i2, i3), ... }
if len(points) == 2:
# only start and end points
return []
final_population = evolve_candidates(points, edges, desired_duration)
# and choose a random of the top five
# if the solution is highly convergent, then there will be only one
# and the random choice won't matter. if it's highly divergent,
# then we get a little spice in the choice
final_choice = random.randrange(EvolutionSettings.choose_from_top)
index_sequence = final_population[final_choice]
# choose among the messages for each location in the sequence
final_route = []
for index in index_sequence:
message_list = messages_lists[index]
choice = random.randrange(len(message_list))
message = message_list[choice]
return final_route
def evolve_candidates(points, edges, desired_duration):
# seed and run the genetic algorithm
initial = [[
random.randrange(2, len(points)),
random.randrange(2, len(points))] for i in xrange(40)]
tester = FitnessTester(points, desired_duration)
mutator = Mutator(edges)
evolution_chamber = EvolutionChamber(tester, mutator,
# and return the final population
return evolution_chamber.pop
class FitnessTester(object):
LETHAL = -99999999
def __init__(self, points, desired_duration):
"Initialize preference constants."
self.points = points
self.desired_duration = desired_duration
self.min_step_duration = 2 # no step should be less than 3 minutes
self.max_step_duration = 6 # no step should be greater than 10 minutes
self.max_switchback = -0.90 # no angle should switch back more than this much
self.stop_duration = 1 # add one minute to total duration for each stop
self._fitness_cache = {}
def fitness(self, individual):
Calculate the fitness of an individual path.
if tuple(individual) in self._fitness_cache:
return self._fitness_cache[tuple(individual)]
if 0 in individual or 1 in individual:
return self.LETHAL
if isinstance(individual, tuple):
individual = list(individual)
duplicates = len(individual) - len(list(set(individual)))
if duplicates:
return self.LETHAL
# total duration includes 5 minutes per stop
total_duration = len(individual) * self.stop_duration
total_backwards = 0
total_below_min = 0
total_above_max = 0
all_points = [self.points[i]
for i in [START_INDEX] + individual + [END_INDEX]]
last_point = all_points[0]
last_distance_to_end = gcd(last_point, all_points[-1])
for point in all_points[1:]:
# calculate distances
distance = gcd(last_point, point)
distance_to_end = gcd(point, all_points[-1])
duration = duration_for_distance(distance)
# and figure out if we're headed backwards
total_duration += duration
if distance_to_end > last_distance_to_end:
total_backwards += duration_for_distance(
distance_to_end - last_distance_to_end)
# enumerate steps that are less than or more than ideal distance
if duration < self.min_step_duration:
total_below_min += (self.min_step_duration - duration)
if duration > self.max_step_duration:
total_above_max += (duration - self.max_step_duration)
last_point = point
last_distance_to_end = distance_to_end
num_switchbacks = 0
if len(all_points) > 2:
# for all points, figure out if it's switching back and penalize appropriately.
for i in xrange(1, len(all_points) - 1):
ax, ay = all_points[i-1].coords
ox, oy = all_points[i].coords
bx, by = all_points[i+1].coords
ao = (ox - ax, oy - ay)
ob = (bx - ox, by - oy)
product = dot(ao, ob)
if product < self.max_switchback:
num_switchbacks += 1
except ZeroDivisionError:
# lose a point for every minute away from desired total distance
duration_penalty = abs((self.desired_duration - total_duration))
# lose a point for every minute you go backwards
backwards_penalty = 1.0 * total_backwards
# lose five points for every minute below the penalty
below_min_penalty = 5.0 * total_below_min
# lose two points for every minutes above max
above_max_penalty = 2.0 * total_above_max
# lose five points for every major switchback
switchback_penalty = 5.0 * num_switchbacks
fitness = 0
fitness -= duration_penalty
fitness -= backwards_penalty
fitness -= switchback_penalty
fitness -= below_min_penalty
fitness -= above_max_penalty
# print 'total duration: %.1f, switchbacks %d, below_min %.1f, above_max %.1f, fitness %.5f - %s' % (
# total_duration, num_switchbacks, total_below_min, total_above_max, fitness,
# individual)
self._fitness_cache[tuple(individual)] = fitness
return fitness
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