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Created June 25, 2015 14:41
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(defn gen-contact-table
(mapv (fn [i]
{:name (str (rand-nth ["Gardner" "Mike" "Matt" "Jordan" "Vinny" "Jacob"])
" "
(rand-nth ["Vickers" "Heskie" "Dawson" "Carol" "Stark"]))
:email (rand-nth ["[email protected]" "[email protected]" "[email protected]"])
:position (rand-nth ["floor-sweeper" "cart-pusher" "president"])
:company (rand-nth ["mcdonalds" "carousel" "medlyfe" "YoloCorp"])
:expertise [(rand-nth ["avaya" "nortel" "cisco" "alarmtraq"])
(rand-nth ["avaya" "nortel" "cisco" "solarwinds"])
(rand-nth ["avaya" "nortel" "cisco" "extreme"])]
:rate (rand-nth ["100" "200" "300" "400" "1000000"])
:title "Software Engineer"
:location (rand-nth ["9 Browning S.T. Wakefield RI 02879"
"695 South County Trail, Exeter RI"])
:pin {:lat nil
:lng nil}
:rating (rand-nth [1 2 3 4 5])
:phone "555-555-5555"
:motto "Whatever"
:background "aurora.jpg"
:picture "person.jpg"})
(range 1 (inc size))))
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