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Last active February 26, 2025 06:36
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Export TOTP tokens from Authy

Exporting your 2FA tokens from Authy to transfer them into another 2FA application

IMPORTANT - Update regarding deprecation of Authy desktop apps

Past August 2024, Authy stopped supported the desktop version of their apps:
See Authy is shutting down its desktop app | The 2FA app Authy will only be available on Android and iOS starting in August for details.

And indeed, after a while, Authy changed something in their backend which now prevents the old desktop app from logging in. If you are already logged in, then you are in luck, and you can follow the instructions below to export your tokens.

If you are not logged in anymore, but can find a backup of the necessary files, then restore those files, and re-install Authy 2.2.3 following the instructions below, and it should work as expected.

If you can't go back to a "logged in" state in the desktop app (because you either never used the desktop app, or you did but don't have a backup of the necessary files), then your only options now to export your tokens are 1) to use an Android phone, root it, and use that to access the Authy data, or 2) use an iOS device and mitmproxy to capture communications between the app and Authy's server, and decrypt that. Look in the comments below to find instructions on how to do that:

  • For iOS and the mitm approach, see here

The options below are for rooted Android phones:

The instructions below explain how to use the Authy desktop app to export your 2FA tokens. If that doesn't work, look for links in the section above, to find other options you can try.


This gist, based in part on a gist by Brian Hartvigsen, allows you to export from Authy your TOTP tokens you have stored there.
Those can be "standard" 6-digits / 30 secs tokens, or Authy's own version, the 7-digits / 10 secs tokens.

Since the Authy "desktop" app is a Chromium-based web-app, we'll use the Developer Tools provided by Chromium to execute Javascript code that will export the tokens in JSON or as QR codes. You can then import or manually add those in you preferred application.

Important: If you have any accounts that use the Authy TOTP SDK (eg. Gemini, Twitch, Sendgrid, Twilio, ...), you can NOT delete your Authy account, even after migrating your TOTP tokens to another software! If you do, you could be locking yourself out of all the accounts that require Authy specifically! Your only option here would be to go in those accounts, disable Authy 2FA, and enable another 2FA method. More details here.

Detailed How-To

  1. Install Authy desktop app, version 2.2.3 (the more recent versions won't work).

    Note: If you are prompted to update, do NOT do it; the latest version doesn't support --remote-debugging-port needed in point (2) below.

    (Click your OS below to get personalized instructions.)


    Download and install this file:
    MD5 hash: ab7e4ae5b88cb71f84394df6989950aa

    You can use the following command in Terminal, before launching Authy Desktop, to disable auto-updates:

    mkdir -p ~/Library/Caches/com.authy.authy-mac.ShipIt ; rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.authy.authy-mac.ShipIt/* ; chmod 500 ~/Library/Caches/com.authy.authy-mac.ShipIt

    You can use the winget (CLI) tool:

    winget install --no-upgrade --force -e --id Twilio.Authy -v 2.2.3

    Or download and install one of those:
    MD5 hash: efd176d89b280809b9f84fda9ba50840
    MD5 hash: d66d63abb482523ad27dfe676e249fff

    Authy will start after installation. Close it ASAP.

    To prevent auto-update, go to the %LOCALAPPDATA%\authy folder, and delete Update.exe. Delete the app-2.5.0 folder, if it exists. (The version number will probably be a higher number.) In the app-2.2.3 subfolder, delete Update.exe.
    Of note: If you later want to uninstall Authy, you'll need to restore those files, as Update.exe is the executable used by the uninstallation process.

    Or, after the app updated, you can change your shortcut to execute "%LOCALAPPDATA%\authy\app-2.2.3\Authy Desktop.exe" --remote-debugging-port=5858 and change the Start in to %LOCALAPPDATA%\authy\app-2.2.3
    Even after an update is installed, 2.2.3 is still installed.

    Linux (using snap) (recommended)
    cd /tmp
    # curl -Lo authy.snap
    curl -Lo authy.snap # Copy of above file that is now gone
    if ! echo a488d3f3c06672a78f53da144f4325d8 authy.snap | md5sum -c --status ; then
        echo "Error: invalid MD5 hash"
        unsquashfs -q -f -d authy-2.2.3 authy.snap
        cd authy-2.2.3/
    Linux (using flatpak) (alternative method if snap above doesn't work) (NOT WORKING ANYMORE)

    It seems flathub is using the repo behind the scene, so trying to install using the below commands will fail, now that the Authy app was removed from Try to install directly the snap (using the above method), instead of using flatpak.

    flatpak install flathub com.authy.Authy
    # Update to the 2.2.3 commit (found this commit using: flatpak remote-info --log flathub com.authy.Authy)
    sudo flatpak update --commit=83c0df0dd48bbb6ad851f5cc62d6e0836e56e499c7a79041241809f8296e65cc com.authy.Authy
    # Optionally, if you want to export a JSON file, give access to Authy to your Home folders:
    sudo flatpak override --filesystem=home com.authy.Authy
  2. Start Authy desktop app, but add the --remote-debugging-port=5858 parameter to the command-line:


    From open -a "Authy Desktop" --args --remote-debugging-port=5858


    Right-click the Authy desktop shortcut, and in the Target field write --remote-debugging-port=5858 at the end. Then click OK. Double-click the Authy desktop shortcut.


    From a terminal: ./authy --remote-debugging-port=5858 (if you used snap)
    or flatpak run com.authy.Authy --remote-debugging-port=5858 (if you used flatpak)

  3. In Authy, Log in so you can see the codes being generated for you.

  4. If you have some codes that show a padlock next to them, you will need to enter your Backup Password before continuing below, or those codes won't be exported correctly (decryptedSeed will be empty).

  5. Open the following URL in Google Chrome (or any Chromium-based browser): http://localhost:5858

  6. Click the Twilio Authy link in that webpage.

  7. In Chrome Developer Tools top navigation bar, go in the Sources tab (if you don't see it, click >> to expand the full list), then select the Snippets sub-tab (tabs on the second line; again, click >> to expand the full list), and finally choose + New snippet.

    Careful here: do NOT open the Chrome Developer Tools like you normally do. When you go to http://localhost:5858, and click the Twilio Authy link in that webpage, it will show you Developer Tools for the Authy app. This is where you need to work. Here's a video that shows you exactly where you need to be, when you paste code:

  8. If you'd like to ensure the code below doesn't send anything to a remote server, you can disconnect from the internet now.

