I'm writing this up from memory, so errors may appear.
This has been updated to use SHA256 certificates.
- Go to http://www.startssl.com/
- Click on 'Control Panel'
- Click 'Express Lane'
- Fill in the form, submit
- Check your email for the validation code, enter it, submit
- You'll get a client-side certificate, valid for 1 year, installed in your browser's storage. Think of it as your StartSSL account password. Make a backup.
- Enter your domain name
- Choose which email address you'll want to validate (postmaster@, hostmaster@, or webmaster@)
- Check your email for the validation code, enter it, submit
- Skip the generation step on the startssl website because you'll do it on your server directly
- On your Linux machine, create a
for OpenSSL so you won't have to answer questions repeatedly:
[ req ]
default_bits = 2048
default_keyfile = privkey.pem
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
prompt = no
[ req_distinguished_name ]
countryName = LT
stateOrProvinceName = .
localityName = Vilnius
organizationName = Vardenis Pavardenis
organizationalUnitName = .
commonName = example.com
emailAddress = [email protected]
openssl req -config req.conf -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout subdomain.example.com.pem -sha256 -out subdomain.example.com.csr
chmod 600 subdomain.example.com.pem
-- this is your private key, keep it secret!- copy the text from subdomain.example.com.csr into the StartSSL web form, submit
- choose the validated domain from step 7 (example.com), choose the desired subdomain
- copy the text of the certificate into a file called subdomain.example.com.crt
- copy/move subdomain.example.com.crt into /etc/ssl/certs/ on your web server
- copy/move subdomain.example.com.pem into /etc/ssl/private/ on your web server
- download https://www.startssl.com/certs/class1/sha2/pem/sub.class1.server.sha2.ca.pem
- copy/move the downloaded sub.class1.server.sha2.ca.pem into /etc/ssl/certs/startssl-class1-intermediate-sha2.crt
- put this in your Apache config (e.g. inside a
<VirtualHost *:443>
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/subdomain.example.com.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/subdomain.example.com.pem
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/certs/startssl-class1-intermediate-sha2.crt
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo apache2ctl configtest && sudo apache2ctl graceful
openssl s_client -connect subdomain.example.com:443 -servername subdomain.example.com -CApath /etc/ssl/certs < /dev/null
- visit https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html and test it there too
- Be sure to edit
and make sure it containsNameVirtualHost *:443
- Go to startssl.com, click 'Control Panel', choose the 'Certificate Wizard' tab, ask for a new web server certificate.
- Generate a new CSR and a new certificate, install it as per the above (steps 10--25).
- this requires SNI, which means users stuck with Windows XP or Internet Explorer 6 will not be able to see the right certificates and may get scary security warnings
- to get a wildcard certificate or a single certificate valid for multiple subdomains you have to perform Class 2 identity verification (i.e. send StartSSL $59.90 and also scans of two different valid photo IDs, e.g. passport and driver's licence)
Same as above, except you also need to perform domain validation again.