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Andela_Tech_Challenge - Cycle 11 (Kigali)
<div class="searchIT">
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const endpoint = '';
const cities = [];
then(blob => blob.json()).
then(data => cities.push(
then(resp => displayMatches());
function findMatches(input) {
return cities.filter(place => {
const regex = new RegExp(input, 'gi');
return || place.state.match(regex);
function numberWithCommas(x) {
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',');
function displayMatches() {
const input = searchInput.value;
const matchArray = findMatches(input);
const htmlElements = => {
// Add text highlights
const regex = new RegExp(input, 'gi');
const cityName =,
`<span class="hl">${input}</span>`);
const stateName = place.state.replace(regex,
`<span class="hl">${input}</span>`);
// Handle growth display
const growth = place.growth_from_2000_to_2013;
const growthDirection = parseFloat(growth) > 0 ? 'up' : 'down';
return `
<article class="result">
<div class="result__rank">${place.rank}</div>
<h2 class="result__title">${cityName}, ${stateName}</h2>
<div class="result__meta">
${numberWithCommas(place.population)} people
<span class="growth growth--${growthDirection}">${growth}</span>
const headerText = input ?
`${htmlElements.length} matches for "${input}"` :
`${htmlElements.length} cities ranking`;
const html = `<h1 class="results__header">${headerText}</h1>` +
searchResults.innerHTML = html;
const searchInput = document.querySelector('.searchIT__input');
const searchResults = document.querySelector('.results');
searchInput.addEventListener('change', displayMatches);
searchInput.addEventListener('keyup', displayMatches);
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opacity: 0;
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