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Last active September 15, 2022 14:19
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import os
import jwt
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from utils.http_code import HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_201_CREATED
def generate_response(data=None, message=None, status=400):
It takes in a data, message, and status, and returns a dictionary with the data, message, and status
:param data: The data that you want to send back to the client
:param message: This is the message that you want to display to the user
:param status: The HTTP status code, defaults to 400 (optional)
:return: A dictionary with the keys: data, message, status.
if status == HTTP_200_OK or status == HTTP_201_CREATED:
status_bool = True
status_bool = False
return {
"data": data,
"message": modify_slz_error(message, status_bool),
"status": status_bool,
}, status
def modify_slz_error(message, status):
It takes a message and a status, and returns a list of errors
:param message: The error message that you want to display
:param status: The HTTP status code you want to return
:return: A list of dictionaries.
final_error = list()
if message:
if type(message) == str:
if not status:
final_error.append({"error": message})
final_error = message
elif type(message) == list:
final_error = message
for key, value in message.items():
final_error.append({"error": str(key) + ": " + str(value[0])})
final_error = None
return final_error
class TokenGenerator:
def encode_token(user):
The encode_token function takes in a user object and returns a token
:param user: The user object that we want to encode
:return: A token
payload = {
"exp": + timedelta(days=1),
"id": str(,
token = jwt.encode(payload, os.environ.get("SECRET_KEY"), algorithm="HS256")
return token
def decode_token(token):
It takes a token, decodes it, and returns the decoded token
:param token: The token to decode
:return: A dictionary with the user's id and username.
return jwt.decode(
options={"require_exp": True},
def check_token(token):
It takes a token, and returns True if the token is valid, and False if it's not
:param token: The token to be decoded
:return: A boolean value.
options={"require_exp": True},
return True
return False
def get_user_id(token):
It decodes the token, and returns the user's id
:param token: The token that was sent to the server
:return: The user id is being returned.
data = jwt.decode(
options={"require_exp": True},
return data["id"]
token_generator = TokenGenerator()
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