This is an example of pan limiting, trapping for zoom.translate() by passing an array, which is determined by a simple boolean network for each of x and y of the translation to ensure that dragging is constrained within the panExtent.
It is a fork of Pan+Zoom demonstrating an example of d3.behavior.zoom applied using x- and y-scales.
create an object variable
var panExtent = {x: [0,600], y: [-200,Infinity] };
to set the limits of the pan -
when setting the domain test for compliance with the panExtent (the domain should be no bigger than panExtent)
add function
to do the limiting Math which returns an array used byzoom.translate()
in the listener for the zoom (in this case the function
) set thezoom.translate(panLimit())
note: (fixed) I just noticed this only works effectively for the lower bound when the zoom.scale() is 1 or the lower Y bound is 0, I'll fix this soon.