  9. In the snippet editor window that appears on the right, paste one of the following code options:


    This is the simplest form there is, and it will simply show you an object for each code you have in Authy. You can use that if you're scared to run complicated code you don't understand (i.e. the other options below).

    appManager.getModel().forEach(i => console.log(i))

    This is still quite simple, but makes it easier to copy-paste everything out of the console in one operation.

    appManager.getModel().forEach(i => {
       console.log("    createdDate: " + i.createdDate);
       console.log("    accountType: " + i.accountType);
       console.log("    name: " +;
       console.log("    originalName: " + i.originalName);
       console.log("    decryptedSeed: " + i.decryptedSeed);
    QR codes

    This version will output QR codes that you can scan using another app, from your mobile device.
    If you uncomment the last line, you will also get a .json file that contains your tokens (name, secret & URL).

    All your Authy tokens will be displayed in the Console at the bottom; either copy-paste the TOTP URI, or scan the QR codes.

    // QRious v4.0.2 | (C) 2017 Alasdair Mercer | GPL v3 License Based on jsqrencode | (C) 2010 [email protected] | GPL v3 License
    !function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=e():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(e):t.QRious=e()}(this,function(){"use strict";function t(t,e){var n;return"function"==typeof Object.create?n=Object.create(t):(s.prototype=t,n=new s,s.prototype=null),e&&i(!0,n,e),n}function e(e,n,s,r){var o=this;return"string"!=typeof e&&(r=s,s=n,n=e,e=null),"function"!=typeof n&&(r=s,s=n,n=function(){return o.apply(this,arguments)}),i(!1,n,o,r),n.prototype=t(o.prototype,s),n.prototype.constructor=n,n.class_=e||o.class_,n.super_=o,n}function i(t,e,i){for(var n,s,a=0,h=(,2)).length;a<h;a++){s=i[a];for(n in s)t&&!,n)||(e[n]=s[n])}}function n(){}var s=function(){},r=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,o=Array.prototype.slice,a=e;n.class_="Nevis",n.super_=Object,n.extend=a;var h=n,f=h.extend(function(t,e,i){this.qrious=t,this.element=e,this.element.qrious=t,this.enabled=Boolean(i)},{draw:function(t){},getElement:function(){return 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e,i,n,s,r,o=t.value.length;for(this._badness=[],this._level=l.LEVELS[t.level],this._polynomial=[],this._value=t.value,this._version=0,this._stringBuffer=[];this._version<40&&(this._version++,n=4*(this._level-1)+16*(this._version-1),s=l.BLOCKS[n++],r=l.BLOCKS[n++],e=l.BLOCKS[n++],i=l.BLOCKS[n],n=e*(s+r)+r-3+(this._version<=9),!(o<=n)););this._dataBlock=e,this._eccBlock=i,this._neccBlock1=s,this._neccBlock2=r;var a=this.width=17+4*this._version;this.buffer=v._createArray(a*a),this._ecc=v._createArray(e+(e+i)*(s+r)+r),this._mask=v._createArray((a*(a+1)+1)/2),this._insertFinders(),this._insertAlignments(),this.buffer[8+a*(a-8)]=1,this._insertTimingGap(),this._reverseMask(),this._insertTimingRowAndColumn(),this._insertVersion(),this._syncMask(),this._convertBitStream(o),this._calculatePolynomial(),this._appendEccToData(),this._interleaveBlocks(),this._pack(),this._finish()},{_addAlignment:function(t,e){var i,n=this.buffer,s=this.width;for(n[t+s*e]=1,i=-2;i<2;i++)n[t+i+s*(e-2)]=1,n[t-2+s*(e+i+1)]=1,n[t+2+s*(e+i)]=1,n[t+i+1+s*(e+2)]=1;for(i=0;i<2;i++)this._setMask(t-1,e+i),this._setMask(t+1,e-i),this._setMask(t-i,e-1),this._setMask(t+i,e+1)},_appendData:function(t,e,i,n){var s,r,o,a=this._polynomial,h=this._stringBuffer;for(r=0;r<n;r++)h[i+r]=0;for(r=0;r<e;r++){if(255!==(s=_.LOG[h[t+r]^h[i]]))for(o=1;o<n;o++)h[i+o-1]=h[i+o]^_.EXPONENT[v._modN(s+a[n-o])];else for(o=i;o<i+n;o++)h[o]=h[o+1];h[i+n-1]=255===s?0:_.EXPONENT[v._modN(s+a[0])]}},_appendEccToData:function(){var t,e=0,i=this._dataBlock,n=this._calculateMaxLength(),s=this._eccBlock;for(t=0;t<this._neccBlock1;t++)this._appendData(e,i,n,s),e+=i,n+=s;for(t=0;t<this._neccBlock2;t++)this._appendData(e,i+1,n,s),e+=i+1,n+=s},_applyMask:function(t){var e,i,n,s,r=this.buffer,o=this.width;switch(t){case 0:for(s=0;s<o;s++)for(n=0;n<o;n++)n+s&1||this._isMasked(n,s)||(r[n+s*o]^=1);break;case 1:for(s=0;s<o;s++)for(n=0;n<o;n++)1&s||this._isMasked(n,s)||(r[n+s*o]^=1);break;case 2:for(s=0;s<o;s++)for(e=0,n=0;n<o;n++,e++)3===e&&(e=0),e||this._isMasked(n,s)||(r[n+s*o]^=1);break;case 3:for(i=0,s=0;s<o;s++,i++)for(3===i&&(i=0),e=i,n=0;n<o;n++,e++)3===e&&(e=0),e||this._isMasked(n,s)||(r[n+s*o]^=1);break;case 4:for(s=0;s<o;s++)for(e=0,i=s>>1&1,n=0;n<o;n++,e++)3===e&&(e=0,i=!i),i||this._isMasked(n,s)||(r[n+s*o]^=1);break;case 5:for(i=0,s=0;s<o;s++,i++)for(3===i&&(i=0),e=0,n=0;n<o;n++,e++)3===e&&(e=0),(n&s&1)+!(!e|!i)||this._isMasked(n,s)||(r[n+s*o]^=1);break;case 6:for(i=0,s=0;s<o;s++,i++)for(3===i&&(i=0),e=0,n=0;n<o;n++,e++)3===e&&(e=0),(n&s&1)+(e&&e===i)&1||this._isMasked(n,s)||(r[n+s*o]^=1);break;case 7:for(i=0,s=0;s<o;s++,i++)for(3===i&&(i=0),e=0,n=0;n<o;n++,e++)3===e&&(e=0),(e&&e===i)+(n+s&1)&1||this._isMasked(n,s)||(r[n+s*o]^=1)}},_calculateMaxLength:function(){return this._dataBlock*(this._neccBlock1+this._neccBlock2)+this._neccBlock2},_calculatePolynomial:function(){var t,e,i=this._eccBlock,n=this._polynomial;for(n[0]=1,t=0;t<i;t++){for(n[t+1]=1,e=t;e>0;e--)n[e]=n[e]?n[e-1]^_.EXPONENT[v._modN(_.LOG[n[e]]+t)]:n[e-1];n[0]=_.EXPONENT[v._modN(_.LOG[n[0]]+t)]}for(t=0;t<=i;t++)n[t]=_.LOG[n[t]]},_checkBadness:function(){var t,e,i,n,s,r=0,o=this._badness,a=this.buffer,h=this.width;for(s=0;s<h-1;s++)for(n=0;n<h-1;n++)(a[n+h*s]&&a[n+1+h*s]&&a[n+h*(s+1)]&&a[n+1+h*(s+1)]||!