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Created September 2, 2019 01:58
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Nonempty lists with clean syntax in Reason (requires Bucklescript 6.*)
type empty;
type nonempty;
type t(_, _) =
| []: t('a, empty)
| ::('a, t('a, _)): t('a, nonempty);
let rec fromList: ('a, list('a)) => t('a, nonempty) =
x =>
| [] => [x]
| [head,] => [x, ...fromList(head, rest)];
let rec toList: type a. ('b, t('b, a)) => list('b) =
x =>
| [] => []
| [x] => [x]
| [head,] => [x, ...toList(head, rest)];
let rec map: type a. (t('b, a), 'b => 'c) => t('c, a) =
| [] => (_ => [])
| [head, ...tail] => (f => [f(head),, f)]);
let head: t('a, nonempty) => 'a =
| [head, ..._] => head;
[1]->head->Js.log; // Compiles and works as expected, notice that an int is returned, not an option(int)
// []->head->Js.log; // Doesn't even compile!
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