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gabrielbauman / RelationshipModel.ts
Created May 8, 2024 17:50
A stupid module for calculating relationship satisfaction in a couple based on employment differences and jealousy
export module RelationshipModel {
// Constants for the model
const k1 = 0.5; // Influence of self-satisfaction on relationship satisfaction
const k2 = 0.3; // Influence of jealousy/admiration on relationship satisfaction
const k3 = 0.2; // Influence of motivated opportunities on relationship satisfaction
const k4 = 0.6; // Influence of employment success on self-satisfaction
const k5 = -0.4; // Impact of jealousy on self-satisfaction (negative implies reducing self-satisfaction)
const k6 = 0.2; // Impact of opportunities on self-satisfaction
const k7 = 0.5; // Sensitivity of jealousy/admiration to differences in success
const k8 = 0.3; // How desire for success affects jealousy/admiration
gabrielbauman / RpcDurableObject.ts
Last active October 5, 2023 22:20
RPC-style Cloudflare durable objects
* RpcDurableObject is a base class for DurableObjects that want to be called in an RPC style. Derive your object
* from this class and implement your methods as normal methods. There is no need to implement the fetch method. Then,
* use the buildRpcClient function to create a proxy object and call methods on the durable object as if it were a
* local object!
* This hides the complexity of calling a Durable Object from a worker and allows you to focus on the business logic
* of your application. It also allows you to use TypeScript to type your RPC methods; your worker and the proxy object
* should both implement the same interface containing the RPC methods.
# Drop this script in /usr/local/bin and run it with sudo to install/update to the latest maven. Keeps older versions around just in case.
# Works for me on Ubuntu, YMMV.
set -e
# Make sure we can write to /opt
if [ ! -w "/opt" ]; then
echo "/opt is not writeable. Try using sudo!"
gabrielbauman / Dockerfile
Last active March 13, 2025 07:11
Multi-stage docker build for Java/Maven apps
# Cache maven dependencies as an intermediate docker image
# (This only happens when pom.xml changes or you clear your docker image cache)
FROM maven:3-adoptopenjdk-15 as dependencies
COPY pom.xml /build/
WORKDIR /build/
RUN mvn --batch-mode dependency:go-offline dependency:resolve-plugins
# Build the app using Maven and the cached dependencies
# (This only happens when your source code changes or you clear your docker image cache)
# Should work offline, but
gabrielbauman /
Created July 10, 2019 21:49
A very simple (but useful) method of getting basic finite state machine behaviour using a Java enum.
package com.gabrielbauman.gist;
import java.util.Arrays;
* A very simple (but useful) method of getting basic finite state machine behaviour using a Java enum.
* <code>
* EnumStateMachine state = NEUTRAL;
* state = state.transitionTo(FIRST);
gabrielbauman /
Created November 15, 2017 23:53 — forked from aldur/

Root OnePlus5 without unlocking the bootloader

Gain adb root.

$ adb shell am start -n --es "code" "angela"

Download Magisk-v14.0 and extract it somewhere. Download MagiskManager.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am GabrielBauman on github.
  • I am gabrielbauman ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 85C7 1A0E E159 9F31 F7BF 9142 A868 647F BD24 2F13

To claim this, I am signing this object:

gabrielbauman /
Last active December 13, 2023 04:21
A Java enum representing credit card types (Visa, Mastercard etc) that can detect card type from a credit card number.
package com.gabrielbauman.gist;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public enum CardType {
gabrielbauman /
Created May 16, 2014 13:58
Openshift's haproxy hits '/' every 2 seconds with a null user agent to see if your scalable app is up. If "/" does not respond with a 200 OK, haproxy marks the server as down even if it's actually up. This filter generates an empty 200 OK when it detects a haproxy ping..
package com.gabrielbauman.gists;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebFilter;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
@WebFilter(urlPatterns = "/")
public class OpenshiftHaproxyFilter implements Filter {
gabrielbauman /
Created March 10, 2014 08:31
Run this whenever your IP changes to tell about your new address. Fixes weird Netflix "internal errors", the Roku android app not signing in properly, and other glitchiness.
# Set this to the email address you use with
UNBLOCKUS_EMAIL="[email protected]"
curl \
--url \
--form "validated=1&email=${UNBLOCKUS_EMAIL}&rid=0" \
--user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Fi27.0" -q \
&> /dev/null