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Parallel Task/Cmd
module Parallel exposing
( Data(..), Parallel, OneOf
, succeed, appendCmd, appendTask, append, map2
, andThen
, Msg, init, run, update
, Parallel1, Parallel2, Parallel3, Parallel4, Sequential
{-| Allows easily running tasks/cmd in parallel without manually needing to manage messages.
Supports any number of tasks.
@docs Data, Parallel, OneOf
### Constructing
@docs succeed, appendCmd, appendTask, append, map2
### Sequential operations
While operations constructed with the other functions will run in parallel, sometimes you also need operations to run sequentially.
@docs andThen
### Running
@docs Msg, init, run, update
### Type aliases
The functions here can generate some awful type signatures, but this can be somewhat ameliorated by using type aliases.
@docs Parallel1, Parallel2, Parallel3, Parallel4, Sequential
import Browser.Dom
import Platform exposing (Task)
import Task
{-| This whole thing runs on an RemoteData like abstraction.
type Data err a
= Loading
| Error err
| Loaded a
type Msg err a next
= Curr (Result err a)
| Next next
{-| A generalized sum type - basically the sum type equivalent of a Tuple.
type OneOf a b
= A a
| B b
{-| Represents a parallel series of effect with heterogeneous types (but homogenous error types \*).
Typically this will be defined statically, but run dynamically with `run`.
\* if you want heterogenous error types, nothing stops you from loading in `Result` inside the success types, then handling failure manually.
type Parallel inp err state msg todo
= Parallel
{ state : state
, cmd : inp -> Cmd msg
, update : msg -> state -> state
, complete : state -> OneOf ( inp -> Cmd msg, state ) (Data err todo)
-- Helpers
mapCmd : (a -> msg) -> (c -> Cmd a) -> c -> Cmd msg
mapCmd fn cmdFn inp =
cmdFn inp |> fn
mapCmd2 : (a -> msg) -> (b -> msg) -> (c -> Cmd a) -> (c -> Cmd b) -> c -> Cmd msg
mapCmd2 fn1 fn2 cmdFn1 cmdFn2 inp =
Cmd.batch [ fn1 (cmdFn1 inp), fn2 (cmdFn2 inp) ]
dataMap2 : (a -> b -> c) -> Data err a -> Data err b -> Data err c
dataMap2 fn a b =
case a of
Loaded done ->
case b of
Loaded l ->
Loaded (fn done l)
Error err ->
Error err
Loading ->
Error err ->
Error err
Loading ->
-- Type aliases
-- These make the types a bit less verbose at the cost of some indirection
{-| Denotes a Parallel that performs one operation after another.
type alias Sequential inp err stateA stateB msgA msgB todo =
Parallel inp err (OneOf stateA ( Parallel inp err stateB msgB todo, stateB )) (OneOf msgA msgB) todo
{-| -}
type alias Parallel1 inp err a state msg todo =
Parallel inp err ( Data err a, state ) (Msg err a msg) todo
{-| -}
type alias Parallel2 inp err a b state msg todo =
Parallel1 inp err a ( Data err b, state ) (Msg err b msg) todo
{-| -}
type alias Parallel3 inp err a b c state msg todo =
Parallel2 inp err a b ( Data err c, state ) (Msg err c msg) todo
{-| -}
type alias Parallel4 inp err a b c d state msg todo =
Parallel3 inp err a b c ( Data err d, state ) (Msg err d msg) todo
andThen : (a -> Parallel inp err stateB msgB b) -> Parallel inp err stateA msgA a -> Sequential inp err stateA stateB msgA msgB b
andThen fn (Parallel p) =
{ state = A p.state
, cmd = mapCmd A p.cmd
, update =
\msg model ->
case ( msg, model ) of
( A amsg, A amodel ) ->
A (p.update amsg amodel)
( B bmsg, B ( Parallel newP, bmodel ) ) ->
B ( Parallel newP, newP.update bmsg bmodel )
_ ->
, complete =
\model ->
case model of
A amodel ->
case p.complete amodel of
A ( cmd, state ) ->
A ( mapCmd A cmd, A state )
B l ->
case l of
Loaded x ->
(Parallel newP) =
fn x
A ( mapCmd B newP.cmd, B ( Parallel newP, newP.state ) )
Error err ->
B (Error err)
Loading ->
B Loading
B ( Parallel newP, bmodel ) ->
case newP.complete bmodel of
A ( cmdFn, state ) ->
A ( mapCmd B cmdFn, B ( Parallel newP, state ) )
B done ->
B done
{-| Give a function that is run once all the cmds have succeeded to collate the final result.
