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Created April 24, 2011 15:17
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Loop + Maping with a side effecty fn over a seq
(defn side-effecty-fn [arg]
(print (str "Hit the fn: " arg "\n" ))
(defn loopy [begin end]
(loop [current begin]
(if (> current end)
(print (str "Calling with " current "\n"))
(dorun (map side-effecty-fn (cons current ["aaa" "bbb"])))
(recur (inc current))))))
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Expected: (loopy 2 3)
Calling with 2
Hit the fn: 2
Hit the fn: aaa
Hit the fn: bbb
Calling with 3
Hit the fn: 3
Hit the fn: aaa
Hit the fn: bbb

Calling with 2
Calling with 3

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