(a[n+h*s]||a[n+1+h*s]||a[n+h*(s+1)]||a[n+1+h*(s+1)]))&&(r+=v.N2);var f=0;for(s=0;s<h;s++){for(i=0,o[0]=0,t=0,n=0;n<h;n++)t===(e=a[n+h*s])?o[i]++:o[++i]=1,f+=(t=e)?1:-1;r+=this._getBadness(i)}f<0&&(f=-f);var c=0,u=f;for(u+=u<<2,u<<=1;u>h*h;)u-=h*h,c++;for(r+=c*v.N4,n=0;n<h;n++){for(i=0,o[0]=0,t=0,s=0;s<h;s++)t===(e=a[n+h*s])?o[i]++:o[++i]=1,t=e;r+=this._getBadness(i)}return r},_convertBitStream:function(t){var e,i,n=this._ecc,s=this._version;for(i=0;i<t;i++)n[i]=this._value.charCodeAt(i);var r=this._stringBuffer=n.slice(),o=this._calculateMaxLength();t>=o-2&&(t=o-2,s>9&&t--);var a=t;if(s>9){for(r[a+2]=0,r[a+3]=0;a--;)e=r[a],r[a+3]|=255&e<<4,r[a+2]=e>>4;r[2]|=255&t<<4,r[1]=t>>4,r[0]=64|t>>12}else{for(r[a+1]=0,r[a+2]=0;a--;)e=r[a],r[a+2]|=255&e<<4,r[a+1]=e>>4;r[1]|=255&t<<4,r[0]=64|t>>4}for(a=t+3-(s<10);a<o;)r[a++]=236,r[a++]=17},_getBadness:function(t){var e,i=0,n=this._badness;for(e=0;e<=t;e++)n[e]>=5&&(i+=v.N1+n[e]-5);for(e=3;e<t-1;e+=2)n[e-2]===n[e+2]&&n[e+2]===n[e-1]&&n[e-1]===n[e+1]&&3*n[e-1]===n[e]&&(0===n[e-3]||e+3>t||3*n[e-3]>=4*n[e]||3*n[e+3]>=4*n[e])&&(i+=v.N3);return i},_finish:function(){this._stringBuffer=this.buffer.slice();var t,e,i=0,n=3e4;for(e=0;e<8&&(this._applyMask(e),(t=this._checkBadness())<n&&(n=t,i=e),7!==i);e++)this.buffer=this._stringBuffer.slice();i!==e&&this._applyMask(i),n=l.FINAL_FORMAT[i+(this._level-1<<3)];var s=this.buffer,r=this.width;for(e=0;e<8;e++,n>>=1)1&n&&(s[r-1-e+8*r]=1,e<6?s[8+r*e]=1:s[8+r*(e+1)]=1);for(e=0;e<7;e++,n>>=1)1&n&&(s[8+r*(r-7+e)]=1,e?s[6-e+8*r]=1:s[7+8*r]=1)},_interleaveBlocks:function(){var t,e,i=this._dataBlock,n=this._ecc,s=this._eccBlock,r=0,o=this._calculateMaxLength(),a=this._neccBlock1,h=this._neccBlock2,f=this._stringBuffer;for(t=0;t<i;t++){for(e=0;e<a;e++)n[r++]=f[t+e*i];for(e=0;e<h;e++)n[r++]=f[a*i+t+e*(i+1)]}for(e=0;e<h;e++)n[r++]=f[a*i+t+e*(i+1)];for(t=0;t<s;t++)for(e=0;e<a+h;e++)n[r++]=f[o+t+e*s];this._stringBuffer=n},_insertAlignments:function(){var t,e,i,n=this._version,s=this.width;if(n>1)for(t=u.BLOCK[n],i=s-7;;){for(e=s-7;e>t-3&&(this._addAlignment(e,i),!(e<t));)e-=t;if(i<=t+9)break;i-=t,this._addAlignment(6,i),this._addAlignment(i,6)}},_insertFinders:function(){var t,e,i,n,s=this.buffer,r=this.width;for(t=0;t<3;t++){for(e=0,n=0,1===t&&(e=r-7),2===t&&(n=r-7),s[n+3+r*(e+3)]=1,i=0;i<6;i++)s[n+i+r*e]=1,s[n+r*(e+i+1)]=1,s[n+6+r*(e+i)]=1,s[n+i+1+r*(e+6)]=1;for(i=1;i<5;i++)this._setMask(n+i,e+1),this._setMask(n+1,e+i+1),this._setMask(n+5,e+i),this._setMask(n+i+1,e+5);for(i=2;i<4;i++)s[n+i+r*(e+2)]=1,s[n+2+r*(e+i+1)]=1,s[n+4+r*(e+i)]=1,s[n+i+1+r*(e+4)]=1}},_insertTimingGap:function(){var t,e,i=this.width;for(e=0;e<7;e++)this._setMask(7,e),this._setMask(i-8,e),this._setMask(7,e+i-7);for(t=0;t<8;t++)this._setMask(t,7),this._setMask(t+i-8,7),this._setMask(t,i-8)},_insertTimingRowAndColumn:function(){var t,e=this.buffer,i=this.width;for(t=0;t<i-14;t++)1&t?(this._setMask(8+t,6),this._setMask(6,8+t)):(e[8+t+6*i]=1,e[6+i*(8+t)]=1)},_insertVersion:function(){var t,e,i,n,s=this.buffer,r=this._version,o=this.width;if(r>6)for(t=d.BLOCK[r-7],e=17,i=0;i<6;i++)for(n=0;n<3;n++,e--)1&(e>11?r>>e-12:t>>e)?(s[5-i+o*(2-n+o-11)]=1,s[2-n+o-11+o*(5-i)]=1):(this._setMask(5-i,2-n+o-11),this._setMask(2-n+o-11,5-i))},_isMasked:function(t,e){var i=v._getMaskBit(t,e);return 1===this._mask[i]},_pack:function(){var t,e,i,n=1,s=1,r=this.width,o=r-1,a=r-1,h=(this._dataBlock+this._eccBlock)*(this._neccBlock1+this._neccBlock2)+this._neccBlock2;for(e=0;e<h;e++)for(t=this._stringBuffer[e],i=0;i<8;i++,t<<=1){128&t&&(this.buffer[o+r*a]=1);do{s?o--:(o++,n?0!==a?a--:(n=!n,6===(o-=2)&&(o--,a=9)):a!==r-1?a++:(n=!n,6===(o-=2)&&(o--,a-=8))),s=!s}while(this._isMasked(o,a))}},_reverseMask:function(){var t,e,i=this.width;for(t=0;t<9;t++)this._setMask(t,8);for(t=0;t<8;t++)this._setMask(t+i-8,8),this._setMask(8,t);for(e=0;e<7;e++)this._setMask(8,e+i-7)},_setMask:function(t,e){var i=v._getMaskBit(t,e);this._mask[i]=1},_syncMask:function(){var t,e,i=this.width;for(e=0;e<i;e++)for(t=0;t<=e;t++)this.buffer[t+i*e]&&this._setMask(t,e)}},{_createArray:function(t){var e,i=[];for(e=0;e<t;e++)i[e]=0;return i},_getMaskBit:function(t,e){var i;return t>e&&(i=t,t=e,e=i),i=e,i+=e*e,i>>=1,i+=t},_modN:function(t){for(;t>=255;)t=((t-=255)>>8)+(255&t);return t},N1:3,N2:3,N3:40,N4:10}),p=v,m=f.extend({draw:function(){this.element.src=this.qrious.toDataURL()},reset:function(){this.element.src=""},resize:function(){var t=this.element;t.width=t.height=this.qrious.size}}),g=h.extend(function(t,e,i,n){,this.modifiable=Boolean(e),this.defaultValue=i,this._valueTransformer=n},{transform:function(t){var e=this._valueTransformer;return"function"==typeof e?e(t,this):t}}),k=h.extend(null,{abs:function(t){return null!=t?Math.abs(t):null},hasOwn:function(t,e){return,e)},noop:function(){},toUpperCase:function(t){return null!=t?t.toUpperCase():null}}),w=h.extend(function(t){this.options={},t.forEach(function(t){this.options[]=t},this)},{exists:function(t){return null!