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Last active November 16, 2021 15:18
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module LambdaLetRec
import Data.List1
import Data.List.Quantifiers
-- types
infixr 5 ~>
data Ty
= IntTy
| (~>) Ty Ty
-- primops
data Prim : List Ty -> Ty -> Type where
Neg : Prim [IntTy] IntTy
Add : Prim [IntTy, IntTy] IntTy
Sub : Prim [IntTy, IntTy] IntTy
Mul : Prim [IntTy, IntTy] IntTy
IfZ : Prim [IntTy, t, t] t
data Literal : Ty -> Type where
IntLit : Int -> Literal IntTy
-- (well-typed) lambda calculus terms
IsVar : List Ty -> Ty -> Type
IsVar ctx v = Any (v ===) ctx
data Term : List Ty -> Ty -> Type where
Var : IsVar ctx ty -> Term ctx ty
Lam : {s : Ty} -> Term (s :: ctx) t -> Term ctx (s ~> t)
App : Term ctx (s ~> t) -> Term ctx s -> Term ctx t
Let : {s : Ty} -> Term ctx s -> Term (s :: ctx) t -> Term ctx t
Lit : (lit : Literal s) -> Term ctx s
Pri : Prim ts t -> All (Term ctx) ts -> Term ctx t
Rec : {ts : List1 Ty} -> All (LetBound (forget ts ++ ctx)) (forget ts) ->
Term (forget ts ++ ctx) t -> Term ctx t
-- in recursive lets, we only allow lambdas
data LetBound : List Ty -> Ty -> Type where
MkLetBound : Term ctx (s ~> t) -> LetBound ctx (s ~> t)
data OPE : List a -> List a -> Type where
Nil : OPE [] []
(::) : (x : a) -> OPE xs ys -> OPE (x :: xs) (x :: ys)
Skip : (x : a) -> OPE xs ys -> OPE xs (x :: ys)
(++) : OPE xs ys -> OPE us vs -> OPE (xs ++ us) (ys ++ vs)
[] ++ uvs = uvs
(xy :: xys) ++ uvs = xy :: (xys ++ uvs)
(Skip x xys) ++ uvs = Skip x (xys ++ uvs)
fromList : (xs : List a) -> OPE xs xs
fromList [] = []
fromList (x :: xs) = x :: fromList xs
namespace IsVar
weaken : OPE xs ys -> IsVar xs s -> IsVar ys s
weaken (Skip _ ope) var = There (weaken ope var)
weaken (x :: ope) (Here eq) = Here eq
weaken (x :: ope) (There var) = There (weaken ope var)
namespace Term
weaken : OPE xs ys -> Term xs s -> Term ys s
namespace LetBound
weaken : OPE xs ys -> LetBound xs s -> LetBound ys s
weaken ope (MkLetBound t) = MkLetBound (Term.weaken ope t)
namespace Term
weaken ope (Var v) = Var (weaken ope v)
weaken ope (Lam b) = Lam (weaken (_ :: ope) b)
weaken ope (App f t) = App (weaken ope f) (weaken ope t)
weaken ope (Let e t) = Let (weaken ope e) (weaken (_ :: ope) t)
weaken ope (Lit lit) = Lit lit
weaken ope (Pri p ts) = Pri p (mapProperty (weaken ope) ts)
weaken ope (Rec es t) = let ope = fromList ? ++ ope in
Rec (mapProperty (weaken ope) es) (weaken ope t)
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