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Last active July 19, 2017 21:16
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'use strict';
const _ = require('underscore');
const async = require('async');
module.exports = {
* @param {{eth: {getTransactionReceipt: function, getBlockNumber: function}}} web3
* @param transactionHash
* @param blocksToConfirm
* @param [interval]
* @returns {Promise}
confirmTransaction(web3, transactionHash, blocksToConfirm, interval) {
if (!interval) {
interval = 5000;
var blocksConfirmed = -1;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
callback => {
if (transactionHash == null) {
callback('transactionHash must have a value', null);
web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash, (err, receipt) => {
if (receipt == null) {
this.log(transactionHash + ' transaction waiting to be mined ...');
return setTimeout(function() {
callback(null, null);
}, interval);
web3.eth.getBlockNumber((err, blockNumber) => {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
blocksConfirmed = blockNumber - receipt.blockNumber;
if (blocksConfirmed >= blocksToConfirm) {
this.log(transactionHash + ' transaction block: ' + blocksConfirmed.toString() +
'; confirmed, used ' + receipt.gasUsed + ' gas');
callback(null, receipt);
} else {
this.log(transactionHash + ' transaction block: ' + blocksConfirmed.toString() +
'; will confirm in ' + (blocksToConfirm - blocksConfirmed) + ' blocks ...');
setTimeout(function() {
}, interval);
// stop the loop when contracts has an address
() => blocksConfirmed >= blocksToConfirm,
(error, receipt) => {
if (error) {
} else {
* Confirm multiple transactions
* @param web3
* @param transactionHashes
* @param blocksToConfirm
* @param [interval]
* @returns {Promise}
confirmTransactions(web3, transactionHashes, blocksToConfirm, interval) {
return Promise.all(, hash => !!hash), hash =>
this.confirmTransaction(web3, hash, blocksToConfirm, interval)));
* @param {Array} logs
* @param event
* @returns {Promise}
decodeEventLogs(logs, event) {
* to understand this code, you need to read how the contract events are build inside `web3.eth.contract` method
* for each event in the ABI, a SolidityEvent class is constructed and then `attachToContract` method is called
* SolidityEvent.prototype.attachToContract = function (contract) {
* var execute = this.execute.bind(this);
* var displayName = this.displayName();
* if (!contract[displayName]) {
* contract[displayName] = execute;
* }
* contract[displayName][this.typeName()] = this.execute.bind(this, contract);
* };
* So, the `contract.event` object is actually the SolidityEvent.execute method
* that means we cannot directly access the SolidityEvent object, which is a shame
* Now, lets look inside the `execute` method:
* SolidityEvent.prototype.execute = function (indexed, options, callback) {
* if (utils.isFunction(arguments[arguments.length - 1])) {
* callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
* if(arguments.length === 2)
* options = null;
* if(arguments.length === 1) {
* options = null;
* indexed = {};
* }
* }
* var o = this.encode(indexed, options);
* var formatter = this.decode.bind(this);
* return new Filter(this._requestManager, o, watches.eth(), formatter, callback);
* };
* The important parts are the `this.encode` and `this.decode` functions are passed down to the filter object
* I will not go further into the details, but the `encode` function uses `SolidityEvent.signature()` method
* as the first topic
* And the `decode` function is assigned to the formatter
* So, in short
* - When we call `contract.method()` we actually get the Filter object
* - The filter object has the event signature as the first topic in the options (e.g. filter.options.topics[0])
* - The decode function is bound the filter formatter property (e.g. filter.formatter)
* Knowing this, the code below _should_ make sense
let filter = event();
let signature = filter.options.topics[0];
let decode = filter.formatter;
// the logs collection may contain other events. filter out only the ones we need by signature
let eventLogs = _.filter(logs, log => !_.isEmpty(log.topics) && log.topics[0] === signature);
// now we can decode the event logs that we _know_ were created by this event
let decodedEventLogs =, log => decode(log));
return Promise.resolve(decodedEventLogs);
log(/*arguments*/) {
console.log.apply(this, arguments);
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