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Created January 15, 2022 14:35
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pipe typescript
export interface Pipe<A> {
to<B, Rest extends unknown[]>(
fn: (value: A, ...args: Rest) => B,
...args: Rest
): Pipe<B>;
out<B, Rest extends unknown[]>(
fn: (value: A, ...args: Rest) => B,
...args: Rest
): B;
export const pipe = <A>(value: A): Pipe<A> => ({
to<B, Rest extends unknown[]>(
fn: (value: A, ...args: Rest) => B,
...args: Rest
): Pipe<B> {
return pipe(fn(value, ...args));
out<B, Rest extends unknown[]>(
fn: (value: A, ...args: Rest) => B,
...args: Rest
): B {
return fn(value, ...args);
const removePrefix = (str: string, prefix: string): string =>
str.startsWith(prefix) ? str.slice(prefix.length) : str;
const replace = (str: string, search: string, replaceWith: string) =>
str.replace(search, replaceWith);
parseInt(replace(removePrefix("Value: 1300$", "Value: "), "$", ""), 10);
const result = pipe('Value: 1300$')
.to(removePrefix, 'Value: ')
.to(replace, '$', '')
.out(parseInt, 10)
function add(a:number, b: string) {
return a + b;
function mul(a:number, b: number) {
return a * b;
const sas = pipe(5)
.to(add, "jhk")
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