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Last active August 21, 2019 06:06
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Some remarks on Reasonml "object" like types
/// Records
// Straigth forward, use this when an object remains in the BuckleScript realm
type record = { foo: int };
// Will _not_ compile to a JS object (at least, until some pr like are merged)
let record: record = { foo: 42 };
/// OCaml objects
// Probably no real need for this
type obj = {. foo: int }; // or {.. foo: int } for open object */
// Also, it's a bit verbose
let obj: obj = {
pub foo = 42;
/// JS Objects
// Super useful since it compiles to a JS object
// Could be used in Ocaml to avoid unnecessary conversions
type jsObj = {. "foo": int }; // or {.. "foo": int }; for open JS object */
// Compiles to a JS object as expected
let jsObj: jsObj = { "foo": 42 };
// You can even use free form JS objects!
let crazyJsObj = { "bar": 42 };
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