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hacking since 1987


hacking since 1987
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gatopeich /
Last active March 29, 2024 22:10
Install Jupyter iPython Notebook on Android via Termux
pkg upgrade
# Install runtime deps
pkg install python libzmq libcrypt
# Add build deps
pkg install python-dev libzmq-dev libcrypt-dev clang
pip3 install -U pip
pip3 install pyzmq --install-option="--zmq=/usr/lib"
pip3 install jupyter
gatopeich /
Last active May 13, 2018 11:01
gatopeich's prototype of a minimal Javascript interpreter
# gatopeich's minimal Javascript interpreter prototype
# Coding this as a prototype for a specific-purpose lightweight Javascript
# engine in C/C++.
# DONE: Tokenizer (except quote parsing)
# DONE: Expression extraction
# DONE: Pretty printer
# next: Interpreter...
gatopeich /
Last active August 17, 2018 09:16
Simple tray icon to display status of Jenkins builds, based on Python, wget, GTK StatusIcon, and some random art
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Display status of several Jenkins jobs in system tray
# Tooltip shows the list of builds and status
# SVG-based art represents the jobs status (random circles whose color reflects build status, green for OK etc.)
# On click, point default browser to ON_CLICK_URL
JOBS_URL = 'http://jenkins/job/'
ON_CLICK_URL = 'http://jenkins/user/myself/my-views/view/My%20Dashboard/'
WGET_AUTH = '--auth-no-challenge --user=XXX --password=YYY'
gatopeich / gist:a14cbadc4b0db4f6f00e4f0f0fd1fe87
Created October 19, 2018 08:23
Checking Linux processes scheculing policies and priorities with ps command
$ ps -eo pid,policy,rtprio,pri,nice,cmd
1 TS - 19 0 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 23
2 TS - 19 0 [kthreadd]
3 TS - 19 0 [ksoftirqd/0]
5 TS - 39 -20 [kworker/0:0H]
6 TS - 19 0 [kworker/u16:0]
7 FF 99 139 - [migration/0]
8 TS - 19 0 [rcu_bh]
9 TS - 19 0 [rcu_sched]
gatopeich / Extract Minecraft from Genymotion into MCPE-Launcher
Last active May 2, 2020 22:57
Get minecraft from Genymotion into MCPE-Launcher
$ ~/genymotion/tools/adb devices -l
List of devices attached device product:vbox86p model:Google_Nexus_7___4_4_4___API_19___800x1280 device:vbox86p
$ ~/genymotion/tools/adb shell ls /data/app/com.mojang.minecraft*
$ ~/genymotion/tools/adb pull /data/app/com.mojang.minecraftpe-1.apk
/data/app/com.mojang.minecraftpe-1.apk: 1 file pulled. 50.6 MB/s (79278178 bytes in 1.494s)
gatopeich /
Created February 19, 2019 15:08
Python 3.7 dataclass to/from dict/json
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields as datafields
from ujson import dumps, loads
# Note: ujson seamlessly serializes dataclasses, unlike stdlib's json
class Point:
x: float
y: float
# Shallow dataclass can be rebuilt from dict/json:
gatopeich /
Created March 29, 2019 12:29
Generic Linux service script, systemd and LSB compatible but also working on older systems
# Generic Linux service script, systemd and LSB compatible but also working on older systems
# To install:
# 1. Place under /etc/init.d/ with the name of the service
# 2. sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/my_service
# 3. sudo systemctl enable my_service || sudo chkconfig --add my_service
# 4. sudo service my_service start
gatopeich / [email protected]
Created April 8, 2019 22:08
Systemd service for Minecraft Bedrock server (MCMrARM's mcpelauncher-server)
# /etc/systemd/system/[email protected] by gatopeich
# HowTo #
# - Copy this file to /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
# - adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --home /opt/mcpe --group minecraft
gatopeich / RawFlood.cpp
Last active April 1, 2020 08:38
Using TPACKET_V3 to measure interface capacity. Proof of concept by gatopeich
// Using TPACKET_V3 to measure interface capacity. Proof of concept by gatopeich
// Based on the folloging information sources:
// [1] Kernel documentation:
// [2] Kernel "selftest" tools:
// [3] Answer to "Sending data with PACKET_MMAP..." in
// [4] packet.7 man page
// [5] Kernel sources
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
gatopeich / InPlaceJSON.cpp
Created May 24, 2020 01:02
C++17 in-place JSON parser
// In-place JSON parsing concept by gatopeich 2020
// Taking advantage of C++17 features like std::string_view
// No rights reserved, use at your own risk!
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
namespace inplacejson