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Last active April 25, 2023 09:06
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Webpack's async code splitting with React Router
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
function createAsyncHandler(getHandlerAsync, displayName) {
var Handler = null;
return React.createClass({
displayName: displayName,
statics: {
willTransitionTo(transition, params, query, callback) {
getHandlerAsync().then(resolvedHandler => {
Handler = resolvedHandler;
if (!Handler.willTransitionTo) {
return callback();
Handler.willTransitionTo(transition, params, query, callback);
if (Handler.willTransitionTo.length < 4) {
willTransitionFrom(transition, component, callback) {
if (!Handler || !Handler.willTransitionFrom) {
Handler.willTransitionFrom(transition, component, callback);
if (Handler.willTransitionFrom.length < 3) {
render() {
return <Handler {...this.props} />;
module.exports = createAsyncHandler;
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geekyme commented Feb 2, 2015

Any usage examples?

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gaearon commented Feb 2, 2015

var loadSomePage = require('promise?global!./pages/SomePage'),
    createAsyncHandler = require('./utils/createAsyncHandler');


<Route name='somePage' path='/something' handler={createAsyncHandler(loadSomePage)}

Where promise refers to promise-loader (

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geekyme commented Feb 2, 2015

ah cool! thank you! I suppose to make this work on the server side then we can use some feature flags to require modules synchronously.

    var loadSomePage = require('promise?global!./pages/SomePage'),
        createAsyncHandler = require('./utils/createAsyncHandler'),
        handler = createAsyncHandler(loadSomePage)
} else {
    var handler = require('./pages/SomePage');

<Route name='somePage' path='/something' handler={createAsyncHandler(loadSomePage)}

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Retired commented Feb 6, 2015

Sorry, this is probably a novice question but does this gist need to be run through some specific loader?

I am using it in the following manner and webpack seems to be having issues parsing the module.

var createAsyncHandler = require("./utils/createAsyncHandler.jsx");
var SomeView = require("promise?bluebird!./components/SomeView.jsx");

<Route name=“some”View path=“lazyView” handler={createAsyncHandler(SomeView)} />


Line 12: Unexpected token (
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
|     statics: {
|       willTransitionTo(transition, params, query, callback) {
|         getHandlerAsync().then(resolvedHandler => {
|           Handler = resolvedHandler;

I tried replacing the top-level function calls with what I assume are properties for the static object (please let me know if I'm incorrect; I'm fairly new to JavaScript and there are at least 3 constructs in this gist that I have not seen before) but then webpack complains about the => operator.

Line 16: Unexpected token =>
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
|       statics: {
|           willTransitionTo: function(transition, params, query, callback) {
|               someHandler().then(resolvedHandler => {
|                   Handler = resolvedHandler;

I have tried replace the resolvedHandler => with function(resolvedHandler) which allowed webpack to bundle everything but ultimately, that led to some TypeErrors at runtime, which makes me think that I must be missing something.

I am running all jsx files through the jsx-loader.

loaders: [
    { test: /\.jsx$/, loader: "jsx-loader" }

If it's of any relevance, I have installed react, react-router, bluebird, and promise-loader via npm install.

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Schniz commented Feb 6, 2015

@Retired, try run the jsx files with jsx-loader?harmony instead of just jsx-loader. it works for me

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Retired commented Feb 11, 2015

@Schniz, thank you! Apologies for the delayed response but that seemed to have solved the problem. I guess those unfamiliar constructs in gaearon's gist belong to the ES6 spec.

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pilwon commented Feb 17, 2015

@gaearon Thanks for sharing the code. Line 29 is missing return.

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@gaearon this is awesome, thank you!

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This is pretty neat, but does have some unfortunate side-effects.

For example the component param that will be passed to willTransitionFrom will reference the component returned from createAsyncHandler — not Handler. This isn’t a deal-breaker but does mean that this isn’t fool-proof.

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Which I guess you can hack around if you’re happy to reach in and grab a reference to the component when it renders. Pretty shady though. :/

componentDidMount: {
  if (Handler) {
    HandlerComponent = this.refs.component;
Handler.willTransitionFrom(transition, HandlerComponent, callback)

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Is it possible to use this example with es6 harmony modules?

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Have you tried with isomorphic ensure? :

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Any chance this gist can be updated for latest RR? Tried doing it myself but wasn't able to do it...The willTransitionTo/From hooks aren't a thing anymore, I think.

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anorudes commented Mar 7, 2016

+1, can you update the code?)

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rosskevin commented May 25, 2016

I just researched a bunch of this, and settled on It has considered several other forks of loaders and appears to be maintained.

Here's a gist of the dynamic auth-flow example using jsx syntax:

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