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Created November 16, 2020 20:53
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Depth Camera to Point Cloud Exmaple
An example which shows how to deproject the depth camera ground truth image
from gym into a 3D point cloud.
Requires pptk toolkit for viewing the resulting point cloud (pip install pptk)
Note: If pptk viewer stalls on Ubuntu, refer to (remove libz from package so it uses system libz)
import numpy as np
import pptk
from isaacgym import gymutil
from isaacgym import gymapi
# initialize gym
gym = gymapi.acquire_gym()
# parse arguments
args = gymutil.parse_arguments(description="Depth Camera To Point Cloud Example", headless=True)
# configure sim
sim_params = gymapi.SimParams()
sim_params.dt = 1.0 / 60.0
if args.physics_engine == gymapi.SIM_FLEX:
sim_params.flex.solver_type = 5
sim_params.flex.num_outer_iterations = 4
sim_params.flex.num_inner_iterations = 15
sim_params.flex.relaxation = 0.75
sim_params.flex.warm_start = 0.4
elif args.physics_engine == gymapi.SIM_PHYSX:
sim_params.physx.solver_type = 1
sim_params.physx.num_position_iterations = 4
sim_params.physx.num_velocity_iterations = 1
sim_params.physx.num_threads = args.num_threads
sim_params.physx.use_gpu = args.use_gpu
sim = gym.create_sim(args.compute_device_id, args.graphics_device_id, args.physics_engine, sim_params)
if sim is None:
print("*** Failed to create sim")
# create viewer
if not args.headless:
viewer = gym.create_viewer(sim, gymapi.CameraProperties())
if viewer is None:
raise ValueError('*** Failed to create viewer')
# add ground plane with segmentation id zero
# so we can identify depths originating from the ground
# plane and ignore them
plane_params = gymapi.PlaneParams()
plane_params.segmentation_id = 0
gym.add_ground(sim, plane_params)
# set up the env grid parameters
num_envs = 1
spacing = 1
env_lower = gymapi.Vec3(-spacing, 0.0, -spacing)
env_upper = gymapi.Vec3(spacing, spacing, spacing)
# Create a Sphere
asset_sphere_low = gym.create_sphere(sim, 0.2, gymapi.AssetOptions())
# Load assets
asset_root = "../../assets"
# Load the Franka Arm
load_options = gymapi.AssetOptions()
load_options.fix_base_link = True
load_options.flip_visual_attachments = True
load_options.disable_gravity = True
load_options.armature = 0.01
franka_asset_file = "urdf/franka_description/robots/franka_panda.urdf"
franka_asset = gym.load_asset(sim, asset_root, franka_asset_file, load_options)
# Load the Sektion cabinet
load_options.flip_visual_attachments = False
load_options.disable_gravity = False
cabinet_asset_file = "urdf/sektion_cabinet_model/urdf/sektion_cabinet.urdf"
cabinet_asset = gym.load_asset(sim, asset_root, cabinet_asset_file, load_options)
envs = []
for i in range(num_envs):
# create environment
env = gym.create_env(sim, env_lower, env_upper, 8)
q = gymapi.Quat(-0.707107, 0.0, 0.0, 0.707107)
# Place 3 actors in the environment
gym.create_actor(env, asset_sphere_low, gymapi.Transform(r=q, p=gymapi.Vec3(0.0, 0.25, 0.0)), 'box', i, 1, segmentationId=10)
gym.create_actor(env, franka_asset, gymapi.Transform(r=q, p=gymapi.Vec3(2.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 'franka', i, 1, segmentationId=11)
gym.create_actor(env, cabinet_asset, gymapi.Transform(r=q, p=gymapi.Vec3(0.0, 0.4, 2.0)), 'cab', i, 1, segmentationId=12)
# Camera properties
cam_positions = []
cam_targets = []
cam_handles = []
cam_width = 480
cam_height = 320
cam_props = gymapi.CameraProperties()
cam_props.width = cam_width
cam_props.height = cam_height
# Camera 0 Position and Target
cam_positions.append(gymapi.Vec3(2, 0.5, 1.5))
cam_targets.append(gymapi.Vec3(0.0, 0.5, 0.0))
