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Created February 23, 2011 21:46
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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Synchronous (useful)
let fizzbuzz n =
match n with
| n when (n % 3 = 0) -> printfn "Fizz"
| n when (n % 5 = 0) -> printfn "Buzz"
| n -> printfn "%d" n
[1..100] |> Seq.iter (fun n -> fizzbuzz n)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Async (not useful)
let fizzbuzz n =
match n with
| n when (n % 3 = 0) -> printfn "Fizz"
| n when (n % 5 = 0) -> printfn "Buzz"
| n -> printfn "%d" n
|> (fun n -> async { fizzbuzz n } )
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
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