To see the list of lightning transactions you have to aggregate the result of two commands:
export invoices=$(lightning-cli listinvoices|jq '[.invoices[]|select( .status == "paid" )|{"payment_hash":.payment_hash, "time":.paid_at|gmtime|todate, "amount":.msatoshi,"fees":0, "description":.description}]')
export sendpays=$(lightning-cli listsendpays|jq '[.payments[]|select(.status == "complete")|{"payment_hash":.payment_hash,"time":.created_at|gmtime|todate,"amount":(.msatoshi_sent * -1),"fees":(.msatoshi_sent - .msatoshi), "description":"payment"}]')
and then you can join the two results and sort them by "time":
jq --argjson invoices "$invoices" --argjson sendpays "$sendpays" -n '$invoices + $sendpays | sort_by(.time)'
Payments sent in a particular day:
lightning-cli listpayments |jq '.payments[]|select(.created_at|todate |contains("2019-09-26"))|{destination, fees: (.msatoshi_sent-.msatoshi), date: .created_at|todate}'
How much have I done in fees by routing payments?
lightning-cli listforwards|jq '[.forwards[]|select(.status=="settled")| .fee]| add'
To make it readable:
lightning-cli listforwards|jq '[.forwards[]|select(.status=="settled")| .fee]| add|tostring | [ while ( length > 0; .[:-3]) | .[-3:] ] | reverse | join(",")'
If you want them in csv format:
jq -r --argjson invoices "$invoices" --argjson sendpays "$sendpays" -n '$invoices + $sendpays | sort_by(.time)|.[]|[.payment_hash,.time,.amount,.fees,.description]|@csv'
At least now you also have an idea on your expense in fees.
To have the total amount of your output and of the money in your channels:
lightning-cli listfunds|jq '(([.outputs[].value]|add) + ([.channels[].channel_sat]|add))/100000000'
Fees in my channel
lightning-cli listchannels |jq -r --arg mynode $(lightning-cli getinfo|jq -r '.id') '.channels[]|select(.source == $mynode)|[.base_fee_millisatoshi, .fee_per_millionth]|@csv'
Fees in the network excluding your node in csv
lightning-cli listchannels |jq -r --arg mynode $(lightning-cli getinfo|jq -r '.id') '.channels[]|select(.source != $mynode)|[.base_fee_millisatoshi, .fee_per_millionth]|@csv'
Median of the fees in the network base_fee
first, create the file median.jq
as follow:
def median:
length as $length
| sort as $s
| if $length == 0 then null
else ($length / 2 | floor) as $l2
| if ($length % 2) == 0 then
($s[$l2 - 1] + $s[$l2]) / 2
else $s[$l2]
end ;
lightning-cli listchannels |jq -r --arg mynode $(lightning-cli getinfo|jq -r '.id') '[.channels[]|select(.source != $mynode)|.base_fee_millisatoshi]'|jq -f median.jq
Median of the fees in the network fee_per_millionth
lightning-cli listchannels |jq -r --arg mynode $(lightning-cli getinfo|jq -r '.id') '[.channels[]|select(.source != $mynode)|.fee_per_millionth]'|jq -f median.jq
For the snippet for seeing all the payments on a particular day, how would one return the payments for a series of days? Say for a week? Or a month?