=this.options[t]},get:function(t,e){return w._get(this.options[t],e)},getAll:function(t){var e,i=this.options,n={};for(e in i)k.hasOwn(i,e)&&(n[e]=w._get(i[e],t));return n},init:function(t,e,i){"function"!=typeof i&&(i=k.noop);var n,s;for(n in this.options)k.hasOwn(this.options,n)&&(s=this.options[n],w._set(s,s.defaultValue,e),w._createAccessor(s,e,i));this._setAll(t,e,!0)},set:function(t,e,i){return this._set(t,e,i)},setAll:function(t,e){return this._setAll(t,e)},_set:function(t,e,i,n){var s=this.options[t];if(!s)throw new Error("Invalid option: "+t);if(!s.modifiable&&!n)throw new Error("Option cannot be modified: "+t);return w._set(s,e,i)},_setAll:function(t,e,i){if(!t)return!1;var n,s=!1;for(n in t)k.hasOwn(t,n)&&this._set(n,t[n],e,i)&&(s=!0);return s}},{_createAccessor:function(t,e,i){var n={get:function(){return w._get(t,e)}};t.modifiable&&(n.set=function(n){w._set(t,n,e)&&i(n,t)}),Object.defineProperty(e,,n)},_get:function(t,e){return e["_"]},_set:function(t,e,i){var n="_",s=i[n],r=t.transform(null!=e?e:t.defaultValue);return i[n]=r,r!==s}}),M=w,b=h.extend(function(){this._services={}},{getService:function(t){var e=this._services[t];if(!e)throw new Error("Service is not being managed with name: "+t);return e},setService:function(t,e){if(this._services[t])throw new Error("Service is already managed with name: "+t);e&&(this._services[t]=e)}}),B=new M([new g("background",!0,"white"),new g("backgroundAlpha",!0,1,k.abs),new g("element"),new g("foreground",!0,"black"),new g("foregroundAlpha",!0,1,k.abs),new g("level",!0,"L",k.toUpperCase),new g("mime",!0,"image/png"),new g("padding",!0,null,k.abs),new g("size",!0,100,k.abs),new g("value",!0,"")]),y=new b,O=h.extend(function(t){B.init(t,this,this.update.bind(this));var e=B.get("element",this),i=y.getService("element"),n=e&&i.isCanvas(e)?e:i.createCanvas(),s=e&&i.isImage(e)?e:i.createImage();this._canvasRenderer=new c(this,n,!0),this._imageRenderer=new m(this,s,s===e),this.update()},{get:function(){return B.getAll(this)},set:function(t){B.setAll(t,this)&&this.update()},toDataURL:function(t){return this.canvas.toDataURL(t||this.mime)},update:function(){var t=new p({level:this.level,value:this.value});this._canvasRenderer.render(t),this._imageRenderer.render(t)}},{use:function(t){y.setService(t.getName(),t)}});Object.defineProperties(O.prototype,{canvas:{get:function(){return this._canvasRenderer.getElement()}},image:{get:function(){return this._imageRenderer.getElement()}}});var A=O,L=h.extend({getName:function(){}}).extend({createCanvas:function(){},createImage:function(){},getName:function(){return"element"},isCanvas:function(t){},isImage:function(t){}}).extend({createCanvas:function(){return document.createElement("canvas")},createImage:function(){return document.createElement("img")},isCanvas:function(t){return t instanceof HTMLCanvasElement},isImage:function(t){return t instanceof HTMLImageElement}});return A.use(new L),A});
    // Based on
    function hex_to_b32(hex) { let alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567"; let bytes = []; for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2) { bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16)); } let bits = 0; let value = 0; let output = ''; for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { value = (value << 8) | bytes[i]; bits += 8; while (bits >= 5) { output += alphabet[(value >>> (bits - 5)) & 31]; bits -= 5; } } if (bits > 0) { output += alphabet[(value << (5 - bits)) & 31]; } return output; }
    // Based on
    function console_image(url, size) { console.log("%c+", "font-size: 1px; padding: " + Math.floor(size / 2) + "px " + Math.floor(size / 2) + "px; line-height: " + size + "px; background: url(" + url + "); color: transparent;"); }
    (function(console) { = function(data, filename) { if (!data) { console.error(' No data'); return; } if (typeof data === "object") { data = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 4) } var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/json'}), e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'), a = document.createElement('a'); = filename; a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); a.dataset.downloadurl =  ['text/json',, a.href].join(':'); e.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); a.dispatchEvent(e); } })(console);
    console.warn("Here's your Authy tokens:");
    var data = appManager.getModel().map(function(i) {
        var secretSeed = i.secretSeed;
        if (typeof secretSeed == 'undefined') {
            secretSeed = i.encryptedSeed;
        var secret = (i.markedForDeletion === false ? i.decryptedSeed : hex_to_b32(secretSeed));
        var period = (i.digits === 7 ? 10 : 30);
        var totp_uri = `otpauth://totp/${encodeURIComponent(}?secret=${secret}&digits=${i.digits}&period=${period}`;
        var qr_size = 250;
        var qr_url = (new QRious({value: totp_uri, size: qr_size})).toDataURL();`${i.originalName} / ${}`);
            console.log('TOTP secret:', secret);
            console.log('TOTP URI:', totp_uri);
            console_image(qr_url, qr_size);
        return {name:, secret: secret, uri: totp_uri};
    //, 'authy_backup.json');
    Export to Bitwarden JSON - Simpler version

