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Last active April 28, 2021 15:43
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R code to download, extract, and fit a Tweedie GAM to monthly rainfall total time series from Nuuk, Greenland, using mgcv
## Process precip data for Nuuk
## Packages
## Data - data are at
## file is compressed
url <- ""
tmp <- "./v2.prcp.Z"
curl_download(url, tmp, quiet = FALSE)
## At this point you'll need to uncompress the x-compress file you just downloaded,
## and extract the `v2.prcp` file to the working (or other) directory.
## There is an R package `uncompress` that could do this for you, but it was removed
## from CRAN at some point; the last version archived there is from 2012.
path.2.v2.prcp <- "./v2.prcp"
## data have 16 chars, then twelve groups of 5 chars
## the first 16 chars contain relevant info and need extracting into separate variables on reading
precip <- read_fwf(path.2.v2.prcp,
fwf_widths(c(3, 5, 3, 1, 4, rep(5, 12)),
col_names = c("Country","WMOID","Modifier","Duplicate","Year",,
na = c("-9999","-8888")) # -8888 means a trace, which I ignore (naughty!)
# -9999 is straight up missing
## subset only the bits we want
precip <- precip[precip$WMOID == 4250L, ] # 4250 is the WMO station ID for Nuuk (Godthaab)
## gather the month cols into a single key value pair
precip <- gather(precip, Month, Precip, -Country, -WMOID, -Modifier, -Duplicate, -Year)
## add a numeric column for month
months <- 1:12
names(months) <-
precip <- add_column(precip, nMonth = unname(months[precip$Month]), .after = "Month")
## Drop some other stuff
precip <- precip[, c("WMOID", "Year", "Month", "nMonth", "Precip")]
## Save this to RDS
write_rds(precip, "./nuuk-precip-data.rds")
## Load and analyse precip data for Nuuk
## Packages
## Data - data are in ./nuuk-precip-data.rds
## This file can be created by running ./data-prep.R *interactively*
precip <- readRDS("./nuuk-precip-data.rds")
## gam.control object
ctrl <- gam.control()
## ctrl <- gam.control(nthreads = 4) # uncomment if you can use multiple threads
## This coerces precip to a data.frame - no tibbles from now on
precip <- transform(precip, Precip = Precip / 10) # Precip data are in 1/10 of a mm
## model will be a Tweedie GAM
## te() version as interaction required
m <- gam(Precip ~ te(nMonth, Year, bs = c("cc", "tp"), k = c(12, 35)),
data = precip, knots = list(nMonth = c(0.5, 12.5)),
family = tw, method = "REML", select = TRUE, control = ctrl)
plot(m, scheme = 2, n = 200, tran = family(m)$linkinv)
## Look at the fitted model
ilink <- family(m)$linkinv # this is the inverse of the link function, as an R function
## Generate new data to predict at; to get smooth plots use ~ 100 evenly spaced values for each covariate
pdata <- with(precip, expand.grid(Year = seq(min(Year), max(Year), length.out = 100),
nMonth = seq(1, 12, length.out = 100)))
## Add on the fitted values and SEs *on the log [link] scale*
pdata <- cbind(pdata,, newdata = pdata, type = "link", = TRUE)))
## Compute 95% confidence interval on link scale & back transform this & model fit to response scale
pdata <- transform(pdata,
Upper = ilink(fit + (1.96 *,
Lower = ilink(fit - (1.96 *,
Fitted = ilink(fit))
## plot
p1 <- ggplot(pdata, aes(x = nMonth, y = Fitted, colour = Year, group = factor(Year))) +
geom_line() +
scale_color_viridis(option = "plasma", end = 0.95) +
labs(title = "Modelled change in monthly total precipitation at Nuuk, Greenland, 1874–2016",
subtitle = "Increase in rainfall & marked change in within-year distribution",
caption = "Data:",
x = NULL,
y = "Estimated total precipitation (mm)") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:12, minor_breaks = NULL, labels =
ggsave("modelled-nuuk-rainfall.png", p1, dpi = 100, width = 8.5, height = 5.5)
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Hello, I cannot download the data, does it still exist?

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@AliciaHamer The data appear to be here with different naming conventions but perhaps a nicer compression system such that we can open them directly from within R. If you try the new source and it doesn't work (i.e. the internal file structure has changed), let me know and I'll take a look at updating this to provide working code.

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