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Created November 10, 2015 15:55
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"Best Sellers" script example for Mastering Shopify Apps
require 'shopify_api'
# This is an example script for the course "Mastering Shopify Apps"
# available at You're free to use and
# modify this script as desired.
# Define authentication parameters. You should update these with the
# authentication details for your own shop and private application.
# Configure the Shopify API with our authentication credentials. = "https://#{SHOPIFY_API_KEY}:#{SHOPIFY_PASSWORD}@#{SHOPIFY_SHOP}/admin"
# Fetch orders from the last 30 days. Note that we're fetching a maximum of 250
# orders, which is the most Shopify allows us to retrieve in one API call. In a
# more developed solution, you'd need to handle the situation where more than
# 250 orders had been placed in the last 30 days by fetching multiple pages of
# orders.
orders = ShopifyAPI::Order.find(:all, params: { created_at_min: ( - 30.days), limit: 250 })
# Generate a hash mapping product IDs to the total quantity sold. This is done
# by iterating over every line item in every order, extracting the product ID
# and quantity from the line item as a Hash, then merging all of those hashes
# together.
product_sales = { |o| o.line_items }.flatten.inject({}) do |product_sales, line_item|
Hash[line_item.product_id, line_item.quantity]
) { |_, current, additional| current + additional }
# Sort the list of product sales by quantity in descending order.
product_sales = Hash[product_sales.sort_by{ |k, v| v }.reverse]
# Take the first 10 product IDs as our list of most popular products.
most_popular_products = product_sales.keys.take(10)
# Fetch all the products in the store. As with orders, we're limited to 250
# products here with a single API call. A production version of this script
# would also support paginating through all products.
products = ShopifyAPI::Product.find(:all, params: { limit: 250 })
# Now iterate through every product and add or remove the "Best Seller" tag as
# needed.
products.each do |product|
# Convert tags, which are stored as a comma-separated string, into an array.
tags = product.tags.split(',').map(&:strip)
# Add or remove the "Best Seller" tag from the list of product tags depending
# on whether the product is in the most popular list.
if most_popular_products.include?(
tags << "Best Seller"
tags.delete("Best Seller")
# Check to see if a change has been made to the tags, and if so, make the API
# call to update the product's tags.
updated_tags = tags.uniq.join(',')
unless updated_tags == product.tags
product.tags = updated_tags
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