python 3.6, postgres, pip install aiohttp uvloop ujson asyncpg sanic
➤ wrk -d 10 -c 100 -t 12 --timeout 8 http://localhost:8000 # aiohttp
Running 10s test @ http://localhost:8000
your git repository can have more than one remote server; In this case we want to have two:
)How to make a private fork from github to gitlab
local$ socat TCP-LISTEN:2222,bind=,reuseaddr,fork TCP-LISTEN:2223,reuseaddr | |
local$ ssh -p 2222 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no localhost | |
remote$ socat TCP: TCP: |
If you want to clone an svn repository with git-svn but don't want it to push all the existing branches, here's what you should do. | |
* Clone with git-svn using the -T parameter to define your trunk path inside the svnrepo, at the same time instructing it to clone only the trunk: | |
git svn clone -T trunk | |
* If instead of cloning trunk you just want to clone a certain branch, do the same thing but change the path given to -T: | |
git svn clone -T branches/somefeature |