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Last active December 27, 2015 11:39
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We can use tuples to define functions with multiple return values. This code example shows how we can use the spread operator and function composition with such functions.
//a function that produces a tuple
[String, String?, String] parseName(String name) {
value it = name.split().iterator();
"first name is required"
assert (is String first =;
"last name is required"
assert (is String second =;
if (is String third = {
return [first, second, third];
else {
return [first, null, second];
//a function with multiple parameters
String greeting(String first, String? middle, String last) =>
"Greetings, ``first`` ``last``!";
void demoFunctionComposition() {
//the * operator "spreads" the tuple result
//of parseName() over the parameters of
print(greeting(*parseName("John Doe")));
//but what if we want to compose parseName()
//and greeting() without providing arguments
//up front? Well, we can use compose() and
value greet = compose(print,
compose(unflatten(greeting), parseName));
greet("Jane Doe");
//so we could actually re-express the first
//example in terms of unflatten()
print(unflatten(greeting)(parseName("Jean Doe")));
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