    From @oetiker (ref):

    [...] you will get a dump in json format which you can directly copy/paste into the bitwarden import tool. Since Authy does not contain complete login information, I would suggest to create a new folder for the import, so that you can then merge the TOTP tokens into the actual login entries.

    let x = []; 
    appManager.getModel().forEach(i => {
      if (i.decryptedSeed) {
          type: 1, 
          name: i.originalName ?? ?? `[No Name] - Imported from Authy (${x.length})`,
          login: {username:, totp: i.decryptedSeed}
      console.log(JSON.stringify({ encrypted: false, items: x})
    Export to Bitwarden JSON - Advanced

    This code can be used to save your tokens as a JSON file, for example to import into Bitwarden.
    It will create an Imported from Authy folder, and import your TOTP codes in there.

    // Based on
    function hex_to_b32(hex) { let alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567"; let bytes = []; for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2) { bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16)); } let bits = 0; let value = 0; let output = ''; for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { value = (value << 8) | bytes[i]; bits += 8; while (bits >= 5) { output += alphabet[(value >>> (bits - 5)) & 31]; bits -= 5; } } if (bits > 0) { output += alphabet[(value << (5 - bits)) & 31]; } return output; }
    // from
    function uuidv4() { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }); }
    // from
    function saveToFile(data, filename) { if (!data) { console.error(' No data'); return; } if (typeof data === "object") { data = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 4) } const blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/json' }); const e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); const a = document.createElement('a'); = filename; a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); a.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/json',, a.href].join(':'); e.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); a.dispatchEvent(e); }
    function deEncrypt({ log = false, save = false }) {
        const folder = {
            id: uuidv4(),
            name: 'Imported from Authy'
        const bw = {
            "encrypted": false,
            "folders": [
            "items": appManager.getModel().map((i) => {
                let secretSeed = i.secretSeed;
                if (typeof secretSeed == "undefined") {
                    secretSeed = i.encryptedSeed;
                const secret = (i.markedForDeletion === false ? i.decryptedSeed : hex_to_b32(secretSeed));
                const period = (i.digits === 7 ? 10 : 30);
                const [issuer, rawName] = (":"))
                    : ["",];
                const name = [issuer, rawName].filter(Boolean).join(": ");
                const totp = `otpauth://totp/${name}?secret=${secret}&digits=${i.digits}&period=${period}${issuer ? '&issuer=' + issuer : ''}`;
                return ({
                    id: uuidv4(),
                    organizationId: null,
                    type: 1,
                    reprompt: 0,
                    notes: null,
                    favorite: false,
                    login: {
                        username: null,
                        password: null,
                    collectionIds: null
        if (log) console.log(JSON.stringify(bw));
        if (save) saveToFile(bw, 'authy-to-bitwarden-export.json');
        log: true,
        save: true,
    Export to JSON format (2FSA / Raivo)

    @brenc says (ref):

    I have modified the snippet to produce a Raivo OTP format export file that can be directly imported into 2FAS Auth (and of course Raivo and others I'm sure):

    // Based on
    function hex_to_b32(hex) {
      let alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567";
      let bytes = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2) {
        bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16));
      let bits = 0;
      let value = 0;
      let output = "";
      for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
        value = (value << 8) | bytes[i];
        bits += 8;
        while (bits >= 5) {
          output += alphabet[(value >>> (bits - 5)) & 31];
          bits -= 5;
      if (bits > 0) {
        output += alphabet[(value << (5 - bits)) & 31];
      return output;
    // from
    function saveToFile(data, filename) {
      if (!data) {
        console.error(" No data");
      if (typeof data === "object") {
        data = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 4);
      const blob = new Blob([data], {
        type: "text/json",
      const e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
      const a = document.createElement("a"); = filename;
      a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
      a.dataset.downloadurl = ["text/json",, a.href].join(":");
    const items = appManager.getModel().map((i) => {
        let secretSeed = i.secretSeed;
        if (typeof secretSeed == "undefined") {
            secretSeed = i.encryptedSeed;
        const period = i.digits === 7 ? 10 : 30;
        const secret =
            i.markedForDeletion === false ? i.decryptedSeed : hex_to_b32(secretSeed);
        const [issuer, rawName] =":")
            : ["",];
        const name = [issuer, rawName].filter(Boolean).join(": ");
        return {
            account: name,
            algorithm: "SHA1",
            counter: "0",
            digits: `${i.digits}`,
            iconType: "",
            iconValue: "",
            issuer: name,
            kind: "TOTP",
            pinned: "false",
            timer: `${period}`,
    saveToFile(items, "Authy-To-Raivo-OTP-Export.json");
    Export to unencrypted JSON format (Aegis)

    @dvshkn says (ref):

    Based on the snippet by @brenc, here is a version that exports to unencrypted Aegis JSON format.
    To keep things short this version only dumps the JSON to the console instead of triggering a file download.
    In Aegis (on your mobile device) use Settings > Import & Export > Import from file and select Aegis file format to import the JSON file.