# Camera 1 Position and Target
cam_positions.append(gymapi.Vec3(-0.5, 0.5, 2))
cam_targets.append(gymapi.Vec3(0.0, 0.5, 0.0))
# Camera 2 Position and Target
cam_positions.append(gymapi.Vec3(2.333, 2.5, -2))
cam_targets.append(gymapi.Vec3(0.0, 0.5, 0.0))
# Camera 3 Position and Target
cam_positions.append(gymapi.Vec3(2.2, 1.5, -2))
cam_targets.append(gymapi.Vec3(0.0, 0.5, 0.0))
# Camera 4 Position and Target
cam_positions.append(gymapi.Vec3(2, 2.5, -0.5))
cam_targets.append(gymapi.Vec3(0.0, 0.5, 0.0))
# Create cameras in environment zero and set their locations
# to the above
env = envs[0]
for c in range(len(cam_positions)):
cam_handles.append(gym.create_camera_sensor(env, cam_props))
gym.set_camera_location(cam_handles[c], env, cam_positions[c], cam_targets[c])
if not args.headless:
gym.viewer_camera_look_at(viewer, envs[0], gymapi.Vec3(3, 2, 3), gymapi.Vec3(0, 0, 0))
frame_count = 0
while True:
# step the physics
gym.fetch_results(sim, True)
# update graphics
# Update viewer and check for exit conditions
if not args.headless:
if gym.query_viewer_has_closed(viewer):
gym.draw_viewer(viewer, sim, False)
# deprojection is expensive, so do it only once on the 2nd frame
if frame_count == 1:
# Array of RGB Colors, one per camera, for dots in the resulting
# point cloud. Points will have a color which indicates which camera's
# depth image created the point.
color_map = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1]])
# Render all of the image sensors only when we need their output here
# rather than every frame.
points = []
color = []
print("Converting Depth images to point clouds. Have patience...")
for c in range(len(cam_handles)):
print("Deprojecting from camera %d" % c)
# Retrieve depth and segmentation buffer
depth_buffer = gym.get_camera_image(sim, env, cam_handles[c], gymapi.IMAGE_DEPTH)
seg_buffer = gym.get_camera_image(sim, env, cam_handles[c], gymapi.IMAGE_SEGMENTATION)
# Get the camera view matrix and invert it to transform points from camera to world
# space
vinv = np.linalg.inv(np.matrix(gym.get_camera_view_matrix(sim, env, cam_handles[c])))
# Get the camera projection matrix and get the necessary scaling
# coefficients for deprojection
proj = gym.get_camera_proj_matrix(sim, env, cam_handles[c])
fu = 2/proj[0, 0]
fv = 2/proj[1, 1]
# Ignore any points which originate from ground plane or empty space
depth_buffer[seg_buffer == 0] = -10001
centerU = cam_width/2
centerV = cam_height/2
for i in range(cam_width):
for j in range(cam_height):
if depth_buffer[j, i] < -10000:
if seg_buffer[j, i] > 0:
u = -(i-centerU)/(cam_width) # image-space coordinate
v = (j-centerV)/(cam_height) # image-space coordinate
d = depth_buffer[j, i] # depth buffer value
X2 = [d*fu*u, d*fv*v, d, 1] # deprojection vector
p2 = X2*vinv # Inverse camera view to get world coordinates
points.append([p2[0, 2], p2[0, 0], p2[0, 1]])
# use pptk to visualize the 3d point cloud created above
v = pptk.viewer(points, color)
# Sets a similar view to the gym viewer in the PPTK viewer
v.set(lookat=[0, 0, 0], r=5, theta=0.4, phi=0.707)
print("Point Cloud Complete")
# In headless mode, quit after the deprojection is complete
# The pptk viewer will remain valid until its window is closed
if args.headless:
frame_count = frame_count + 1
if not args.headless:
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HI,may i ask that,in line 210,why the coordinate order is p2[0, 2], p2[0, 0], p2[0, 1]?I think that p2[0, 0], p2[0, 1], p2[0, 2] represent the x,y,z coordinate in world space.Is there anything wrong?

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I don't recall I'm afraid. Possibly related to Z-up vs Y-up cameras?

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