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Created April 30, 2015 15:27
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case class GHUser(
login: String,
id: Long,
avatar_url: String,
gravatar_id: Option[String],
url: String,
html_url: String,
followers_url: String,
following_url: Option[String],
gists_url: Option[String],
starred_url: String,
subscriptions_url: String,
organizations_url: String,
repos_url: String,
events_url: Option[String],
received_events_url: String,
`type`: String,
site_admin: Boolean
case class GHPullRequestMini(project :String,
url: String,
title: String,
state: String,
user: GHUser,
body: String,
created_at: String,
updated_at: String,
closed_at: Option[String],
merged_at: Option[String],
assignee: Option[GHUser],
branch: String
implicit val GHUserJsonWrite = {
import // let's no leak implicits everywhere
Write.gen[GHUser, JsObject]
implicit val GHPullRequestMiniJsonWrite = {
import // let's no leak implicits everywhere
Write.gen[GHPullRequestMini, JsObject]
val pullRequests:Seq[GHPullRequestMini] = ...
val json = To[Seq[GHPullRequestMini], JsObject](pullRequests)
// => could not find implicit value for parameter w:[Seq[models.GHPullRequestMini],play.api.libs.json.JsObject]
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JsValue c'est bon pour un type simple par pour une case class j'ai l'impression.

val json = To[Seq[GHPullRequestMini], JsValue](pullRequests) // => could not find implicit value for parameter w:[Seq[models.GHPullRequestMini],play.api.libs.json.JsValue]

du coup il faut que je modifie mes Write comme cela
Write.gen[GHPullRequestMini, JsValue] => value ~ is not a member of[String,play.api.libs.json.JsValue] Note: implicit value GHPullRequestMiniJsonWrite is not applicable here because it comes after the application point and it lacks an explicit result type

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jto commented Apr 30, 2015

Mouai en fait pour generer le Write il faut un JsObject car tu as besoin du Monoid sur ce type. Par contre pour la Seq i tu faut une JsValue du coup il faut que tu type explicitement GHPullRequestMiniJsonWrite


case class Foo(s: String, i: Int)
val foos = Seq(Foo("foo", 1))
implicit val ws: Write[Foo, JsValue] = Write.gen[Foo, JsObject]
scala> To[Seq[Foo], JsValue](foos)
res7: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = [{"s":"foo","i":1}]

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