    // Based on
    function hex_to_b32(hex) {
      let alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567";
      let bytes = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2) {
        bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16));
      let bits = 0;
      let value = 0;
      let output = "";
      for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
        value = (value << 8) | bytes[i];
        bits += 8;
        while (bits >= 5) {
          output += alphabet[(value >>> (bits - 5)) & 31];
          bits -= 5;
      if (bits > 0) {
        output += alphabet[(value << (5 - bits)) & 31];
      return output;
    const items = appManager.getModel().map((i) => {
      let secretSeed = i.secretSeed;
      if (typeof secretSeed == "undefined") {
        secretSeed = i.encryptedSeed;
      // @brenc: All of my Authy accounts have a 20 second period. Not sure why
      //         this was 10.
      const period = i.digits === 7 ? 20 : 30;
      const secret =
        i.markedForDeletion === false ? i.decryptedSeed : hex_to_b32(secretSeed);
      const [issuer, rawName] =":")
        : ["",];
      const name = [issuer, rawName].filter(Boolean).join(": ");
      return {
        type: "totp",
        // NOTE: Aegis generates a fresh UUID if we skip this property
        // uuid: null,
        issuer: name,
        icon: null,
        info: {
          algo: "SHA1",
          digits: i.digits,
          period: period
    // Example from
    const aegis_data = {
      version: 1,
      header: {
        slots: null,
        params: null
      db: {
        version: 1,
        entries: items
    // dumps entries to console in Aegis JSON format
    console.log(JSON.stringify(aegis_data, undefined, 4));

    Getting Uncaught ReferenceError: appManager is not defined error?
    Go watch this YouTube video that shows you where you need to be, when you paste code:

  10. Right-click the snippet name on the navigator pane on the left (eg. Script snippet #1) , and choose Run.


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I tried using Charles Proxy and MitmProxy but somehow i still receive the
Client TLS handshake failed. The client does not trust the proxy's certificate for (OpenSSL Error([('SSL routines', '', 'ssl/tls alert certificate unknown')])) using a Samsung tablet to keep access on my main phone just in case something goes wrong.

But no luck so far. Note: The tablet doesn't have cellular, so i tried switching wifi networks but no luck either. Once reconnected the SSL handshake fails again.

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using a Samsung tablet

This method doesn't work with Android devices due to differences in how they handle trusted root certificates. If your main phone is an iPhone, try it on that instead.

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Thanks @AlexTech01 I just used your method for iOS and it was quick and easy

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@AlexTech01 @wonderingwombat I was able to download and decode my tokens just now thanks to you (mitm proxy + iphone)

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maartenschalekamp commented Jan 31, 2025

I had issues with this on my iphone when trying to intercept the traffic. Authy will somehow detect the proxy and then respond with "The device does not meet the minimum integrity requirements".

So to get around this error, I done the following:

  • Removed the cert and proxy settings
  • Closed authy app
  • Opened authy app + entered my details
  • Click next/login (cant remember the button name, this is where the previous error shows)
  • this time it will continue with 2fa via sms or whatsapp or another device.
  • Now, you go back to wifi and configure the proxy, go ti mitm and install the cert, and trust the cert as described above.
  • Open the running Authy app, following through with the verification steps
  • Once verified, you will have the authenticator tokens available

They did ask me before to upgrade my backup password, which I did not do. So this method might be broken if you created a new backup password recently.

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Is there a simple(r) solution available on non rooted Android devices (GrapheneOS on Pixel 8Pro) for less technical/hacky users? I don't have access to a rooted stock android or iphone unfortunately.

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AlexTech01 commented Feb 2, 2025

Is there a simple(r) solution available on non rooted Android devices (GrapheneOS on Pixel 8Pro) for less technical/hacky users? I don't have access to a rooted stock android or iphone unfortunately.

Unfortunately not, you can root your Pixel 8 Pro and then use the method that requires a rooted Android (which I'm not familiar with) or you can borrow an iPhone/iPad to use my mitmproxy method. Someone reported they were able to get the authenticator_tokens.json from Authy support via GDPR request and then decrypt it using one of the scripts here, so you can also try that.

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kiler129 commented Feb 2, 2025

iOS method still works as of today

@maartenschalekamp description definitely works, if you follow it correctly: START without proxy (e.g. disable WiFi and operate on GSM), then put in phone number in a freshly installed app, and continue to get SMS code, THEN enable WiFi with proxy and just after that put in code from SMS so that app downloads all tokens. Authy will detect both developer mode and any proxy being set (which is trivial) and display integrity violation message, but only in the first step when putting in phone number.

Small tips

  1. Use mitmproxy as it's easier than burp
  2. mitmproxy comes with mitmweb tool - it opens a nice GUI in a web browser so it's easier to use for beginners
  3. In web GUI you can apply filter ~u api\.authy\.com/json/users/\d+/auth to only get the one request that has all tokens:
  4. After the request is selected in the window on the left, you can go to "Flow" tab and download the JSON file with "Download" button right away; "Export" option is something else


The code from works perfectly still. While the file contains unique_iv for every account, In 100+ of my accounts none had a value other than null, but this is something that may change in the future.


In case the delete app & set proxy mid-login ever gets patched, there's another one: you can go to settings and change backup password. This will trigger the app to update all accounts on the server. However, this updates every single account in a separate request, which is a bit more painful to grab and export, but if needed it can be used.


I didn't develop a complete method using that, since as of today it's a waste of time, but each POST request data contains essentially the same fields as JSON dictionary.

WTF Twilio...

Seriously Twilio: why are you tarnishing your reputation and the name for such a small and unimportant thing? Why is this the hill you decided to die on? This isn't even a product that earns money but loses them. Just let users export the data if even official docs link to 3rd-party apps, esp. that it's clear that exporting the data is trivial.

The whole situation was also made worse by confusion between "Twilio Desktop App" and "Twilio App" ran in iOS-compatibility mode on macOS. This is where @uzhbash screenshot comes from. Users of the second option had zero warning: opening the app one day simply locked it out with a link to AppStore page with an error message.

I am not a child and I am not going to yell about suddenly ripping out Twilio services from production, as they offer amazing services, but I will definitely think twice when implementing any of their products.

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NelsonDane commented Feb 3, 2025

Thank you so much @kiler129, this enabled me to export my accounts out. What a shit show Twilio

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NKjoep commented Feb 7, 2025

thank you all for the instructions and info. Especially @AnthonyMaiorani for the python script (see comment in this thread).

How I ended up: I've used the Charles app on my iPad to capture the data, then exported the json to my computer, used the script above and extracted what I needed. Finally imported 1:1 by hand into Open Authenticator.

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nixtoshi commented Feb 7, 2025

Thank you so much @AlexTech01! Your solution worked wonderfully on the iPhone unlike other solutions that require rooting because Authy has been rejecting to Log in on modded/emulated Android devices, and the Android team constantly patches these hacks. Your method with a proxy probably works great on Android too (it worked on iOS). I think the only requirement for now is that multiple devices and cloud backups are enabled on Authy for this to work.

I summarized the contributions in this thread:

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asm96 commented Feb 15, 2025

@AlexTech01 Thank you so much for saving me so much time! The only thing is, instead of using mitmproxy on Mac, I used WebProxyTool app directly on my iPhone since I don’t have home WiFi.

