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galaxy001 /
Created January 30, 2024 06:29 — forked from leommoore/
File Magic Numbers

File Magic Numbers

Magic numbers are the first bits of a file which uniquely identify the type of file. This makes programming easier because complicated file structures need not be searched in order to identify the file type.

For example, a jpeg file starts with ffd8 ffe0 0010 4a46 4946 0001 0101 0047 ......JFIF.....G ffd8 shows that it's a JPEG file, and ffe0 identify a JFIF type structure. There is an ascii encoding of "JFIF" which comes after a length code, but that is not necessary in order to identify the file. The first 4 bytes do that uniquely.

This gives an ongoing list of file-type magic numbers.

Image Files

galaxy001 /
Created February 3, 2023 12:31 — forked from julianxhokaxhiu/
Windows 11 22H2 - Create local account on first boot and other useful tricks

Create a local account on Windows 11 22H2 clean install ( and first boot ):


Feel free to try this method if it works, if not switch back to the old one below.

  1. Reach the account creation and choose Personal Account
  2. Use as email [email protected]
  3. Use as password test
  4. Let Windows 11 fail the login and click Next
git config --global https.proxy
git config --global https.proxy
git config --global --unset http.proxy
git config --global --unset https.proxy
npm config delete proxy
galaxy001 /
Created September 15, 2022 14:00 — forked from ThomasLeister/
Ubuntu netplan config for secondary ip address

In case there's already a DHCP config for netplan for the private IP address:

File: /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml


# This file is generated from information provided by
# the datasource.  Changes to it will not persist across an instance.
# To disable cloud-init's network configuration capabilities, write a file
# /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following:
galaxy001 /
Created April 29, 2021 08:10 — forked from mutin-sa/
List of Top Public Time Servers

Google Public NTP [AS15169]:

galaxy001 /
Created April 14, 2020 15:41 — forked from flbuddymooreiv/
Setting up pass on git with a gpg key

The following shell transcript shows how to:

  • Create a GPG key
  • Create a pass database
  • Add git support to the pass database
  • Create a remote git repository
  • Push the pass database to the remote git repository
  • Fetch and display your passwords from another host

It is assumed that the pass package has been installed on both the first and second computers.

# data: 2020-03-31
# author: muzi502
# for: Fuck GFW and download some raw file form github without proxy using jsDelivr CDN
# usage: save the .she to your local such as /usr/bin/rawg, and chmod +x /usr/bin/rawg
# use rawg to download
set -xue
# GitHub rul:
# jsDelivr url:




OJ(Online judge, 在线编程测评提交代码到后台运行检查)网站一般都允许各种各样的代码提交,其中很有可能包含python3,于是决定尝试通过python3的代码执行,进行沙箱逃逸,以及绕过各种限制。


galaxy001 / git-pull-all
Created June 21, 2019 05:12 — forked from grimzy/git-pull-all
Git pull all remote branches
#!/usr/bin/env bash
git branch -r | grep -v '\->' | while read remote; do git branch --track "${remote#origin/}" "$remote"; done
git fetch --all
git pull --all