succeed : fn -> Parallel input err () () fn
succeed fn =
{ state = ()
, cmd = \_ -> Cmd.none
, update = \_ _ -> ()
, complete = \_ -> B (Loaded fn)
{-| Adds a cmd that can fail.
append : (input -> Cmd (Result err a)) -> Parallel input err rest next (a -> done) -> Parallel input err ( Data err a, rest ) (Msg err a next) done
append newCmd (Parallel p) =
{ state = ( Loading, p.state )
, cmd = mapCmd2 Curr Next newCmd p.cmd
, update =
\msg ( this, next ) ->
case msg of
Curr val ->
( case val of
Ok ok ->
Loaded ok
Err err ->
Error err
, next
Next smg ->
( this, p.update smg next )
, complete =
\( this, next ) ->
case p.complete next of
A ( cmdFn, state ) ->
A ( mapCmd Next cmdFn, ( this, state ) )
B l ->
B (dataMap2 (\fn val -> fn val) l this)
{-| Adds a cmd that cannot fail.
appendCmd : (input -> Cmd a) -> Parallel input err rest next (a -> done) -> Parallel input err ( Data err a, rest ) (Msg err a next) done
appendCmd cmd =
append (mapCmd Ok cmd)
{-| Adds a task
appendTask : (input -> Task err a) -> Parallel input err rest next (a -> done) -> Parallel input err ( Data err a, rest ) (Msg err a next) done
appendTask task =
append (\x -> Task.attempt identity (task x))
{-| Create the initial state (this will go into your model in your init function).
init : Parallel input err state msg done -> state
init (Parallel { state }) =
{-| Actually run the computation (give it a wrapper msg).
run : (innerMsg -> msg) -> input -> Parallel input err state innerMsg done -> Cmd msg
run fn input (Parallel { cmd }) =
mapCmd fn cmd input
{-| This is what you run in your update function. It returns the new state and the state of whatever you wanted to compute.
update : input -> Parallel input err state msg done -> msg -> state -> ( state, Data err done, Cmd msg )
update input (Parallel p) msg state =
newState =
p.update msg state
case p.complete newState of
A ( cmdFn, s ) ->
( s, Loading, cmdFn input )
B res ->
( newState, res, Cmd.none )
{-| -}
map2 : (a -> b -> c) -> Parallel input err state1 msg1 b -> Parallel input err state0 msg0 a -> Parallel input err ( state0, state1 ) (OneOf msg0 msg1) c
map2 fn (Parallel p1) (Parallel p2) =
{ state = ( p2.state, p1.state )
, cmd = mapCmd2 A B p2.cmd p1.cmd
, update =
\msg ( this, next ) ->
case msg of
A val ->
( p2.update val this
, next
B smg ->
( this, p1.update smg next )
, complete =
\( this, next ) ->
case p2.complete this of
A ( cmdFn, state ) ->
A ( mapCmd A cmdFn, ( state, next ) )
B l ->
case p1.complete next of
A ( cmdFn, state ) ->
A ( mapCmd B cmdFn, ( this, state ) )
B x ->
B (dataMap2 fn l x)
---- Example
type alias MyRec =
{ viewport : Browser.Dom.Viewport
, element : Browser.Dom.Element
myVal : Parallel2 () Browser.Dom.Error Browser.Dom.Element Browser.Dom.Viewport () () MyRec
myVal =
succeed MyRec
|> appendTask (always Browser.Dom.getViewport)
|> appendTask (always (Browser.Dom.getElement "foo"))
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