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Last active August 27, 2017 15:40
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Even Shorter Syndication [ESS] Node.js module

The module returns the ESS and has 2 arguments:

  1. The link to the RSS or Atom feed described.
  2. An array of objects formatted like this:
  { pubDate: 1503674340000, title: "hello world"},  
  { pubDate: 1503674220000, title: "foo"        },  
  { pubDate: 1503674160000, title: "bar"        }  

install with:

npm i -S gist:341a0d1897e47b57af39fd0a2a06b718

About Even Shorter Syndication

ESS is a very compact description of an RSS or Atom site feed.

It is structured like this:

buildTime, feedUrl,  
minutesBeforeBuild, titleDumbChecksum,  
minutesBeforeBuild, titleDumbChecksum,  
minutesBeforeBuild, titleDumbChecksum,  
minutesBeforeBuild, titleDumbChecksum


buildTime          = The build time of the ESS in seconds (rounded down to be divisable by 60)  
feedUrl            = A link to the RSS or Atom feed described by the ESS  
minutesBeforeBuild = The publication date in minutes before buildTime  
titleDumbChecksum  = A checksum in case the feed has multiple publications sharing the same date

Read more about ESS and NNO (No Nonsense Outline) here:

module.exports = function(rssUrl,items){
  var buildTimeMinutes = Math.floor(;
  return [ buildTimeMinutes*60, rssUrl ].concat(> [ '\n'+
      (buildTimeMinutes - Math.floor((x.pubDate*1)/60000)),
"name": "ess",
"description": "Even Shorter Syndication [ESS] file formatter",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"repository": "",
"author": "gaby-de-wilde",
"license": "WTFPL",
"homepage": ""
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