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Created February 19, 2025 17:45
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Formalization of Schröder–Bernstein theorem in Lean, based on an exercise from Mathematics in Lean
-- Inspired by
import Mathlib
open Set
open Function
noncomputable section
open Classical
variable {α β : Type*} [Nonempty β]
variable (f : α → β) (g : β → α)
def directIter: ℕ → Set α
| 0 => (Set.range g)ᶜ
| n + 1 => (g ∘ f) '' (directIter n)
def directPoints :=
⋃ i, directIter f g i
def h (x : α) : β :=
if x ∈ directPoints f g then f x else (invFun g) x
theorem sb_surjective (injg : Injective g) : Surjective (h f g) := by
intro b
simp only [h]
by_cases gb_direct : g b ∈ directPoints f g
· /- If g(b) is a part of a direct chain, it must have been added
to the direct set via some a -(f)-> b -(g)-> g(b) iteration.
By picking that a, we get h(a) = f(a) = b, proving b is reachable. -/
simp only [directPoints, mem_iUnion] at *
rcases gb_direct with ⟨n, hn⟩
rcases n with _ | n
· tauto
· rcases hn with ⟨a, a_direct, ha⟩
use a
rw [if_pos (by use n)]
exact injg ha
/- If g(b) is not a part of some direct chain [1], pick a := g(b).
For that a, h(a) =(by [1])= inv_g(a) =(by def.)= inv_g(g(b)).
Thus, proving inv_g(g(b)) = b would be enough to show b is reachable.
To cancel them out, we'll wrap both sides with g (thanks, injectivity). -/
use g b
rw [if_neg gb_direct]
apply injg
apply invFun_eq
use b
theorem g_right_inv {a : α} (ha : a ∉ directPoints f g) : g (invFun g a) = a := by
/- If a is not a part of the direct chain, it must have been excluded
when the set was originally being constructed. The elements that were
excluded were the elements reachable via g. So a must be reachable via g. -/
have : ∃ b, g b = a := by
simp only [directPoints, mem_iUnion] at ha
contrapose! ha
use 0
simp only [directIter, mem_compl_iff, mem_range]
apply invFun_eq this
theorem heq_imp_same_directness {a1 a2 : α} (ha1 : a1 ∈ directPoints f g) (heq : h f g a1 = h f g a2) : a2 ∈ directPoints f g := by
/- If h(a1) = h(a2), either both must be direct or neither is. To see this, we'll unfold
the definition of h. If one was g^-1(a1) but the other was f(a2), a1 and a2 would be only
one f->g hop away from each other, forcing both a1 and a2 to be direct (a contradiction). -/
simp only [h] at *
rw [if_pos ha1] at heq
by_cases ha2 : a2 ∈ directPoints f g
· tauto
· rw [if_neg ha2] at heq
simp only [directPoints, mem_iUnion] at ha1
rcases ha1 with ⟨i, hi⟩
simp only [directPoints, mem_iUnion]
use i + 1, a1, hi
rw [comp_apply, heq]
apply g_right_inv f g ha2
theorem sb_injective (injf : Injective f) : Injective (h f g) := by
intro a1 a2 heq
by_cases a1_direct : a1 ∈ directPoints f g
· by_cases a2_direct : a2 ∈ directPoints f g
· rw [h, h, if_pos a1_direct, if_pos a2_direct] at heq
exact injf heq
· have := heq_imp_same_directness f g a1_direct heq
· by_cases a2_direct : a2 ∈ directPoints f g
· have := heq_imp_same_directness f g a2_direct heq.symm
· rw [h, h, if_neg a1_direct, if_neg a2_direct] at heq
have ginv_a1 := g_right_inv f g a1_direct
have ginv_a2 := g_right_inv f g a2_direct
rw [← ginv_a1, ← ginv_a2, heq]
theorem schroeder_bernstein {f : α → β} {g : β → α} (hf : Injective f) (hg : Injective g) :
∃ h : α → β, Bijective h :=
⟨h f g, sb_injective f g hf, sb_surjective f g hg⟩
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