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Created September 19, 2010 20:02
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A MapReduce algorithm for Conway's Game of Life
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'wukong'
# Given a file with the coordinate pair of a live cell on each line,
# generate the next iteration of Game of Life, using MapReduce
# The map phase takes each live cell, and outputs 9 key value pairs, 1 for
# each of the adjacent cells and itself. The reduce phase dedupes, detects
# whether the cell is alive or dead in this iteration, and hence what it
# should be in the next iteration.
# Can be run locally, or using Hadoop to distribute processing of large worlds
# e.g. Given a file called iter1 containing:
# 1,1
# 1,2
# 1,3
# Running the command:
# $ ruby mapreduce_conway.rb --run=local iter1 iter2
# results in a file iter2 containing:
# 0,2
# 1,2
# 2,2
# Which is equivalent to:
# o x o o o o
# o x o ==> x x x
# o x o o o o
# This output can be fed to the script as the input for the next
# iteration.
module Conway
class Mapper < Wukong::Streamer::LineStreamer
def process line
cell = line.chomp
zone_of_effect(cell).each {|c| yield [c, cell]} rescue nil
def zone_of_effect(cell)
zones = []
x,y = cell.split(",").map{|coord| coord.to_i}
(x-1).upto(x+1) do |i|
(y-1).upto(y+1) do |j|
zones << "#{i},#{j}"
class Reducer < Wukong::Streamer::ListReducer
def finalize
neighbours =
cell_is_alive = neighbours.include? key
yield [key] if alive_next?(cell_is_alive, key, neighbours.reject{|c| c==key})
def alive_next?(alive_now, cell, neighbours)
neighbours.size==3 or (neighbours.size==2 and alive_now)
end, Conway::Reducer).run
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So one reducer for one alive cell?

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