Chose between natural mode like MacOS or Windows default mode.
You can do this by going to Start Menu, type PowerShell, and click Run as Administrator.
$mode = Read-host "How do you like your mouse scroll (0 or 1)?"; Get-PnpDevice -Class Mouse -PresentOnly -Status OK | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Name): $($_.DeviceID)"; Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\$($_.DeviceID)\Device Parameters" -Name FlipFlopWheel -Value $mode; "+--- Value of FlipFlopWheel is set to " + (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\$($_.DeviceID)\Device Parameters").FlipFlopWheel + "`n" }
The code above is one-liner PowerShell script. Copy-paste it as-is.
Downward wheel motion makes the page...
0 - Move up so you see contents below (Default Mode, Windows behavior)
1 - Move down so you can see contents above (Natural Mode, Mac behavior, reverse mode)
Type the number that corresponds to your scroll preference.
Your settings will take effect after you restart.
Give yourself a favor and buy a Mac.
FYI... As of Windows 11 24H2 there is now a native setting in the mouse control panel to do this... Finally!