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gadouryd / passrole_actions_and_parameters.csv
Created July 18, 2022 18:21 — forked from noamsdahan/passrole_actions_and_parameters.csv
A list of IAM actions which require iam:PassRole as of December 2020. Nested parameters are written with dot ('.') notation. Where there are multiple relevant parameters, they are separated by the pipe character ('|'). consult the AWS documentation on special cases - noted with an asterisk (most of them are "array of documents" type parameters).…
IAM Permission Params
amplify:CreateApp iamServiceRoleArn
amplify:UpdateApp iamServiceRoleArn
appconfig:CreateConfigurationProfile RetrievalRoleArn
appconfig:UpdateConfigurationProfile RetrievalRoleArn
appflow:CreateConnectorProfile connectorProfileConfig.connectorProfileProperties.Redshift.roleArn
appflow:UpdateConnectorProfile connectorProfileConfig.connectorProfileProperties.Redshift.roleArn
application-autoscaling:RegisterScalableTarget RoleARN
apprunner:CreateService SourceConfiguration.AuthenticationConfiguration.AccessRoleArn|InstanceConfiguration.InstanceRoleArn
apprunner:UpdateService SourceConfiguration.AuthenticationConfiguration.AccessRoleArn|InstanceConfiguration.InstanceRoleArn
gadouryd /
Created January 4, 2017 22:07 — forked from dastergon/
A basic boto3 based tool for retrieving information from running EC2 instances.
from collections import defaultdict
import boto3
A tool for retrieving basic information from the running EC2 instances.
# Connect to EC2
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
gadouryd /
Created July 14, 2016 00:44 — forked from miccolis/
Extracted from the sumologic collector rpm
if id -u sumo >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "User sumo exists..."
groupadd -f sumo &&
useradd -g sumo sumo
echo "Create user sumo..."
/opt/SumoCollector/collector stop > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
gadouryd / sumo_logic.config
Created January 29, 2016 14:12 — forked from jorihardman/sumo_logic.config
Elastic Beanstalk Sumo Logic Config
# This will automatically install the Sumo Logic collector on AWS Elastic
# Beanstalk instances. Add this to the .ebextensions folder in your app root
# and edit L24-25 to match your Sumo Logic accessid and accesskey. To add or
# remove tracked files, simply add or remove source hashes to the sources
# array on L36.