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Created July 14, 2022 09:42
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Create custom user dictionary for use in MeCab through Fugashi
# Generate custom MeCab dictionary to be used with unidic-lite
import sys
from fugashi.fugashi import build_dictionary
import unidic_lite
args = (
+ f" -f utf8 -t utf8 -d {unidic_lite.DICDIR} -u custom.dic custom_entries.csv"
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 3 should actually have 1 column, instead of 21 in line 2.
# REMOVE COMMENTS FIRST (MeCab doesn't allow comments)
# see for a description of the fields
from fugashi import Tagger # type: ignore
# use the generated custom dictionary (plus unidic-lite)
TAGGER = Tagger("-Owakati -u custom.dic")
print(TAGGER("皆様こんにちは。本日はですね とっても特別なお客様にお伺いしたいと思いま〜す"))
# expected output: [皆, 様, こんにちは, 。, 本日, は, です, ね,  , とっても, 特別, な, お, 客, 様, に, お, 伺い, し, たい, と, 思い, ま, 〜, す]
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