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Last active September 20, 2023 15:00
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Convert Unity packages from Library/PackageCache into local packages. (more info in comments below)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public static class LocalPackageConverter
[MenuItem("Assets/Convert to Local Package", isValidateFunction:true)]
private static bool CanConvertSelectionToLocalPackages()
foreach (var assetPath in SelectedAssetPaths)
if (CanConvertToLocalPackage(assetPath))
return true;
return false;
[MenuItem("Assets/Convert to Local Package", isValidateFunction:false, priority:20)]
private static void ConvertSelectionToLocalPackages()
var packageVersions = LoadPackageVersions();
foreach (var assetPath in SelectedAssetPaths)
if (CanConvertToLocalPackage(assetPath))
ConvertToLocalPackage(assetPath, packageVersions);
private static bool ConvertToLocalPackage(string assetPath, Dictionary<string, string> packageVersions)
var packageName = Path.GetFileName(assetPath);
if (!packageVersions.TryGetValue(packageName, out var packageVersion))
Debug.LogError($"\"{packageName}\" not found in package manifest");
return false;
if (packageVersion.StartsWith("file:"))
var localPackagePath = packageVersion.Substring("file:".Length);
ResolvePath(ref localPackagePath);
Debug.Log($"\"{packageName}\" is already a local package: {localPackagePath}");
return true;
var sourcePackagePath = JoinPath(PackageCachePath, $"{packageName}@{packageVersion}");
var sourcePackageDir = new DirectoryInfo(sourcePackagePath);
if (!sourcePackageDir.Exists)
Debug.LogError($"\"{packageName}\" content not found: {sourcePackagePath}");
return false;
var targetPackagePath = JoinPath(ProjectPath, $"Packages.local/{packageName}@{packageVersion}");
if (Directory.Exists(targetPackagePath))
Debug.LogError($"Local package directory already exists: {targetPackagePath}");
return false;
var targetPackageDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(targetPackagePath);
if (!targetPackageDir.Exists)
Debug.LogError($"Failed to create local package directory: {targetPackagePath}");
return false;
if (!CopyDirectory(in sourcePackageDir, in targetPackageDir))
return false;
if (targetPackagePath.StartsWith(ProjectPath))
// convert to relative path
targetPackagePath = $"..{targetPackagePath.Substring(ProjectPath.Length)}";
if (!UpdatePackageManifest(packageName, $"file:{targetPackagePath}"))
return false;
Debug.Log($"Converted \"{packageName}\" to local package: {targetPackagePath}");
return true;
private static readonly string AssetsPath = Application.dataPath.Replace('\\','/');
private static readonly string ProjectPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetsPath).Replace('\\','/');
private static readonly string LibraryPath = JoinPath(ProjectPath, "Library");
private static readonly string PackageCachePath = JoinPath(LibraryPath, "PackageCache");
private static readonly string PackagesPath = JoinPath(ProjectPath, "Packages");
private static readonly string ManifestPath = JoinPath(PackagesPath, "manifest.json");
private static readonly Type Json =
private delegate object JsonDeserializeDelegate(string json);
private static readonly JsonDeserializeDelegate JsonDeserialize =
method:Json.GetMethod("Deserialize", BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Static)
private delegate string JsonSerializeDelegate(object obj, bool pretty, string indentText);
private static readonly JsonSerializeDelegate JsonSerialize =
method:Json.GetMethod("Serialize", BindingFlags.Public|BindingFlags.Static)
private static IEnumerable<string> SelectedAssetPaths =>
private static bool UpdatePackageManifest(string packageName, string packageVersion)
var manifestPath = ManifestPath;
var manifest = LoadPackageManifest(manifestPath);
if (manifest == null || manifest.Count == 0)
Debug.LogError($"Package manifest failed to deserialize ({manifestPath})");
return false;
var dependencies = manifest["dependencies"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
if (dependencies == null)
Debug.LogError($"Package manifest has no \"dependencies\" key ({manifestPath})");
return false;
dependencies[packageName] = packageVersion;
File.WriteAllText(manifestPath, JsonSerialize(manifest, pretty:true, indentText:" "));
return true;
private static Dictionary<string, object> LoadPackageManifest(string manifestPath)
if (!File.Exists(manifestPath))
Debug.LogError($"Package manifest not found ({manifestPath})");
return null;
var manifestJson = File.ReadAllText(manifestPath);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(manifestJson))
Debug.LogError($"Package manifest was empty ({manifestPath})");
return null;
return JsonDeserialize(manifestJson) as Dictionary<string, object>;
private static Dictionary<string, string> LoadPackageVersions()
var manifestPath = ManifestPath;
var manifest = LoadPackageManifest(manifestPath);
if (manifest == null || manifest.Count == 0)
Debug.LogError($"Package manifest failed to deserialize ({manifestPath})");
return null;
var dependencies = manifest["dependencies"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
if (dependencies == null)
Debug.LogError($"Package manifest has no \"dependencies\" key ({manifestPath})");
return null;
var packageVersions = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var package in dependencies)
packageVersions.Add(package.Key, package.Value.ToString());
/** /
// We could get package versions from Library/PackageCache
// but it is unclear how to override these packages in manifest.json.
var packageCachePath = PackageCachePath;
var packageCacheDir = new DirectoryInfo(packageCachePath);
if (!packageCacheDir.Exists)
Debug.LogError($"PackageCache not found ({packageCachePath})");
return null;
foreach (var subdir in packageCacheDir.EnumerateDirectories())
var packageParts = subdir.Name.Split('@');
var packageName = packageParts[0];
var packageVersion = packageParts[1];
if (!packageVersions.ContainsKey(packageName))
packageVersions.Add(packageName, packageVersion);
return packageVersions;
private static bool CopyDirectory(in DirectoryInfo source, in DirectoryInfo target)
foreach (var sourceSubDir in source.EnumerateDirectories())
var targetSubPath = JoinPath(target.FullName, sourceSubDir.Name);
var targetSubDir = Directory.CreateDirectory(targetSubPath);
if (!targetSubDir.Exists)
Debug.LogError($"Failed to create local package subdirectory: {targetSubPath}");
return false;
CopyDirectory(sourceSubDir, targetSubDir);
foreach (var sourceFile in source.EnumerateFiles())
var targetFilePath = JoinPath(target.FullName, sourceFile.Name);
Debug.Log($"Copying {targetFilePath}...");
if (!sourceFile.CopyTo(targetFilePath).Exists)
Debug.LogError($"Failed to create local package file: {targetFilePath}");
return false;
return true;
public static bool CanConvertToLocalPackage(string assetPath)
return assetPath.StartsWith("Packages/");
private static string JoinPath(string a, string b) => Path.Combine(a, b).Replace('\\','/');
private static string[] SplitPath(string path) => path.Split('\\','/');
private static bool ResolvePath(ref string path)
var components = SplitPath(path).ToList();
if (components.Count == 0)
return false;
if (components[0] == ".")
return false;
else if (components[0] == "..")
components.InsertRange(0, SplitPath(ProjectPath));
path = string.Join("/", components);
return Directory.Exists(path);
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Place this file in an Editor folder anywhere in your project's Assets folder. Select one or more packages, and choose "Convert to Local Package" from the Project tab's context menu.

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