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Created January 29, 2016 11:31
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# we can dramatically reduce the possible answers space
# using a simple heuristic instead of straightforward permutation generation
# here we have 360 variants instead of 40K using the bruteforce approach
LEN = 8
def generate_possible_positions(digit):
start = 0
while start + digit + 1 < LEN:
yield (start, start + digit + 1)
start += 1
def check_positions_interlapping(*limitations):
s = set()
for l in limitations:
s = s.union(set(l))
return len(s) == LEN
def build_number_string(fours_variant, threes_variant, twos_variant, ones_variant):
arr = [0]*8
arr[fours_variant[0]] = arr[fours_variant[1]] = 4
arr[threes_variant[0]] = arr[threes_variant[1]] = 3
arr[twos_variant[0]] = arr[twos_variant[1]] = 2
arr[ones_variant[0]] = arr[ones_variant[1]] = 1
return ''.join(map(str, arr))
def solve():
for fours_variant in generate_possible_positions(4):
for threes_variant in generate_possible_positions(3):
for twos_variant in generate_possible_positions(2):
for ones_variant in generate_possible_positions(1):
print(fours_variant, threes_variant, twos_variant, ones_variant,
check_positions_interlapping(fours_variant, threes_variant, twos_variant, ones_variant),
build_number_string(fours_variant, threes_variant, twos_variant, ones_variant))
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