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Last active January 25, 2024 06:16
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ngx-charts: Custom Bar/Line Combo Chart Tutorial

I've been using ngx-charts when building my Angular apps and its definitely one of the best free charting frameworks available for Angular (that I've tried at least). However, one thing I noticed is the lack of documentation or guides when it comes to creating or even using custom charts. Therefore I decided to create a simple walkthrough on how to use the bar/line combo-chart avaiable as one of their demos.


Source Code

StackBlitz Link: You can refer to this link to see the final product/overview of how to use the custom chart in your project.

Ensure that you have swimlane/ngx-charts installed as a dependency
npm i @swimlane/ngx-charts --save

Creating and copying components

  • Create a folder named combo-charts that will store the components of the custom chart (which we will create next)
    • This folder can be created in a shared folder for your project or within other folders that you are going to use the component in
    • In the example, I just created it in the main app folder
  • From, create and copy the exact components into the combo-charts folder which we have just created above. Your folder directory will look like this:\
 └─ combo-chart.component.scss
 └─ combo-chart.component.ts
 └─ combo-series-vertical.component.ts
 └─ index.ts

Editing components

You'll notice that some of the imports in the code you've just copied are relative and do not exist. Its time to fix that

  • In combo-chart.component.ts you'll see the following import:
import {
  NgxChartsModule, BaseChartComponent, LineComponent, LineSeriesComponent,
  calculateViewDimensions, ViewDimensions, ColorHelper
 } from '../../src';
  • Change the '../../src' to '@swimlane/ngx-charts'
  • In combo-series-vertical.component.ts you'll see the following import:
import { formatLabel } from '../../src/common/label.helper';
  • Similarly, change the '../../src/common/label.helper' to '@swimlane/ngx-charts'

These are the only changes we'll make to the custom components. You can leave the index.ts and combo-chart.component.scss as it is

Declaring Components and Imports

Next, We'll update our app.module.ts or feature modules and declare the components we have just created

  • First, ensure that you imported the NgxChartsModule and BrowserAnimationsModule
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { NgxChartsModule } from '@swimlane/ngx-charts';
imports: [
  • Import the custom components using the relative file path to the combo-charts folder that we have just created in the earlier step and add the components to your declarations
import { ComboChartComponent, ComboSeriesVerticalComponent } from './combo-chart';
declarations: [
ComboChartComponent, ComboSeriesVerticalComponent],

Including the Custom Component

  • In the component that you intend to add the combo chart to, add the following code to the template or .html file
  • In the .ts file of the component, you can define the variables for the properties and data, for example:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
export class AppComponent  {
  showXAxis = true;
  showYAxis = true;
  gradient = false;
  showLegend = true;
  legendTitle = 'Legend';
  legendPosition = 'right';
  showXAxisLabel = true;
  xAxisLabel = 'Country';
  showYAxisLabel = true;
  yAxisLabel = 'GDP Per Capita';
  showGridLines = true;
  innerPadding = '10%';
  animations: boolean = true;
  barChart: any[] = barChart;
  lineChartSeries: any[] = lineChartSeries;
  lineChartScheme = {
    name: 'coolthree',
    selectable: true,
    group: 'Ordinal',
    domain: ['#01579b', '#7aa3e5', '#a8385d', '#00bfa5']

  comboBarScheme = {
    name: 'singleLightBlue',
    selectable: true,
    group: 'Ordinal',
    domain: ['#01579b']

  showRightYAxisLabel: boolean = true;
  yAxisLabelRight: string = 'Utilization';
export let lineChartSeries = [
    name: 'Tablets',
    series: [
      name: 'USA',
      value: 50
 export let barChart: any = [
    name: 'USA',
    value: 50000
  • Note: Not all the directives used in the example above have to be used in your code. You can refer to combo-chart.component.ts for the available inputs


After following the above steps, you should be able to see the combo-chart appear in the view. You can further customise the chart by adding to combo-chart.component.ts or combo-series-vertical.component.ts, which I will not cover here. I hope that this short and simple guide was helpful and clear in explaining how to start using custom charts from ngx-charts!

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@chriszrc Late to the Party. But if someone also wants to Combine Bubblechart with a Linechart. Then here you go! Small Hacky Example but I hope it will help others to start with it :)

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