@uzhbash If the issue is still relevant, try completely blocking internet access for Authy. I used Lulu firewall, set up a block, and restarted my Mac, and then that banner disappeared.

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milezzz commented Feb 22, 2025

This thread saved me a ton of HELL. iOS MitM method still works and also f*ck trellio. Thank God for the work of all the Chads in this thread.

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dgobaud commented Feb 24, 2025

Authy is trash. I literally have 204 accounts trapped. I'm about to try the iOS mitm method and hope it works.

I started a petition to demand they implement export now. Trying to get more publicity and signatures. Not having export is unacceptable.

Separately, someone tells me they submitted a GDPR data request and supposedly Authy says they will give them a copy of their tokens. How this is possible when Authy claims they're client-side encrypted is unclear I just emailed a GDPR data request to [email protected] and am waiting to hear back.

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dgobaud commented Feb 24, 2025

@AlexTech01's iOS MITM method worked - thank you!

Then I used @cusco's vaultwarden conversion script - just had to fix the for loop line changing it to:

for account in authy_data["decrypted_authenticator_tokens"]:

The biggest problem was when the first authenticator_tokens.json file downloaded it only had about half my tokens... luckily I didn't delete the app on my iPhone, instead I was using my iPad since I was concerned about such a problem... the phone had stopped syncing tokens or the backup password had got messed up, etc. Anyway I then changed the backup password on the phone and that seems to have caused it to reupload every account and then I got a file with all the tokens. Super annoying and Authy is trash and can't be trusted.

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TheTimeWalker commented Feb 24, 2025

I can vouch for @AlexTech01 solution - thank you as well! This was a quick 10 minute work and the Python script still works without problems 👍

Small note: Don't forget to unplug the iOS device from the dock. Accidentally had it connected which made it go over Ethernet before I realized that the proxy was only set up on Wi-Fi, whoops! 😄

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Separately, someone tells me they submitted a GDPR data request and supposedly Authy says they will give them a copy of their tokens. How this is possible when Authy claims they're client-side encrypted is unclear I just emailed a GDPR data request to [email protected] and am waiting to hear back.

If this is true, I suppose Authy gave them an encrypted file. If they unilateraly gave them unencrypted seeds, that would require an explanation from Authy, because if they don't encrypt the seeds they store that would be a massive security risk and a breach to the promise they made to their users.

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Enissay commented Feb 25, 2025

Eventhough I am slowly migrating my 50+ codes away, I like the GDPR idea. So let's spam em!
@dgobaud Can you share an email template maybe to make it easy for people to send a request ?

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dgobaud commented Feb 25, 2025

If this is true, I suppose Authy gave them an encrypted file. If they unilateraly gave them unencrypted seeds, that would require an explanation from Authy, because if they don't encrypt the seeds they store that would be a massive security risk and a breach to the promise they made to their users.

It hasn't happened yet. I'm waiting to hear back from my friend also for Authy to reply to my request to see what they do.

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dgobaud commented Feb 25, 2025

Eventhough I am slowly migrating my 50+ codes away, I like the GDPR idea. So let's spam em! @dgobaud Can you share an email template maybe to make it easy for people to send a request ?

You should do the iOS MITM above! It works super fast. I just sent a simple email to start... waiting for a reply. I did have the AI actually draft a GDPR request but decided to start with simple. The AI generated email is below if you want to use it.

"Hi, I request a copy of all my Authy data.

You don't have export in the app and you shut the Desktop app. I need an export of my tokens so I can move to another app.

Not having export is unacceptable.

Thank you,

AI Generated

To: [email protected]

Dear Authy Data Protection Officer,

I am writing to exercise my right of access under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As a user of Authy's services, I request a copy of all personal data that Authy holds about me.

Specifically, I am requesting:

A copy of all my two-factor authentication tokens stored in Authy, including both standard 6-digit/30-second tokens and Authy's 7-digit/10-second tokens

All personal information associated with my Authy account, including my phone number, device information, and email address

The purposes for which this data is being processed

The categories of personal data concerned

The recipients or categories of recipients to whom my data has been or will be disclosed

The period for which my data will be stored, or the criteria used to determine that period

Information on the source of the data, if not collected directly from me

The existence of any automated decision-making, including profiling, and meaningful information about the logic involved

My login history and Authy account history, including IP addresses, applications I've logged into, and when

To verify my identity, I am prepared to provide additional information if required.

Please send the requested information to the email address from which I am sending this request. If you need any further information from me to process this request, please contact me promptly.

I look forward to receiving this information within one month, as stipulated by the GDPR.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Authy-associated email address]
[Your phone number associated with Authy]

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dgobaud commented Feb 25, 2025

I wrote an article summarizing the iOS MITM method + conversion to Vaultwarden format -

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melnary commented Feb 25, 2025

Hm.. I've tried this, luckily no attestation errors, but only a small handful of accounts are returned at the authentication_tokens endpoint, if the request goes through the proxy.
Could this be some kind of patch by the Authy team, or just their backup behaving badly?
I believe the second method @kiler129 described could still work though, I will report if I manage to fix it through that way.

I don't think I saw anyone in this thread above me having this weirdly specific problem, but if someone does get the same issue eventually, maybe we can document the solution for it, too!

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@melnary Try changing your backup password on a device with all the tokens on it. Changing your backup password triggers the Authy app to re-upload all your tokens, which should resolve any sync issues. After that, try dumping authenticator_tokens again.

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dgobaud commented Feb 25, 2025

Hm.. I've tried this, luckily no attestation errors, but only a small handful of accounts are returned at the authentication_tokens endpoint, if the request goes through the proxy. Could this be some kind of patch by the Authy team, or just their backup behaving badly? I believe the second method @kiler129 described could still work though, I will report if I manage to fix it through that way.

I don't think I saw anyone in this thread above me having this weirdly specific problem, but if someone does get the same issue eventually, maybe we can document the solution for it, too!

Yeah I had a similar problem I covered in my post. This is why I recommend doing the delete + reinstall on a secondary device in case there is a sync problem. Authy is unreliable... As @AlexTech01 mentioned, changing the backup password on my iPhone that was the primary device seemed to cause everything on it to resync, then all the tokens showed up on the next download on the second device.

