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Created February 7, 2020 06:30
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Urql with Init value hook
type t('a) = {
error: option(UrqlCombinedError.t),
loading: bool,
response: AsyncResult.t('a, UrqlCombinedError.t),
// request here will be the first value returned by the current hooks
let use = (~request) => {
let (pristine, setPristine) = React.useState(() => true);
let (hasLoaded, setHasLoaded) = React.useState(() => false);
let ({ReasonUrql.Hooks.error, fetching: loading, response}, performRequest) = request;
if (!hasLoaded && loading && pristine) {
setHasLoaded(_ => true);
setPristine(_ => false);
{error, loading, response: convertToResponseWithInit(~pristine, response)},
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