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Created June 8, 2023 16:05
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[USB Foot Pedal] Trigger a terminal command with your foot


While working on scripts, I execute it hundreds of times while iterating on it (big fan of baby steps approach).

To run my script, I usually have to switch focus to my terminal & run the last command, which makes me lose a bit of focus after the 10th+ time.

One solution is to use a file monitor that runs a command everytime a file gets modified, but in my experience, for most scripts I want to decide when to rerun the script.

After buying a USB foot pedal, I was wondering how can I use it to automate this small inconvenience.


Run an arbitrary terminal command everytime we detect a USB device event in Python.

Python Code below

Explanation Video on

# $ sudo evtest
# No device specified, trying to scan all of /dev/input/event*
# Available devices:
# /dev/input/event24: PCsensor FootSwitch
# Select the device event number [0-24]: ^C
import os
import argparse
from evdev import InputDevice, ecodes, KeyEvent
RED = '\033[91m'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process a command on every button press of a foot pedal')
parser.add_argument('--device', required=True,help='Input Device e.g. /dev/input/event22. Find it with $ evtest')
parser.add_argument('cmd',help='Command to be run on every key press')
args = parser.parse_args()
if os.geteuid() != 0:
print(f"{RED}USB handling needs root to run{ENDCOLOR}")
raise Exception('Needs to run as root')
device = InputDevice(args.device)
print(f"{GREEN}Getting exclusive access to input device{ENDCOLOR}")
print(f"cmd$ {GREEN} {args.cmd}{ENDCOLOR}")
for event in device.read_loop():
if event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY and event.value == KeyEvent.key_up:
print(f"{GREEN}Releasing exclusive access to input device{ENDCOLOR}")
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