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melnary commented Feb 26, 2025

@AlexTech01 @dgobaud Resetting the backup key on the primary phone ended up helping! Thanks :3

Oh also, my tokens seem to all have the unique_iv field populated and in use. Interesting that no one else encountered this one before (or maybe they did, the thread is really long!!), so maybe it's a new thing?
That does mean that some of the scripts no longer work, as they kind of assume a nil IV value, however I ended up modifying the script that @AnthonyMaiorani made to support this. Here is a slightly scrappy patch if anyone else ends up needing it:

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,13 +7,14 @@
 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

-def decrypt_token(kdf_rounds, encrypted_seed_b64, salt, passphrase):
+def decrypt_token(kdf_rounds, encrypted_seed_b64, unique_iv_b16, salt, passphrase):
     Decrypts an encrypted seed using PBKDF2HMAC and AES-CBC.

         kdf_rounds (int): Number of iterations for the key derivation function.
         encrypted_seed_b64 (str): Base64-encoded encrypted seed.
+        unique_iv_b16 (str): Base16-encoded initialization vector.
         salt (str): Salt used in key derivation.
         passphrase (str): Passphrase for decryption.

@@ -34,8 +35,13 @@
         key = kdf.derive(passphrase.encode())

-        # AES with CBC mode, zero IV
-        iv = bytes([0] * 16)  # Zero IV (16 bytes for AES block size)
+        # AES with CBC mode, 16-byte initialization vector
+        iv = bytes([0] * 16)
+        if unique_iv_b16:
+            iv = binascii.unhexlify(unique_iv_b16)
+        if len(iv) != 16:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid initialization vector length")
         cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=default_backend())
         decryptor = cipher.decryptor()

@@ -129,6 +135,7 @@
         decrypted_seed = decrypt_token(
             kdf_rounds=token.get('key_derivation_iterations', 100000),  # Default to 100000 if not specified
             encrypted_seed_b64=token.get('encrypted_seed', ''),
+            unique_iv_b16=token.get('unique_iv', ''),
             salt=token.get('salt', ''),

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dramast commented Feb 26, 2025

Edit: @melnary posted almost the same thing above a few minutes before me! Maybe try the version above first if you are encountering similar issues.

The script from @AlexTech01 did not work for me, as my tokens all supplied a non-null unique_iv.

I made the following changes to the script to get it working:


< def decrypt_token(kdf_rounds, encrypted_seed_b64, salt, passphrase):
> def decrypt_token(kdf_rounds, encrypted_seed_b64, salt, iv, passphrase):
<         iv = bytes([0] * 16)  # Zero IV (16 bytes for AES block size)
>         iv = binascii.unhexlify(iv)
<         # Extract the decrypted seed, base16 decode, and interpret as UTF-8 string
<         decrypted_seed_hex = decrypted_data[:padding_start].hex()
<         return binascii.unhexlify(decrypted_seed_hex).decode('utf-8')  # Decode base16 and interpret as UTF-8
>         return decrypted_data[:padding_start].decode('utf-8')
>             iv=token['unique_iv'],

(note: I also removed an unnecessary conversion to hexadecimal and back again)

The updated script, which worked for me is:

import json
import base64
import binascii  # For base16 decoding
from getpass import getpass  # For hidden password input
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

def decrypt_token(kdf_rounds, encrypted_seed_b64, salt, iv, passphrase):
        # Decode the base64-encoded encrypted seed
        encrypted_seed = base64.b64decode(encrypted_seed_b64)

        # Derive the encryption key using PBKDF2 with SHA-1
        kdf = PBKDF2HMAC(
            length=32,  # AES-256 requires a 32-byte key
        key = kdf.derive(passphrase.encode())

        # AES with CBC mode, zero IV
        iv = binascii.unhexlify(iv)
        cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=default_backend())
        decryptor = cipher.decryptor()

        # Decrypt the ciphertext
        decrypted_data = decryptor.update(encrypted_seed) + decryptor.finalize()

        # Remove PKCS7 padding
        padding_len = decrypted_data[-1]

        padding_start = len(decrypted_data) - padding_len

        # Validate padding
        if padding_len > 16 or padding_start < 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid padding length")
        if not all(pad == padding_len for pad in decrypted_data[padding_start:]):
            raise ValueError("Invalid padding bytes")

        return decrypted_data[:padding_start].decode('utf-8')
    except Exception as e:
        return f"Decryption failed: {str(e)}"

def process_authenticator_data(input_file, output_file, backup_password):
    with open(input_file, "r") as json_file:
        data = json.load(json_file)

    decrypted_tokens = []
    for token in data['authenticator_tokens']:
        decrypted_seed = decrypt_token(
        decrypted_token = {
            "account_type": token["account_type"],
            "name": token["name"],
            "issuer": token["issuer"],
            "decrypted_seed": decrypted_seed,  # Store as UTF-8 string
            "digits": token["digits"],
            "logo": token["logo"],
            "unique_id": token["unique_id"]

    output_data = {
        "message": "success",
        "decrypted_authenticator_tokens": decrypted_tokens,
        "success": True

    with open(output_file, "w") as output_json_file:
        json.dump(output_data, output_json_file, indent=4)

    print(f"Decryption completed. Decrypted data saved to '{output_file}'.")

# User configuration
input_file = "authenticator_tokens.json"  # Replace with your input file
output_file = "decrypted_tokens.json"  # Replace with your desired output file

# Prompt for the backup password at runtime (hidden input)
backup_password = getpass("Enter the backup password: ").strip()

# Process the file
process_authenticator_data(input_file, output_file, backup_password)

I should have put in handling for a missing or null unique_iv, but I will leave that for someone else...

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@dramast @melnary I'm guessing Authy started adding IVs for new tokens (and existing ones when changing the backup password). I will slightly modify @dramast's script to handle null IVs and will then update my original comment here.

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Anyone getting a "Decryption failed: Invalid padding length" error for all their decrypted tokens? I changed the backup password a few days ago and have been able to successfully decrypt the tokens using this password within the Authy app after intercepting the request, but not using any of the scripts provided above.

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Anyone getting a "Decryption failed: Invalid padding length" error for all their decrypted tokens? I changed the backup password a few days ago and have been able to successfully decrypt the tokens using this password within the Authy app after intercepting the request, but not using any of the scripts provided above.

Please try this script. It adds support for tokens encrypted with IVs (which Authy seems to have quietly implemented a day or two ago based on the comments here).

Also see my new guide:

A Decryption failed: Invalid padding length error normally means the backup password entered is incorrect, but I'm assuming that's not what's going on here.

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Anyone getting a "Decryption failed: Invalid padding length" error for all their decrypted tokens? I changed the backup password a few days ago and have been able to successfully decrypt the tokens using this password within the Authy app after intercepting the request, but not using any of the scripts provided above.

Please try this script. It adds support for tokens encrypted with IVs (which Authy seems to have quietly implemented a day or two ago based on the comments here).

Also see my new guide:

A Decryption failed: Invalid padding length error normally means the backup password entered is incorrect, but I'm assuming that's not what's going on here.

You are an absolute lifesaver! Thank you so much! It worked perfectly :)
I got so fed up that I started resetting tokens manually, but this will save me a lot of time...

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